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AP Item Resurrection Requirement Changes

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Vindictus Rep: 6,750
in General Discussion
Hi everyone,

We have been getting some tickets about an unmarked change that happened in the Abyssal Arena Update. The change requires characters to be level 90 in order to resurrect lost equipment by spending AP. Even though this change is intentional, we understand there are plenty of questions. We will do our best to answer them.

We apologize for not expressly stating this during the update.


  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    So no mats back on second boom is also intentional?
  • Member AuntJEMIMAAA
    Vindictus Rep: 735
    Posts: 28
    The reason why you might be getting a lot of back lash from us (most in NA East) is because the inflation on NA servers is quite bad and just enhancing one weapon feels like losing a leg. The thing that made it worth it is us getting mats back to try again but now, newer players are gonna have a hard time getting high enhanced weapons while the people who already have high enhanced weapons just sit there and laugh.

    How do I know? I have a couple high enhanced weapons and that's probably what I'd do til the new raids and new caps come out. Anyways, I'm not too pleased with this ninja update but I gotta say, one good thing is that now you won't see a +15 lvl 95 weapon on the first day of the update and getting 15s is going to be much harder. Not happy with how it affects me personally, but I'm happy with how it affects us as a whole. Now people won't be banking on getting a 15 to compete with all the other people with 15s.

    But that's just my opinion. IDK what I'm doing here anyways.
    [Deleted User]
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Vindictus Rep: 6,750
    ikevi said:

    So no mats back on second boom is also intentional?
    This is working as intended

    The reason why you might be getting a lot of back lash from us (most in NA East) is because the inflation on NA servers is quite bad and just enhancing one weapon feels like losing a leg. The thing that made it worth it is us getting mats back to try again but now, newer players are gonna have a hard time getting high enhanced weapons while the people who already have high enhanced weapons just sit there and laugh.

    How do I know? I have a couple high enhanced weapons and that's probably what I'd do til the new raids and new caps come out. Anyways, I'm not too pleased with this ninja update but I gotta say, one good thing is that now you won't see a +15 lvl 95 weapon on the first day of the update and getting 15s is going to be much harder. Not happy with how it affects me personally, but I'm happy with how it affects us as a whole. Now people won't be banking on getting a 15 to compete with all the other people with 15s.

    But that's just my opinion. IDK what I'm doing here anyways.
    Good notes. Ill pass it on to the team
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Wait, so we just don't get mats after second boom anymore? "Working as intended doesn't explain anything."
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    Bowtacojr said:

    Wait, so we just don't get mats after second boom anymore? "Working as intended doesn't explain anything."
    Nope, the game also gives you a notice saying that you won't get mats back when you try to enhance it.
  • Member Criminy
    Vindictus Rep: 1,225
    Posts: 40
    edited December 13, 2016
    How does the 'team' not already know players hate item destruction and this change is a move in the wrong direction? Item destruction is the single biggest threat to player retention and it has been for a long long time. This change was either spurred on by greed or they really have no idea why the player population is on a constant decline. Tell HR that the team needs to stop throwing your notes away.

    If I were to speculate a sane reason for this, it could the rumor that r8 and r9 scrolls will be changed to not destroy 300,000,000g+ items (the 'losing a leg' analogy) that took weeks/months to make. What doesn't make sense (if we ignore $$$) is why the ap restoration change happened now instead of next year after this rumored change is implemented. A less forgiving restore system makes sense when you don't need to restore all the time because everything but the terrible rA scrolls can boom your items. Honestly, I hope the rumor is true and it can't happen soon enough.
  • Member Juicysteak117
    Vindictus Rep: 310
    Post: 1
    Criminy said:

    How does the 'team' not already know players hate item destruction and this change is a move in the wrong direction? Item destruction is the single biggest threat to player retention and it has been for a long long time. This change was either spurred on by greed or they really have no idea why the player population is on a constant decline. Tell HR that the team needs to stop throwing your notes away.

    If I were to speculate a sane reason for this, it could the rumor that r8 and r9 scrolls will be changed to not destroy 300,000,000g+ items (the 'losing a leg' analogy) that took weeks/months to make. What doesn't make sense (if we ignore $$$) is why the ap restoration change happened now instead of next year after this rumored change is implemented. A less forgiving restore system makes sense when you don't need to restore all the time because everything but the terrible rA scrolls can boom your items. Honestly, I hope the rumor is true and it can't happen soon enough.
    Adding onto this, what are the odds that the AP cost for item restoration goes down? It's crazy how much it costs to restore an item. I've thankfully only had to restore one item, a level 80 weapon, but that cost me around 8k AP, and I've only earned around 100k in total(at the time had about 80k total) on this character after an estimated 400 hours of gameplay. Had I not already had a decent amount of AP at the time, I would have quit outright. And yet, the cost only grows exponentially. If I were to boom my new level 90 weapon, it would cost me about 20k AP which is honestly just absurd. The idea that the thing I spent ages grinding and farming for could be wiped away in an instant due to some bad RNG is simply ludicrous. It makes me hesitant to spend any money at all, fearful that I'll click "Enhance" or "Enchant" at a wrong time and be entirely out of luck.
  • Member Rade
    Vindictus Rep: 1,020
    Posts: 39
    If returning materials after destroying resurrected gear is no longer a thing, then I think they really should remove the limit to items only being resurrectable once. There needs to be a path of progression for people to eventually get a piece of gear to +15; the current system gambles all your progress and every other unique benefit you've placed into the gear once you've used that first attempt. The biggest thing preventing this from being feasible before was the fact that it could allow a potentially endless supply of drops from returned materials, but if that's gone, there's no longer any monetary gain from booming, and the heavy AP costs themselves are more than enough of a penalty to provide the needed risk from failure.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    I dont know how true this is, but I heard that in the KR server there is no limit to how many times you can resurrect something via AP.
  • Member daws360
    Vindictus Rep: 710
    Posts: 3
    Thought I'd log in to support what the other players are saying in that this is 1 step forward and 10 steps backwards. I lurk on the forums once in awhile to see the updates getting more and more against the little bit of players left.

    What is actually going on?????? To "get to the end" of this game is almost impossible. Now this? There should AT LEAST be either less AP to restore an item (Restoring Lvl. 90 gear is absolutely absurd) and at least a few more times before it's destroyed permanently. Or never destroyed permanently. Why is this seriously a thing in 2016-17?
  • Member natraz
    Vindictus Rep: 590
    Posts: 24
    well if your trying to get rid of what little players you have left your heading in the right direction if your not then this is a huge mistake you guys are sure heading down hill faster and faster with ever update how sad you might as well just close the doors and call it good.
  • Member wasp
    Vindictus Rep: 860
    Posts: 28
    OH Hi Everyone, i just got my new o.j. wepon and got it to +10 and now don't think im gonna go boom my wepon ,not a chance if it boom im shure gonna be exceptionaly mad... realy. at lest give us some mean to protect the item from destruction. or completely remove destrution. the destrution of the players itself might happen because of that, personaly ,instesd, i will juste sit tight with my +10 and never go to see fergy again thank you verymuch or even Bryn for that mather. so i ' ll w8 and see where this thing is going and putting new things like that in the game without a good explanation is not what i call fun . i hope we are juste mad for nothing and hopefully it will all be explained soon as to "Why this" now before hollidays?
    i need something better for and explanation.. is there a secret update comming...
    if enhancement and enchant runes to protect items from faillure destruction ect, where essyer to get that would be at least a direction ppl would look for when going that direction.
    also i have a few nice scrolls that are expencive and i dont thing they will get used unless i have a mean to protec them from vanishing at the click of a button with Bryn.
    that is my opinion i know lots of ppl dont care because they are rich but im not so, im not gonna do anything to destroy my stuff if i know it might happen im not gona do it, sorry you an call me what you want it wont change a thing...it my way of staying happy because if it goes boom i will be relly unhappy.

    i say this because it looks like ppl on the other side don't seem to care....
    there is a saying that say: be nice to your players and the players will be nice to you.

    Please explan this new move to us your faithfull players that come everydays of the year to have a place to have fun not to get beeten by failure. Im juste saying....
  • Member AzelBhuiyan
    Vindictus Rep: 935
    Posts: 23
    The following content is simply one explanation out of many. The real reasoning for patch changes vary, however it is important to realize that updates are being made through collaborate effort and is not a decision made over night.

    There were two main changes in the Abyssal Arena Update that affected enhancing.
    (1) Level requirement changed from 1 to 90 in order to restore an item.
    (2) Materials will no longer be returned when failing an enhancement on a item that was restored.

    A perspective reasoning for both.
    (1) To discourage low level accounts from abusing item restoration.
    (2) Similar to "All or nothing" event which cleaned the server from inflated gold. This update aims to balance the quantity of level 90 orange shards with the inflated availability of orange shards.
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    edited December 14, 2016
    Dealer said:

    Nope, the game also gives you a notice saying that you won't get mats back when you try to enhance it.
    That's hilarious, I can't wait for all the people to perma blow up their gear and not realize they don't get anything in return anymore because of this pointless update.

    Truth be told, I support this update, people don't deserve mats back at all when they boom weapons. Enhancing is easy enough already, we don't need crutches to "help players" or anything like that, this is an MMO, people should know the risks before they press the enhance button.

    I miss the :rolleyes: emote.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited December 14, 2016
    I'd just like to throw in my support that this change will impact newer players a lot more than those who already have a level 90 - especially with the level up event ending that gives free gear every 10 levels, 60-90 is going to be a huge pain again.

    Newer players will need to be able to upgrade level 80 gear or they won't even be able to advance into Season 3 without an easy mode, and obviously there's not really any point in reviving these broken 80 pieces once you hit 90. While the recent seal shop change makes level 90 gear super easy to craft and 80 remains boringly easy since the start of Season 3 (because of ore farming), it's not very beneficial to 70s in any way and players should be saving their seals for 90, not wasting them to re-craft level 80 gear that they can't revive because RNGesus keeps blowing them up.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    @Criminy You would be correct. R9 and R8 Enchant Scrolls will no longer destroy equipment. R7 and R6 Enchant Scrolls can still destroy equipment upon enchantment failure, however, the rate of failure was greatly reduced.

  • Member Calvindicator
    Vindictus Rep: 830
    Posts: 32

    @Criminy You would be correct. R9 and R8 Enchant Scrolls will no longer destroy equipment. R7 and R6 Enchant Scrolls can still destroy equipment upon enchantment failure, however, the rate of failure was greatly reduced.

    I think this definitely needs and deserves so much more attention than it's given, That's a monumental change for all of Vindictus!
    (considering the rage from booming your crap with ES's happens quite a bit)
  • Member Meta
    Vindictus Rep: 855
    Posts: 33
    I can't emphasize enough how equipment destruction is extremely demoralizing and have been since the beginning. I seen so many good high end paying players leave because of this enchantment system. There haven't been a good mmo that was released in the past 3 yrs that have this type of system where your main weapon or armor breaks.

    I like Vindictus, it has one of the best combat of any game but in my years of playing it, I could never take the enchantment system seriously and only used the +10 coupons when the game gives out. During that time I bought aesthetics and increase storage to support the game but not anymore since I play other mmos that is much more friendlier on enchanting. I come back once in a while hoping the system change but alas I have no seen none.
  • Member Tamago
    Vindictus Rep: 5,460
    Posts: 733
    I thought the no mats back on second boom, no enhancing on low leveled characters, and no ap restoring on lower leveled characters changes were only implemented on KR due to a system they had (that NA doesn't have), where they could make back 2-3x what they spent from blowing weapons up.
  • Member korachaismyname
    Vindictus Rep: 320
    Posts: 8
    edited December 14, 2016
    The main reason i could think of why they remove giving matts after "boom" is because of the "seal shop"

    this are just my opinion

    1. To encourage other players to keep doing raids.
    2. Over supply of rare matts on mp. if players keeps getting their rare matts after item destruction
    3. Rare matts value will go dert cheap. actually its very cheap right now it will go much less of a value if we still keep getting our matts back.
    4. since all matts are cheap its not really a big issue if we dont get our matts back.