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  • Ty ..My girl gave me a orange Lugh at +8 I GOT IT TO +11..feels good
  • Another effort to keep the game alive. They should have done this by the 2nd year the game came out. There was no reason to keep NA servers divided.
  • I quit a while ago, and so did a few of my friends. My wife and I used to play and she was more enthusiastic about the game than I was. SHe quit too. A few of us came back to check the new update and Im not lying, uninstal right away. I visit the fo…
  • Wow this is sad. I played this game since beta and man, do I miss the old crowd. Loging in during weekends was awesome even weekdays during evening hours was fun. I came back and the game, in my opinion, is finally done. No server merges make it fee…
  • item destruction upon failure should have never been a feature in the first place, why not return the weapon enhance level to 0 instead of breaking it , the only thing it does is penalise people . LOL I don't get why you people still waste your time…
  • Sad part is, even these new updates don't hold a crowd longer than 1 week. Most people just got bored of the same old thing over and over. Most events are cash shop. The game has become a joke when you mention it on other MMO chats. The P2W is hardc…
  • Why do you still play this game if you hate nexon so much and constantly complain about everything they do? This isnt the first time you went full keyboard warrior to defend your point that nexon is garbage and makes garbage events. Just move on an…
  • It might not be a great event...but it still better than nothing o.o If I have to spend money on every single event, I rather have no events. What are u on about? You dont hve to spend a single dime on these events. I havent spent anything on vindi …
  • Wow what another GREAT EVENT LMAO. Can they get any better. I hope so...... What a @##@$#!!!! I remember when back in the days the game was about having best weapons and armor. Now its a damn fashion show where the majority of players are sitting a…
  • i feel like whenever there's any event, people just expect free stuff or chaos... So it is OK to have "BUY NX " events instead of being grateful to those 200 people play the game? Every single event VINDICTUS team does, is about you spending money…
  • You poor, poor kids with your dead game and hoping for anything positive to happen lol.
  • Awesome, now a new reason to even go online a lot less.
  • Same forums Combat arms haD for months now. No custom avatars and no other features. It just loos cleaner but no real improvements. Oh well, better than nothing right? One thing they did was destroy forum knights proud of their high forum counts, re…