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Best use of boomed OJ weapons?

Member Oxide
Vindictus Rep: 1,535
Posts: 21
in General Discussion
So I'm sitting on a pile of bound, unenchanted +10/+11 Lvl 90 OJ weapons that can't be enhanced further since they failed to go the distance---would dismantling them for the inherited and sealed power fragments be the best use of them? Or is there something else I could use them for? Thanks!


  • Member StormCrusher
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 68
    Hmm that's an interesting question. Depends how many frags you get by dismantle them.
    I have many full oranges at the wep graveyard, might try to dismantle 1 of them tonight :)
  • Member FalzarFZ
    Vindictus Rep: 600
    Posts: 2
    You get exactly the same items as dismantling each shard/essence individually.
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    If I remember right you get 25 frags per orange mat. (At least that was the way it worked with armor, I have dismantled 1 weapon, I just didn't look too close at the results.)

    Really wish we could just double boom :-(
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    25 sealed. 100 inherit per dismantle assuming full orange.
  • Member Oxide
    Vindictus Rep: 1,535
    Posts: 21
    Thanks everyone, however I was inquiring whether dismantling was the only other useful action to take on boomed weapons after restoration, not how many frags you would get (Dianann tells you xD). I got the feeling it was, but wasn't sure if there were any other uses for restored weapons I may have overlooked. Sorry if i didn't make it super clear in my original post! o;
    ikevi wrote: »
    Really wish we could just double boom :-(

    I miss that too---the sense of finality after that second, satisfying boom can not be replicated by the likes of dismantling :c

  • Member StormCrusher
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 68
    Oha sorry mate for going off topic!
    Well i guess for now there's nothing much to do with them unless they come up with an extra boom rune or something xD