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Things that NEED to change.

Vindictus Vertreter: 795
Posts: 13
edited Januar 21, 2018 in Suggestions and Feedback
So I have been playing Vindictus for a while and I really like the game, but there are a few things that I find a problem in this game. This game feel too much like a gamble and a struggle to get good gear. I like the idea of the safeguard rune but I feel like they should remove the enhancement roll back on failed enhancements. Being able to enhance with no risks kinda gives everyone a goal to work towards now with the percentages dropping for weapon enhancements near the later levels. To be able to buy the safeguard rune with 300 bravery seals is fine, but to have something draw back an enhancement level I think is just too much. You either choose between staying where you are at, risking a draw back (example; +13 to +12), or by sheer luck it works.

Another thing I think should be tweaked are the dye amps. It's already hard enough to get the colour you want especially for those colour specific ones that you need. I feel like instead of a randomizer of 6, it should be where you can manually choose 3 colours and it will randomize between those 3 you picked. Its kinda a kick in the face to buy those dye amps and rarely get the colour you are looking for.

Another thing I think might need some tweaking is potentially the drop rates. Right now it seems almost impossible to get an orange drop, and when you do, they are worth close to nothing. I remember back then where when you got a rare drop it was worth a lot more gold and was actually exciting. Now when I see a rare drop light Its always "pray for a weapon essence". I feel like they should have a way where every essence dropped was needed in some way to be able to increase the value so when you do get those drops, you can actually work towards something.

Anyways this is my opinion, I'm curious to see what you guys think.


  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    It didn't used to be this way. The game's going further and further downhill and it won't stop. Get out while you still have any faith based on nostalgia for this game.
  • CptMcFlyCptMcFly
    Vindictus Vertreter: 795
    Posts: 13
    Rezi wrote: »
    It didn't used to be this way. The game's going further and further downhill and it won't stop. Get out while you still have any faith based on nostalgia for this game.

    Right? Ahh makes me so sad to see how things are going.
  • MisterWhiskersMisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    they should make a rehab group for people who love vindictus but just can't quit it; It'd be at max capacity on day 1
  • RhapsodyOfFireRhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    edited Januar 4, 2018
    they should make a rehab group for people who love vindictus but just can't quit it; It'd be at max capacity on day 1

    A lot of players actually quit but they come back because they are curious. The same happened to Lineage 2 many years ago (around 2008) when around 100 people were fired from NCsoft, the original developers who made Tera too. Many players complained because the further changes distorted the essence of the game and made it unbalanced. But luckily there were private servers, so there were opportunities to try different systems, and a lot of people moved from the official to the private servers.

    These big companies won't listen to some people, they only listen to their profit, and you can only achieve something if you complain enough. Bad opinions mean something because some people will read them and will judge by them. If you wanna advertise Vindictus in its current state, and if you have any problems with it that you don't want to tell, you won't get those fixed, because you just make profit to them that means they will continue further on the same path.

    But people won't stop complaining just because some people want that. You are right that there is the option to quit and leave it as it is, but you should accept that people have the right to complain because that's the only way to make change in anything. But if you have a better idea for that, just tell them.
  • ArishanteArishante
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,280
    Posts: 93
    edited Januar 4, 2018
    Game's population is low enough as it is (and we just had a character release), I wouldn't encourage people to quit. Forum is even in worse conditions.

    I'd add to your list that binding has to go, at least within account. It's hard to swallow you have to buy for every character makeup, inner, hair, avatars and you have to buy unbinds every time you want to share fused. enhanced, enchanted, synthesized items. It's yourself playing all these characters, not a different person for each of them. What the hell is shared storage for? These aren't cheap either, depending on your location. Lately even event items were character bound and i guess you can add in future the companion to the list. Dropped materials are also shareable only once.

    I can't see what's the aim of this apart from a cash grab, a cheap tactic, along with others implemented lately.
  • ReziRezi
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,585
    Posts: 436
    But if Vindictus DOES fail... Nexon won't have any more reason to assassinate other companies' Vindi-like projects.

    Let's just pray that KurtzPel succeeds so that Nexon will have to get its act together or completely abandon this genre.
  • deadlywiddowdeadlywiddow
    Vindictus Vertreter: 310
    Posts: 15
    All characters are bugged out so bad ...Kai that wont stop dodging......Vella loose SP ability's after being hit......Attack in the direction the camera facing..On top of many other thing's ...Like the time ...how hard is it to fix the time in the game? that's been broke for a yr or more. just to show you on were there at in fixing any other problem's in this game. SAD to say but the game UPKEEP IS VERY VERY VERY VERY POOR.... :s :s :'( :'(
  • BowtacojrBowtacojr
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    CptMcFly wrote: »
    So I have been playing Vindictus for a while and I really like the game, but there are a few things that I find a problem in this game. This game feel too much like a gamble and a struggle to get good gear. I like the idea of the safeguard rune but I feel like they should remove the enhancement roll back on failed enhancements. Being able to enhance with no risks kinda gives everyone a goal to work towards now with the percentages dropping for weapon enhancements near the later levels. To be able to buy the safeguard rune with 300 bravery seals is fine, but to have something draw back an enhancement level I think is just too much. You either choose between staying where you are at, risking a draw back (example; +13 to +12), or by sheer luck it works.

    Safeguard runes are a ripoff, farm seals and buy the new stones from the shop.
    CptMcFly wrote: »
    Another thing I think should be tweaked are the dye amps. It's already hard enough to get the colour you want especially for those colour specific ones that you need. I feel like instead of a randomizer of 6, it should be where you can manually choose 3 colours and it will randomize between those 3 you picked. Its kinda a kick in the face to buy those dye amps and rarely get the colour you are looking for.

    Agreed, dye amps could be tweaked to be more player-friendly and better money makers.

  • PuppymanPuppyman
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    The only thing that needs to change in vindy is the hardcore mentality of "I'm the director, I do as I want"
    And instead actually take in feedback from the playerbase
  • LanzarayusDragonLanzarayusDragon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 310
    Posts: 6
    A big change is the whales/cashers the people who claim (P2W is best or git gud) Need be moved to their own MANDATORY server. It's not fair that those who have struggled since day one of their time on Vindi have begun to struggle worse because the greedy whales/cashers feel they DESERVE or NEED or have ALL RIGHTS ABOVE OTHERS to every good drop when it's them that make the prices. Nexon puts prices on things but the whales/cashers UP the price so those who struggle can't get by or even get their hands on anything because the price keeps getting upped every time people are near it. I've seen this happen far too many times with people I know In game and you know what it's WELL-BEYOND time they were moved to their own server where they can PVP, get good at each other, and basically steal everything from one another. Not the less fortunate people who keep trying and trying and trying to get these things but can't because of the greedy whales/cashers. Vindi is only going downhill because those people are making the less fortunate people hate Vindi just because the high-end players are inconceivably arrogant, ignorant and think they own Vindi. In all reality, they CLEARLY need Vindi more than Vindi needs them. So they NEED they're own server away from the lower-end players like myself and many others. The Server should be tied by IP so that way they have no choice in their server. I'm beyond tired of them pushing people around and people like me getting temp banned for the things THEY did. (Awiwul) Or instigating a fight for no reason because they think they're superior because they have MONEY. They make me laugh but I'm tired of them as are many others. I don't care about put downs, or whatever you all have to say about me. What I say is true and you'd only attempt to beat me down just because it is and you'd only be proving me right and that you need to be caged.
  • BowtacojrBowtacojr
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    A big change is the whales/cashers the people who claim (P2W is best or git gud) Need be moved to their own MANDATORY server.

    I can feel the salt of this post.

    That said, who do you think pays for Vindi to exist? If what you suggested happened, they'd just end up closing down the free server (because it makes no money) and now the only server left is the whale one with an aritificial pay wall you created.

    It's like you didn't even think before posting.

  • botersboters
    Vindictus Vertreter: 910
    Posts: 29
    Arishante wrote: »
    Game's population is low enough as it is (and we just had a character release), I wouldn't encourage people to quit. Forum is even in worse conditions.

    I'd add to your list that binding has to go, at least within account. It's hard to swallow you have to buy for every character makeup, inner, hair, avatars and you have to buy unbinds every time you want to share fused. enhanced, enchanted, synthesized items. It's yourself playing all these characters, not a different person for each of them. What the hell is shared storage for? These aren't cheap either, depending on your location. Lately even event items were character bound and i guess you can add in future the companion to the list. Dropped materials are also shareable only once.

    I can't see what's the aim of this apart from a cash grab, a cheap tactic, along with others implemented lately.

    I definitely agree with your opinion on the binding within accounts or in general binding
  • MisterWhiskersMisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    edited Januar 4, 2018
    A big change is the whales/cashers the people who claim (P2W is best or git gud) Need be moved to their own MANDATORY server. It's not fair that those who have struggled since day one of their time on Vindi have begun to struggle worse because the greedy whales/cashers feel they DESERVE or NEED or have ALL RIGHTS ABOVE OTHERS to every good drop when it's them that make the prices.

    yea let's do that

    and watch the f2p server close in 2 weeks while the whale-only sv will thrive
  • ArishanteArishante
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,280
    Posts: 93

    While i don't agree with your rant, it's true that wherever i saw Vindictus being marketed or discussed (which is very rare to find) people dismissed it as being a p2w game with unaddressed bugs and glitches. Steps should be taken to counter this but it's like they never really cared. and recent changes showed they care even less now how Vindictus is regarded as. Before you could argue that the game is at most pay to progress, but with the current direction of the game it's not that simple.

    It does feel like their eyes are dead set on cashers and how to milk them, we suddenly get new classes and characters that feel rushed or incomplete. New pets. outfits, wings, companions etc but very little actual content for a f2p player to enjoy. For each step in the right direction, they took two steps backwards.
  • CptMcFlyCptMcFly
    Vindictus Vertreter: 795
    Posts: 13
    Yeah another thing I wanted to add is that NX items should be universal to all characters in the same account. I don't understand the need to have certain things bound to certain characters. I swear if I was in charge of this game I could make it 10/10 rated by IGN :^)
  • CherishedCherished
    Vindictus Vertreter: 875
    Posts: 12
    Remove permanent item destruction and make destroyed items able to be revived infinitely - game resurrected! Look at all the people returning! >:)
  • ElyrElyr
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,430
    Posts: 178
    Cherished wrote: »
    Remove permanent item destruction and make destroyed items able to be revived infinitely - game resurrected! Look at all the people returning! >:)

    What are you high on?
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    Elyr wrote: »
    Cherished wrote: »
    Remove permanent item destruction and make destroyed items able to be revived infinitely - game resurrected! Look at all the people returning! >:)

    What are you high on?

    This is actually a good idea, they should take a page from BDO enhancement system, where most people can reach the top 10% with enough hard work, rather than getting reset to square 1 when failing an enhancement to +15 for example.
  • ArishanteArishante
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,280
    Posts: 93
    Cherished wrote: »
    Remove permanent item destruction and make destroyed items able to be revived infinitely - game resurrected! Look at all the people returning! >:)

    Not only people would return but many will be able to play classes they wanted to but didn't get lucky with. How many times do you hear i really enjoyed x class but my weapon broke and abandoned it.
  • PuppymanPuppyman
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Arishante wrote: »
    Cherished wrote: »
    Remove permanent item destruction and make destroyed items able to be revived infinitely - game resurrected! Look at all the people returning! >:)

    Not only people would return but many will be able to play classes they wanted to but didn't get lucky with. How many times do you hear i really enjoyed x class but my weapon broke and abandoned it.

    I get your point, but I've like never heard anyone say that lol