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About Me
Ex-player, March 2013 :)
  • Rise: Revolution Preview

    So.....are we getting more players with this? Where's the server merge and the removal of IP lock?
  • Who's Happy?

    Seigaku wrote: »
    I mean, the game is free... why complaining +shy I think it's very good, if I had to pay for it then I guess I'd be mad... actually, no :O I still don't see anything bad about our current development or whatever u guys complaining about :D

    Most of us have put money into the game despite it being free. Do you enjoy the game, have you put time into playing? It's slowly eroding away, and if the game falls completely apart then there won't be anything to enjoy anymore. I don't understand people who think it's fine when a publisher continually takes action that pulls the player base apart.

    At the end of the day ... It was your desition, no one forced any if them to stay or to put money into the game, asking for changes to the development of the game is completely alright, but getting mad after they don't listen? Thats bad, is their desition... Now if we paid for the game or they forced us to pay or something, we could atleast ask for refund if it turns out the things they promised us about the game was a lie or something...

    I don't know how do you find the game is okay at its current state.

    Even for a free2play game, the aim is to make money, so as buy2play games. The moneymaking system is different, yet the outcome is the same. They gain money from players. No one forced the players to spend real money, yet you have to spend real money to attain endgame gears (enhance and enchant). They made the game to be reliant on NX items to reach further, unless you prefer risking your +15 to put on Immoral without Enchant rune. Obviously, most of us made do with it because it is just how things are, and has been like this since the start of the game launch, we are not against this setup though it would be nice to have cheaper runes or attainable ingame instead.

    Now, why we are unhappy with the direction of the game? In your own points, you think players don't have the rights to be angry about the game development because we were not forced to play/pay the game in the first place. Yet, the only reason people are unhappy is because they care about the game, we are the receiving ends no matter how you put it. Nexon doesn't even know much how to play Vindictus, have you seen their streams yet? How do people who actually played the games over half the decade don't have the rights to drive the direction of the game, assisting the developers and publishers to make sure it's going the right way? How is that people who have been maintaining the financial gain of the game don't have the rights to push for the benefits of the game's future?
    We have invested a lot (yes, as you said it was our choice), it was our choice to sustain the game, it was our choice to bring our friends to play along, but it wasn't our choice if the game is going downhill.

    So much ignorance. Surprisingly, not just the devs/publishers.

    I'm sorry but from the 100% things I have only like 10% was cause of NX...buying gacha and sometimes got a bit lucky and could sell stuff and that NX is 10k NX almost per month ( I stopped long ago cause I'm poor AF :P ) and nope I don't wanna use Immoral with no rune on my +15, that's why I used my Enchant Runes (Event) and I've been extremely lucky with them recently, I only needed like 3 for 3 Fast, 1 Immoral, 1 Judgment 1 failed on Judgment, 1 failed on Fast and the 3rd one... worked for all those 5 scrolls, believe it or not. the +15 wep I have? only used rune on +8 - +9 I think? or +9 - +10 idk I didn't even buy the +11 rune or +12 or w/e, it boomed from +11 to +12 andd then went from +11 to +15. if YOU are extremely unlucky and need 1000 runes and still can't success then don't generalize.

    I still don't get it. The point of this paragraph is? Saying you had it easier than everyone else? Or showing off since you get all of them easier? Hell, I don't even mention we were dissatisfied with how the rune works. IF you are showing off, I didn't spend anything for my first +15 (+10 coupon then yolo till +15), second one was the same with probably one Enhance rune I cannot recall. But most people did not have it easy, which summing it how things really are, the FACT that we need to spend NX to buy runes to make it work, is a FACT indeed. The free runes we get from Event are gifts, and not part of the standard situation in the game. Some had to use all of their free runes, on top of using NX to get the gears they wanted. I wonder who generalized their own situation with others' situation. Again, not even complaining about needing NX to play the games but you're missing the point anyway.

    you care, you don't care, it doesn't matter this will always end up in that simple "fact" (?) "No one forced you to play / pay " and is Nexon problem if they don't wanna get help from the community just cause they've been playing 7 years now doesn't mean Nexon is forced to listen to them, they can if they want and trust me I've seen many suggestions in forums and 90% of them I'd love for developers to implement it on the game but as I said 100 times already, we can't demand any of that since we didn't pay for game... I mean u can demand all u want that's for sure but don't be surprised or mad if they don't wanna listen to any of the suggestions.

    Let's get this straight. So you have invested in a medical company for the benefits of your family to be able to get convenient medical services. They never asked for your investment, but you believe it's a step in a good direction in a long term investment. We invested in Vindictus through buying NX because we believe they will be needing money to maintain the game and provide content for the benefit of our own satisfaction to use their services, because some people are too stingy with their money not to spend a dime but demand for a premium service. To top it all, we provided a lot of suggestions through the experience we gathered while playing the game for the mutual benefit between players and developers/publishers, especially they don't have much clue about the game compared to players' perspective. We want to make the game to persevere for a lot more years to come hence we do grow disappointed when the direction of the game is not working, and there's a need to provide louder concern to reach their ears. And so you know 1+1=2, but someone insisted 1+1=3.4567, so it's your fault to be disappointed that chose not to listen to you? You keep repeating on the fact we did not pay for the game, but we paid for the content ingame,
    in which equals to what exactly? Surprise! Monetary gain for the developers/publishers. The same with buy2play system, acquiring monetary gain. Not sure what is the complicated part about this part here.

    game going downhill? I don't think it is but that's a personal opinion, and even if it was dying or whatever can't u just quit? simple as that :/

    We know it is going downhill when we've been observing over a long period of time, instead of just living in our own world and refused to see it from a bigger picture.

    I'm not even trying to be agressive if it seems like it, I'm just giving my point of view.

    You were not aggressive I can assure you, but your opinions are.

    why so much ignorance? o.O trust me if I was stuck with a +10 I'd have the same opinion.

    Ignorance because despite knowing the condition of the game, despite being pointed out what's crucial to be addressed, yet nothing has been taken to fix this situation. That is not something new, but surprisingly they have people backing them up who are actual players. "Trust me if I was stuck with a +10 I'd have the same opinion." Interesting because you just think about yourself.

  • Who's Happy?

    I mean, the game is free... why complaining +shy I think it's very good, if I had to pay for it then I guess I'd be mad... actually, no :O I still don't see anything bad about our current development or whatever u guys complaining about :D

    Most of us have put money into the game despite it being free. Do you enjoy the game, have you put time into playing? It's slowly eroding away, and if the game falls completely apart then there won't be anything to enjoy anymore. I don't understand people who think it's fine when a publisher continually takes action that pulls the player base apart.

    At the end of the day ... It was your desition, no one forced any if them to stay or to put money into the game, asking for changes to the development of the game is completely alright, but getting mad after they don't listen? Thats bad, is their desition... Now if we paid for the game or they forced us to pay or something, we could atleast ask for refund if it turns out the things they promised us about the game was a lie or something...

    I don't know how do you find the game is okay at its current state.

    Even for a free2play game, the aim is to make money, so as buy2play games. The moneymaking system is different, yet the outcome is the same. They gain money from players. No one forced the players to spend real money, yet you have to spend real money to attain endgame gears (enhance and enchant). They made the game to be reliant on NX items to reach further, unless you prefer risking your +15 to put on Immoral without Enchant rune. Obviously, most of us made do with it because it is just how things are, and has been like this since the start of the game launch, we are not against this setup though it would be nice to have cheaper runes or attainable ingame instead.

    Now, why we are unhappy with the direction of the game? In your own points, you think players don't have the rights to be angry about the game development because we were not forced to play/pay the game in the first place. Yet, the only reason people are unhappy is because they care about the game, we are the receiving ends no matter how you put it. Nexon doesn't even know much how to play Vindictus, have you seen their streams yet? How do people who actually played the games over half the decade don't have the rights to drive the direction of the game, assisting the developers and publishers to make sure it's going the right way? How is that people who have been maintaining the financial gain of the game don't have the rights to push for the benefits of the game's future?
    We have invested a lot (yes, as you said it was our choice), it was our choice to sustain the game, it was our choice to bring our friends to play along, but it wasn't our choice if the game is going downhill.

    So much ignorance. Surprisingly, not just the devs/publishers.
  • Cherry Fishing Event

    jeddyhi wrote: »
    I'm happy just stocking up on Merc pots and goddess graces.

    And elixirs and occasional element stones, and paradise stones/godly ores/heavenly leather

    It's a good event hands down.
  • what could go wrong if we merged east and west?

    Lavonne wrote: »
    Give Nexon one good reason to waste money, resources and manpower on merging the servers (paying technicians extra hours to stay for the merge procedure, paying extra server costs for a bigger server, paying customer service employees extra hours to sit there and deal with merge related tickets).

    You're buying their NX and gachas either way, so why would they bother wasting money, resources and manpower on something that doesn't even yield profits.

    I'll answer on behalf of Nexon :)

    Money comes from the players
    Less money when there are less players
    More money when we have more players
    Stable income is feasible when we have sustained playerbase

    And how to sustain playerbase?
    Keep the players motivated
    Let more new players coming in
    And obviously give them good reason to stay
    Ffs, just obliterate that **** Region IP Lock

    Did I mention keep the players motivated?
    Obviously by leaving the servers empty as it is
    Instead of merging the playerbase for the more thriving community
    Boats are launched, and megaphones are active
    The economy is moving, and players are talking
    The party is made, and raids are taking place

    Of course it is costly to pay the technicians,
    But you get what you pay for,
    A long term investment to keep the population motivated,
    A good system to sustain motivation,
    A good move to bring in loyalty in players

    Or you can sit tight
    And wait for the population to flourish out of thin air
    Simply wait the rage quits to suddenly decide to come back,
    Or new players to know about the game through revelations

    Just don't do anything cos it's pointless,
    Just let it be till the game turns into smithereens,
    We can hope it can turn out well,
    But dreams without efforts are just dreams.

    tl;dr I'm already lost from the first paragraph
