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  • Future Enhancement Stones

    Hello all.

    I know this may be an outdated issue for many, but since the last Seals of Bravery shop update (which I highly approve of), I thought this is something that needs discussion about. I sincerely wish this truly is an old discussion and would like some confirmation that this item as a whole is now an abandoned idea.
    Around May time, there was an outrage in the Korean forums and community regarding a presence of an 'absolute enhancement stone' within the game client (found through a client repack or whatever you call them).
    They are labelled 'HEROES_ITEM_DESC_randomitem_enhance_stone_jump_abs_nnnn' (last nnnn being a 4 digit numbers indicating which enhancement stones they are). They are a set of different enhancement stones with

    1. a 30% chance, enhances your weapon / armor to +15

    2. a 40% chance, enhances your weapon / armor to +14

    3. a 50% chance, enhances your +14 into +15

    4. a 60% chance, enhances your +13 to +14

    5. a 70% chance, enhances your +12 to +13

    6. 80% chance, enhances your +11 to +12

    (quoted from a reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Vindictus/comments/6d3mij/so_dem_new_enhancement_rates_doe/)

    What made it truly horrifying is that it says 'randomitem' in the code and also they found out that the item can only be traded once- which we all can assume it is coming out of one of those cash-paid random 'lucky' boxes.

    OBVIOUSLY, this caused havoc and outrage in the communities. What really worries me (and should worry everyone else) is that what they said to calm the Korean community down is that 'THIS ITEM IS MEANT FOR FOREIGN SERVERS'. !!!!!!!!!!!! (yeah that means us)

    Later, they updated the flawless enhancement stones and the binding 13 enhancement stones as we know of it now. Few months later, we got them too.
    These items I believe are one of the best updates Vindictus has given in the past few months (if not best, it is the least controversial). It is an update that actually rewards people for their efforts in the game instead of playing some bs gamble to have their gear stronger (and being a Nexon game that says A LOT).

    I am paranoid that this will all be for nothing when the Absolute Enhancement Stones are ever updated. Because the current nature of the binding system and item revival system which fundamentally bans items from further enhancements, should those ridiculous enhancement stones are ever updated, all the weapons people have invested so much time in- will be for nothing (since they cannot be enhanced anymore). They simply should not raise the 'common' weapon standard above lvl.90 +13 for the forseeable future.

    Therefore, what I would like from Nexon EU/NA AND ALSO FROM KOREA is a confirmation that these items are gone for good.

    Sorry for the long post.

    All the best x