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  • Wanna go fast...

    As for the question of the thread itself, any character will be nerfed if you chip away too much crit in favor of speed, atleast thats my experience, and the math doesn't lie. One critical hit smash counts for two non critical hit smashes. 100 speed from 80 doesn't double your smashing capability.

    In the end, you should aim to hit near the crit cap, and maximize the speed as much as it can, while trying not nerf your crit too much :D
    Aye, but I haven't taken the game seriously in years and don't mind not being top tier. I managed to stay relevant in S2 and do respectable damage despite having 85 crit and 60 bal, but S3 meant that was no longer possible.

    I just want something aggressive and fun to play and speed is how I do that...

    I want this Lann back :c

  • Wanna go fast...

    I used to play a 105 speed (227 with SH + Paw) sword Lann back in S2 on XE, it was never optimum, but I made it work and could be relatively competitive if I tried. However, S3 ruined Lann and speed with RNG glides and a huge requirement on crit to do any real damage...

    As such, I'm looking for a new class that can make use of a max speed build without being massively compromised and useless, but I haven't played properly for a couple of years, so don't know how the classes have changed and what works anymore.

    I did have a high speed Hurk, but he got lost in the migration. Used to work quite well and was kinda fun, though he was a bit buggy at the time.

    Scythie is something I always wanted to try and seemed to benefit somewhat from high speed, just never got round to it.

    Chain Vella was another that seemed like a good possibility, however she has (or had) the most boring easy-mode gameplay.

    Any suggestions?

    ~Strudul, Fastest Lann EU ;)