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  • Rise - Where did the fun go?

    Every so often I look at Vindictus, and this was one of those times. I was about to make a post about difficulty. I was so happy to see they finally revamped the terrible quest system, and I was all excited to finally be able to recommend this game to people at least a little bit, since this update seemed to do a lot of quality of life things which were nice. Finally leveling up/alting was not going to involve 3 hours of pancake delivery.

    Sadly, they completely screwed up the difficulty, huh? That's a damn shame. I loaded up a stage on my Lann, expecting to get bodied by the boss like I usually do when I try to solo it, only to find it die in 20 seconds. God dammit...

    I waited so long for this game to fix it's terrible systems (as I could never convince my friends to get passed the horrible running around town quests), only to find that the main appeal of the game, the difficulty, is now completely gone unless you're dangling at the very end of the content. This fate seems to happen to a lot of online games that choose to have linear stat progression, which is usually a bad design decision for a game with a fleshed out combat system.

    Uuuuugh...! Beta, played since the BETA, off and on very much so. FINALLY the game fixes a lot of it's ****, the bugs are mostly gone, the game has a good amount of content, the combat is cleaner now than it was, characters are more diverse and interesting -- only to have the game be a ****' joke, which completely undermines the ENTIRE purpose of having an interesting combat system.

    I hate modern gaming... I especially hate when an old game updates to conform to it...


    Guess I can mark Vindictus back on my "To play" list. Lemme know if the difficulty comes back. Ugh, why didn't they at LEAST put a difficulty slider on things? I would play on ultra super mega hard. I want a challenge with my friends, god dammit. Now I can't even play the game without my friends because I don't enjoy rolling my hand across my keyboard and having stuff explode.

    Let me know if they change this decision, or add a difficulty slider, or something. If people want to walk through the game, let them, but at least let me choose to get destroyed if I want to, like ANY game worth a damn. UUUUUGH~