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  • So who wants a RollBack?

    "make bosses challenging again............restore assist mode"

    Vindi players don't even know what they want,proved once again.Haha
  • This gets worse and worse

    gogoshica wrote: »
    Cutee wrote: »
    i think at least the s3 raids should be 8 man ers again, sucks to not be able to play with everyone from the guild cuz "Sorry no spots left" :|

    Or you could like...you know...make 2 parties of 4 men.

    Unless you enjoy the community of normal 8 person raid groups? People could easily do 4 man groups, including by setting up oaths for it. Sorry that you're so unhappy that you always throw your vitriol about as though it will make you feel better, hope you get through whatever is going on. Being completely serious.

    Keep throwing tantrums about how the game sucks now.It makes me any many others happy knowing that the game will stay this way and a large part of the community will remain forever salty.

    Rise best update ever because it accomplished 2 great things at the same time: Great new update and pissing off NX haters once more (hardcore mode this time)

  • This gets worse and worse

    nobody keeps you here;you can always leave

    this might be a shocker but some people do like the game right now,minus the lag+bugs
  • Your Thoughts on Additional Damage Changes?

    Puppyman wrote: »
    gogoshica wrote: »
    Last time I checked your account doesn't get deleted if you don't get a set amount of games where you did #1 damage.
    Honestly,this game turns into a d*ck-measuring contest with each new update we get.Devcat should disable ALL hp bars,all party dmg numbers and the damage ranking at the end of the game.
    This way Vindictus NA playerbase will quit bitching about who does most dmg and move to more important topics,like 'why are enhance rates so terrible after +12?' or 'Why is the game so easy now?I can 1 shot S2 bosses'

    It would be nice if devilkitty removed % from end screen, kind of like how Nilf and Neam does due to bug. But instead they only encourage power creep and the-need-for-deeps with things like extra cores based on damage done.
    Like people keep saying: ~~~"it gets them more sales______more runes__gotta enhance."

    That just proves that the problem is in some player's minds.They complain about how insanely hard and unfair it's to enhance weapons to high '+' and get high Add.dmg so they can steamroll raids then go to the other thread on forum to complain about how easy it is to steamroll any raids now even with sh*t tier gear. I mean...PICK ONE,PEOPLE.
  • After RISE : The game actually has less content

    Inferius wrote: »
    Thank you nexon. I took a year a break since I destroyed all my 90lvl weapons. I had some doubts if I should return or not. Now I see this is over. I have no doubts now that game is killed as your own desire. And even your gifts with wings, fully enchanted gears, outfits, runes won't fix it up. Maybe you changed drop rules to make it guaranteed like in tera and other normal mmos but that's not enough. Gear upgrade system is unacceptable. Sprint is awful same as graphics.
    Servers are empty I only see the same p2w players. Farming is pointless because there is noone to buy items. How attractive this game must be if everyone just stay afk?

    **** quit already then.Everyone on forums is lamenting and crying about this new update but nobody is actually leaving the game.