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  • is the game dead ?

    I',m an old player. My first character pimps the 'PWNd by GLaDoS" title for reference, and I still got my crowbar. I probably play for two to three weeks once or twice a year, maybe. Combat is fun yeah, but I always end up quitting after trying to deal with "the grind", 'the bot killed economy, and/or the pay to win NX marketplace. I assume most people are fed up and only the die hard whales and newbies are playing. Bet there's no real middle ground like there use to be from release to the end of S1. BTW the whole next part is absolutely 100% rant, feel free to ignore it. I'm just in my quitting mood again.

    I probably got 1 point a day in tailoring for the past two weeks. All from mission farming with my four characters created over the span of 7 years, because that **** is hella overpriced. Didn't even get into S3. Supposedly I should be grateful that they did away with requiring 1% chance boss drops and break offs, but no, instead it's 10 ore/cloth, 11 pigment, and probably 11 additives. Not spending 500k to a solid mil to 'maybe' get a skill point then 'maybe' resell the crafted item to recoup the cost of one or two pigments. You know, roughly the same as if I had to pay for expensive break off and rare drops anyway. Takes about 40 runs to farm the mats for a single craft at 330. If I wanted to play long haul crafting games I'd have stuck to Everquest or Mabinogi. I got Minecraft(PC) in my life, and all the mods I could ever want for my crafting itch. **** 5 minutes per craft, Vindictus crafting, **** botters charging 30k -90k for a single pigment/additive, and **** ass farming storeroom and Cohlru for mats to cap on 4 cats to get enough to craft once. Hack Bots killed the economy 5 years ago, and there's no reviving it. I wish Nexon would consider that when trying to fix crafting and drop related stuff. I got invited to a guild once, but I declined. Said I didn't have the time for that. Already spend 2 to 3 hours getting mats for 1 crafting point, and I got 4 characters. Ain't no one got time for that mess.

    If they ever swap this game from an mmo to a single player or local lan game on steam, than altered the content to fit, and the grind to be more in line with modern western taste that just ain't got time to do Korean grind, I'd probably buy it. I was wishing I could just play my Vindictus characters in Darksouls, cause the game type is just right, but I much prefer vindictus style combat. Too bad that I love Vindictus combat, but practically hate everything else. The whole reason I come back every now and then is to see if they changed the things I don't like. Sure they changed most things now, but it's still just the same thing with a different paint job on it.

    If you can't tell my 2 to 3 weeks of playing are up again as the frustration finally peeked again. This'll probably be my last post for another 6 months to a year, when I feel the urge to play again. Yeah I spent money. Cosmetics and space, bout 80 bucks worth over the long duration this game has been around. Too bad Nexon deleted my left over nexon points from the last time I played and paid real money for NX. It might be just 2 bucks, but it's 2 bucks that were robbed. Who knew Nexon points expire? I didn't. Never getting my money again.