The other topic is about teasers (supposed to be at least 2 more): 30th patch notes: topic is to post pic and info about everything that got revealed in Ch3.
Chapter 2 Episode 3 'Encounter'
New armor and weapon (lvl 95) gallery:

BattleAdd a new raid battle 'Absence of Souls'. Max 8 player lvl 90+, once per day.
New area Donegal with 7 normal battles. Max 4 player lvl 90+.
New story when they update the live server.
Level capLevel cap is now 95.
Exp required for new levels:
90>91 15.6m
91>92 15.8m
92>93 16.03m
93>94 16.24m
94>95 16.46m
Def cap is upped to 21k instead of 19k.
Monster in these battle will be upgraded to lvl 95: Royal Raid, Niflheim, Abyssal Arena, and “special dungeon” which IDK what.
ItemAdd lvl 95 new weapons and plate armor. Unlocked when finished Dullahan raid.
Lvl 90 mats have higher chance to have better roll.
(Take this with salt) You can disassemble item with Dianann’s help. You will get material back depend on what you have in the item. If the item have Att Cap Release and Damage Reflect, Unknown Shards and Abyssal Shard will be returned. (so much question raised, need more info here)
Disassemble your item with DianannNew belts and rings will be added: Belt of Despair, Belt of Vine, Will of Cold. Need Habitant and Dullahan material, crafted by Brynn.
All title scrolls can be put into storage, for sale and destruction.
Modify equipment items and avatars that were only worn by some female characters to be worn by all female characters. Rosebud, both dark revolution set, sunglasses, straw hats, sandals, and a lot of set that’s not avaiable to us.
Enchant scrollNew rank 6 enchant scroll drop in s3 battles and in a pouch from “special dungeon”.
New enchant progress UI. Merged two old phases into one. Before, you can’t change item, rune and scroll when you proceed to the Brynn phase, but now you can change those freely BEFORE you start using magic elixirs. If you are not satisfied with the amount of Brynn, you can reset and the item in all 3 item, rune, scroll slots will stay there unchanged.

If your account have one character that have already finish the quest, you can press Ctrl to skip that quest’s conversation. Dialogues with choice can’t be passed.
Some new feature added to Quick Battle.
Some feature are restricted to new character, and will be gradually unlocked when progressing through story.
TransformationTransformation skills now can be found in character’s skill panel. Skill type and effect changed.
Old level system deleted. All old experience will be convert into TP.
Train them via “TP”, acquired when complete the transformation.
Have chance to transform through “transform level”, up to 3 times. “Transform level” acquired via level up, battle completion and time.
StoryReduced the number of quest item required.
DullahanThis boss seem like the work of the guy who designed Eochaid.
His stat: 8287500 HP, 18500 def, 105 crit resist, 19400 att, 140 crit
Heroes who have reached Berbhe, the underground city will come back to the ground in this episode, but it’s frozen and they have to face a new trial.
Dullahan is a huge knight’s armor that has lost his soul, and he followed someone else’s instruction and fight against our heroes.
His soul is sealed in the center of the arena.
Dullahan is the armor of an ancient hero that someone (animated?) by pouring magic into it. The soul fragments left inside the armor seeking for the lost head and will eventually find it out.
During the battle, the armor can be splitting into pieces and using new attack. In early stage, he mostly attacking with his sword. When the seal is released and he get his lost soul back, he will become the real deal with a few different attack. Player must work together to separate the soul from Dullahan, and you can keep them separated.
Dullahan united with his soulWhen his HP drop below a certain amount, the soul become enraged and have powerful attack.
Dullahan separated from his soul(He is standing in the spot his sealed soul was. Maybe that's the trick to keep the body and soul separated?)


Boss of battles, the Deep Freeze, Deep Fried, Death Freeze... can't work out the name

They are smart . Since they are living in Donegal, they mostly using ice attack.
Cardinal, another boss using a huge spellbook.

If getting hit by too many of Cardinal's spell, you can be frozen in place. Press movement keys to break the ice.
Johanus, leader of the Deep Freeze or whatever the name is XD

He can use other bosses's weapons, and his attack with those weapon is even stronger. He have his own weapon though.
“Only quick movement can guarantee your survival against Johanus, since this guys has continous combo instead of single attack”
New accessories. It's confirmed that you can use The Dead,CM and Subdued on these:
New STR ring 1 & 2
+1 bal
+140 str
+70 agi
+80 wil
+125 HP
Require Lvl 90
Set bonus: +1 crit.
New INT ring 1 & 2
+1 bal
+70 agi
+180 int
+80 wil
+125 hp
Require Lvl 90
Set bonus: +1 crit.
New STR belt
+2 bal
+140 str
+90 agi
+100 wil
Require lvl 85
New INT belt
+2 bal
+90 agi
+188 int
+100 wil
Require lvl 85
Some new shards.

Carved Smooth Shard, orange one has minimum 714 def and 3 crit resist.

Carved Solid Shard, min 144 str 11 crit resist and 194 int

Carved Perfect Shard, min 5506 att/matt

Carved Lightweight Shard, min 24 crit and 4 ats.

Carved Stable Shard, min 37 bal

Carved Keen Shard, min 24 bal 36 crit
11 new titles.
and 24 others.
pic on disassembly weapon:
New STR ring 1 & 2
+1 bal
+140 str
+70 agi
+80 wil
+125 HP
Require Lvl 90
New INT ring 1 & 2
+1 bal
+70 agi
+180 int
+80 wil
+125 hp
Require Lvl 90
New STR belt
+2 bal
+140 str
+90 agi
+100 wil
Require lvl 85
New INT belt
+2 bal
+90 agi
+188 int
+100 wil
Require lvl 85
Set bonus: +1 crit.
Some new shards.
11 new titles.
So the transformation system was indeed reworked.All the transformation points are refunded and you can rebuild from there:
-New transformation skill that allows you to extand the transformation time
-Another skill wich allows you to go over the attack cap limit while your in transformation mode
Source:Alimighty's Stream
Concept art for the weapons. Hot damn, these look sexy.
Well Almighty is busy streaming other content for now so you can skip this video near the end for live action of new episode.Fight starts at 1:02:07
Almighty's Stream is up
Also for the ones who can reach 30k Att/Matt throught lev 90 stuff you can still go over the new bosses cap by 2000 since they seem to be at 28K.I can't tell for sure,but i would assume the optimal crit rate would be *145*?
Regardless,there still going to be a while before we get the content ourselves.
It all comes down to your preferance,if you feel like saving your gold for the new content that's not necessarely a bad idea too.
Real good episode and appreciating the new gear/stuff, the weapons are the best of s3 so far, love the icy models.
In term of conveniance the S3 material/seal shop update that we got recently was a great idea and with some other additions there and there,things will definitely improve.I actully don't even think they have that in Korea.
The smartest decision is probably taking the best one for yourself,i don't see how one option or the other one should be ultimately better lol.
Also reaching these new caps with lev 90 gear inevitabely requires to have a high enhanced weapon wich is pretty fun in term of speed and other features.All comes down to what you like doing.If for example you like doing nilf and after a while you want to do them quick,there is no reason to get higher attack,ect.
Carved Keen Shard, min 24 bal 36 crit
Carved Lightweight Shard, min 24 crit and 4 ats.
New level 95 weapon are going to use those new Carved Shards, and you can see that both Carved Stable and Carved Keen have lower Bal than current ones (37 vs 41, and 24 vs 27) but Carved Keen and Carved Lightweight have more Crit (36 vs 28, and 24 vs 19). Guess this will help reaching crit cap a lot easier, meanwhile making scrolls with Bal more important instead of just a stat you can throw away for Fast. All the more reason to use those new r6 prefixes and donning new +bal accessories for your characters. Smart move?
Only thing i wished they kept is specific type of gear for specific type of characters.They definitely should spread the mats throught the different maps as well to give an incentive to farm an area over another.
Will see how the scrolls developp but for the prefix displayed it seem pretty similar to Immoral so id rather sell it if i get one personally.
Really not liking the direction this new director is taking. New accessories are fine because we are long overdue for them, but it's too early for new armor and weapons especially after only one year and at the 95 cap. He's practically making lv90 gear obsolete with these 105 crit resist 18k def bosses. Good luck hitting 155 crit (170 for Lanns) with lv90 gear and 28k att (really only possible with +15 90 and light/ cloth armor).
The vanity changes are very nice though.
Will have to gather all the information,new scrolls available ect.You can currently do very well in S3 even without 130 crit(personally have 113) as long as you have decent other stats to make up for it.Around 140 crit is definitely reachable as of right now and the armor and weapon rank 6 scrolls might bring more crit possibilty.You usually dont crit cap a new chapter on the 1st days anyway wich is fair.
They will also drop rank 6 scrolls in Season 3 so you still can run these ect.
Lann's crit cap is also relatively difficult to reach as of right now(145).
In overall,im pretty sure that a well upgraded lev 90 weapon will still do it.I can only assume that the higher rolls of balance shards will be a little difficult to get at first and id rather have capped balance if i still want to run lower level content.