Alright I was requested on Twitter to create a Neamhain Guide for the NA community so here I am walking into the Vindictus Raid Bosses Classroom.
Class is in session so pay attention because this boss is no joke :P
One thing everyone needs to know is this raid is a 3 Phase raid. It is by no means easy like all other raids we have encountered. It is THE hardest raid in the game currently. You HAVE to know how this raid and the bosses work otherwise you will be destroyed by Neit and Neamhain. Lets start with the key points.
1.) You can only die 3 times. After the 4th revive there is no room for errors. If you die after that then thats it. You will be hugging that cold floor.
2.) Most ingame buffs are disabled. This raid is about having mainly Raw Stats from your gear. VVIP, Soaps, etc. are all disabled.
3.) Artifacts are usable. Make use of these wisely. For starting out I recommend Phoenix Feather Bundle so you can have that as a fall back method in case you can't dodge Gate of Babylon.
4.) I don't recommend going in without at least one Evie at the very least. Not even a Hagie alone can keep the party alive. You can exclude the Evie when you KNOW the party can handle the raid.
5.) Keep your eyes on Neamhain....she is by no means a pushover like Iset. She's far worse. Very fast, much damage, such w0w. (I'll see myself out for that joke....)
6.) Pets are Prohibited. End of Story.
7.) 15 Potion Cap. That's right everyone. For those of you who didn't play Vindictus 6 years ago that's our old potion cap. It's like Nostalgia all over again.
8.) Goddess Graces are not usable. End of Story.
9.) 24k attack is the minimum recommendation in the KR community book. HOWEVER 50 attack speed, 200 crit/bal is a must.
10.) DO NOT expect to beat this raid on your first few weeks. Solely focus on learning the raid. That's the best fastest way to even beat this raid for the first time.
11.) Neit has no life bar so don't worry about that.
12.) This guide will be a 2 post guide because this forum has a character limit ;ㅅ;
13.) Guild Feathers are usable IF you can be revived and if there is no cooldown in effect.
14.) There is no Practice Mode. Just name your boat "Practice" and there you have it. Your very own practice mode.
Now that the key points are done.....let the class begin! <-Class is in session gif
Phase 1 Part 1: Neit
This part starts out easy. Just wail on Neit. 99% of his attack are AOE creations and it does cover the field. 99.9% of those are dodgeable/blockable. Each time he stabs the ground he gives you some seconds to deal some damage. The two attacks that REALLY allow you to deal damage is when he uses his back claws (tentacles in Korean interpretation) to stab the ground. He does about 4-5 times. The last time the stab will sit there longer allowing you to deal even more damage. The second one is when he slams the ground with one and then the other main 2 claws then breathes toxic down the middle. That is also a great time to deal damage. He DOES go under the poison water then comes up and side swipes. One thing you MUST keep in mind is watch out for not only his main claw but the back claw as well as that will hit if you don't time your dodge/block. Repeat until you can get Neamhain to appear....oh and the goal is to do all of this in around 5 minutes of starting the raid.
Phase 1 Part 2: Neamhain
Say hello to the not awakened goddess herself...Neamhain. This boss hurts more compared to Neit. Focus on studying her mechanics before you focus on damage. She has some combo attacks and yes she does have side swipe attacks. Her lance does attack with purple AOE waves in 3 when she upper swings. If you get hit by these then you are fatigued with loss of stamina and you may also get a debuff that not only saps your SP slowly but cuts all healing effects in half. It's hard to miss mostly but easy to miss if you don't pay attention and if it's your first time you will know quickly. Her attacks are easy to predict. She is just very fast and relentless. She does a spinning attack jumping into the air. That is also easy to spot. Just dodge the spin swing and thats it. Attack once she comes down....oh and when she stabs the ground during that attack Purple lightning strikes the ground in a big circle so ALWAYS be near her so you can contribute to damage. when she pulls the lance out of the ground lightning strikes the ground again. Get her to 8 bars and she will go inside of Neit starting Phase 2. She also has a red dash attack. You will know who is targetted because the person will be marked with an AOE particle indicator. Neamhain also has an attack where she jumps in the air with purple bullets. She will shoot them at the players. These are dodgeable. She will target the closest player which that player will be glowing purple when she targets them in an attempt to stab that player. This stab is the same stab effect as her jump spin attack.
und 17 andere.