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Let's all be friends. Play what you love. The skill comes from practice, dedication, practice, discipline, practice, practice, and did I mention practice?
I saw the jump in responses and decided to read this thread in entirety. The game is not …
If your goal isnt the best gear with enchants and enhancement then what is it....?
If you want to compare all classes evenly, why does it need to be at minimum level instead of maximum?
The elitist label is fine with me. You can use your vie…
As a former "glass cannon" lann, i can understand whole heartedly how some of you feel regarding the class... The simple fact is though, Nexon made this play style obsolete.
Spear lann has seen many changes over the years, and while i find myself…
Low skill for Sylas...? I might be biased, but being a low dps support class seems a bit more challenging than some of the others.
Add in landing spirit rend for every combo and charging your smash for that extra second, aimed SP skills, as well …
Im going to go ahead and chime in to offer my opinion, which is rare.
I watch a lot of your videos ByteStix, and this one really struck a nerve as i have left and came back to vindictus since beta. Your review seems to be very short and focused …
I apologize for skipping past all of the other posts aside from yours Vintage, but i have felt exactly how you do and it is quite stressful. Just to offer one last piece of encouragement, Pandemoniums is a guild made up of many veteran and top 10 r…
To be honest, I have always died when trying to reach the bell, and thus avoided it entirely. Since it is not critical or essential for a clear, ive felt that my time was always better spent dancing with the boss, rather than using up feathers and …
Hello friends, it has been some time since i was a part of the fighting force. Alas, my beloved Vindictus has pulled me back. Looking forward to playing with you all again.