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  • Terrible UI Labeling for Party play and Story

    The Problems
    As it stands currently, party play tends to force players to auto-disband whether the party leader chooses to head back to town or not. There is no obvious way for parties to retain its members and continue to quest from that point forward. This then goes into the next issue; Poor UI Labeling.

    There is, in fact, a way to retain party members as you go back to town. This requires the party leader to click on "Restart the battle" (Something no one is ever going to click on unless they ACTUALLY want to restart the battle) option at the end of a battle, which then brings up another window to select what all the party members want to do (Repair equipment, Return to Town, Restart Battle - Partly Leader only option). The party members then get an option to accept whether or not to do the next story. Which, in this case, because there is no option to go to the NEXT story battle, is really just the same battle you just finished.

    You can see how confusing all of this is for everyone involved.

    And the lack of being able to party up to go through the story progression is also a bit ridiculous. Regardless of whether or not it makes bosses and dungeons too easy, players that just want to hang out and experience the game's story with friends are forced to go back to town and accept the next quest over and over again. It's an additional barrier between get in/get out gameplay which this game could certainly use more of.


    For as many Quality of Life improvements as this new RISE new update claims to offer, some really poor design choices went into menu navigation, story progression options and party play.