Hello there.
Honestly I'm not familiar to use Vindictus forums because there was no need to, all I’ve learned in around 7 years comes from game inside as well. I’m OrtRisa, one of the Arisha’s from EU server from EdgeOfGlory guild. I didn’t created this thread to complain, I am going to try change something and I think that with the help of other players and the interest of people who holds the lair over the cause of Vindictus, this will be achieved. Meanwhile I’m just preparing an official petition and for some time I will be gathering the votes of people who want to support the changes. I have gathered a large group of interested people already, or rather players disgusted by the current situation in Vindictus. For a long time the game has changed dramatically and it wasn’t always a bad changes of course, but still there are issues that need to be fixed which will increase amount of players immediately. Honestly… population in Vindictus is poor and players basically don't want to play this game anymore because of few things that I will state soon.
Just leave a note if you agree with that thread and to let everybody know that you want those changes; the more votes we gather, the more powerful this ticket become. Your own opinions about those things are also welcome. To the point.
I will start a little dreamily, however, I hope that the message will be well understood.
All of you spent a great time and many magic moments in Vindictus and for many years enjoyed an unconventional combat system, the beauty of character personalization, remarkable variety and many other magnificences that the game offers. After more than 7 years of playing both me, my guild and many other; completely random players thinks that it starts to doing badly. This is not the same game in which we could sit for hours and enjoy the unpardonable beauty of this production. I didn’t wanted to say it directly, but Vindictus evidently loses players through problems that can be easily fixed or changed in favor of both players and the publishers themselves. There are things that cause us incredible pain and discourage to the game.
1. 8-players Raids.
A flagship problem that hurts most players in Vindictus. Let's start with the fact that today the only eight-person dungeon is Neamhain (which can be done max 4 times per week). Where are the Raids designed for 8 players? You have no idea how many players want back the merciless battle with all of 8 great warriors into a square flooded with blood of Raid Boss.
This is the issue because of that around half of surveyed players left the game… its sad.
Raids s3 on Hero are a great ground on which you could just add more space in party like it was before - stronger bosses, maybe even with an increased Drop coefficient, that are designed for at least 6 or 8 people. This is undeniably the most beautiful aura of the old good Vindictus time from before the update (from 21th June 2017). In my opinion this is the greatest issue poking the game right now, cause guild’s can’t play in parties any longer, only 4-ppl coop..
2. More profits from belonging to active guilds.
What does a member of Guild gets? Guild Skills: 3% discounts on painting, sale of items and improvement and repair, +1 AP, Path EXP + 10%, EXP + 5% and Guild Feather ... Alright. They are just passive buffs, but what members of the Guild once got (it was Wednesday, January 18th) for a short period of time for participating in Raids together? More ATT, INT, DEF, Critical Power, + 10 LUK... AWESOME. Why not make it permanently? Or maybe different temporary buffs? Who knows, just think about it how pleasurable and natural it would be when players from the same Guild could get some kind of bonuses! Many of the players still playing Vindictus thanks to their guildmates and it is known that people create a guild as well. Everyone who cares about their Guild and great cooperation in Action MMORPG will surely understand what I am talking about. We need to feel that we are members of Vindictus Guilds, not only because of pink chat for communication or Guild Name above our character’s head, that's all.
3. Consumable Items limited by the time-limit.
Currently, most consumable items like Potions, boosts and other such consumables things from events are limited in time. I'm not talking about epaulets, visual effects or occasional buffs, but about items that once didn’t had such a limit, for example, "Christmas Pudding", “Halloween Potions” and even Items from the last event "Clover Juice" or "Cherry Blossom Rice Cake" - all of those unique, rare and other items in kinda “collector's character” are Time Limited. I assure you that many players would like to keep these items and use them when they will be useful. For example, an veteran player with ATT-cap does not have to use potions on ATT, probably would like to keep them until new dungeons with larger restrictions came up. Would be very fine for players with capped statistics which those potions are useless right now however it should be helpful in future content.
4. Greater impact of statistics than on skills - Vindictus is Too Easy! Better EQ > Skill
A short title but clearly shows what is currently happening in the game - here is no more challenge like before. The Combo system used to function once (its known that it will not come back same like jumping or XE Move), it was a bit unbalanced when characters such as Sylas, Hurk, TS Vella were much easier from this angle. However the advantage of this system, was that when you received the hit, your DMG fell down to the lack of 110-150% for maintaining this Combo. The game required a skill and the boss required dodging to make more damage. Now after “Overpowered Additional DMG Path” it really makes Vindictus no more that difficult and righteous because it's no more about you skill. Now with a good DEF and frightening influence of Additional DMG playing Vindictus goes down to the level of other standard Action MMO games. Vindictus don't deserve for being another casual MMO where Better EQ = Everything. It was always all about your skill, now sadly it’s not. Someone can just spend some real cach, sell NX or those items and get all the equipment from the market. With this case even most unskilled player can easily handle most challenges in game.
Where is this unprecedented difficulty when you needed to learn about your character's potential and improve yourself in battle? Where is that overwhelming difficulty of Vindictus? Where is hard hours-taking, heart-stopping farming instances for getting skilled? It was abandoned after RISE path as well. I still remember how my guildmates without lucky for upgrade their gear, with weapon +11 could easily beat players with 2-times better EQ in Raids - just because they was better, the effect of equipment was secondary thing.
Now the battle against boss is like: SMASH, SMASH, SMASH HARDER > Get hitted > #MercPotion > SMASH > SMASH, Get hitted Hard > Die > #GoddessGrace > REPEAT.
More defense, more DPS = Win - its sad but it’s true. There is no more fighting like before. I’m not saying that all of players playing like this but mostly it happens on S3 Raids.

However, we do not need to go back to the Combo system, just add some kind of the Debuffs on statistics overlapping when receiving damage for example: Dullness, Weakness kind of Wounds level during combat, which gradually reduce DMG and Defense depending on the Boss, individual attack, level of difficulty etc. For example: Dullness (lowers Critical for 10 sec) - easy harmful effect to put in on each Season 3 boss on Special attacks (like Titan). Trust me players would be more focused on battle and it wouldn’t be that brainless like it is now. The operation of adding that debuff it's easy to put in to the game in short time. Both for me and for many other players whose don’t have the lucky with RNGesus and Uncle Ferghus to make the whole EQ at +15, such a system would be the most fair. Trust me that many players abandoned game because of this issue. Personally I’ve made pretty good equipment (over 4300 AD) and I can see even better how great impact on overall damage has + on your weapon or armor.
With the exception of these main problems that directly affect players, I have to add a few others, albeit less significant but important enough to put them here.
- Boring and repeatable events (seriously Bingo with Avatar set for 1-Day…?)
Koreans had more difficult however with Avatar set on permanent last time and we got that… “event”. It's ridiculous.
- Fix for Spear's targeting - Spears which are thrown into other player on the boat are nailed into the same place instead of in individual parts of the body. Such a waste of funny theme.
- Fix for low-lvl armors textures - Some of Low-lvl armors have fine potential to make and Fusion but textures are really ugly, it should be reworked as well.
- Increasing restrictions for multi-accounts - a well-known situation where people achieved additional profits on their Main-character, maxed it by using multiple accounts (10x Regina Box for All, Additional Att. Limit Removal items after update etc.)
- In a counting of statistics after defeating final boss it would be fine if there would be visible more details like not only 1st rank in DPS but whole party DPS or stats for each player separated for example. It’s good thing to observe our progress, draw some conclusions and improve strategy for next battle - natural thing that stimulates healthy competition in party.
- Add Training room - combat simulation (Combat like on a boat but with an kind of opponent would be great part of training skills and calculating how effective our skills are on enemy)
- Add New Titles for low-lvl instances.
- PvP balance - to be honest… there is no PvP in Vindictus for now. This system need to be totally reworked.
+ Add Normal and PP Neam to quick battle
+ Add MP to Berbhe
After 7 years in Vindictus I state that playing now with all this inconvenience and unbalance is pointless. Me and 21 other players from my Guild (plus probably hundreds of other random players) will never come back into Vindictus if there will be such unfair DPS system, boring events, also 99% instances for only 4 players and overall hopeless content.
That’s cruel.
Such beautiful game with perfect combat system like Vindictus don’t deserve to be another casual, cooperation for 4 players Action-MMO like many others in these days.
In that case we need to do something with it. Change those things - (I enumerated main reasons that causes lack of players in Vindictus) or very soon there will be only few already bored players on whole server and this is the situation that nobody want to.
And what is your most annoying thing in today Vindcitus?
Maybe you will help us to fill the list by adding something by yourself?
It's always better to act then stay quiet.
and 3 others.