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It says 500 Att limit release in the video, so I guess we can still play with it. It's 1/4 of 15.6%, which is 3.9%, so 11.7% left to increase. Regina in that solo has 2,250,000 hp, according to the Vindictus Wiki. 4 seconds till the 1st hit and death at 5:34, so using 5:30 as the time. That's atleast 2,250,000 damage in 330 seconds, 6,818 damage per second. 6,818 times 11.7% is 797.7, rounding to 798. New dps is 7,615.7, rounding to 7,616. New time is 295 seconds(4 minutes and 55 seconds). Raid is 35 seconds less with 90 more Mysterious Shards added to the upgrade.
This is based on a Scythe Evie, I'm sure other characters and weapons could do it in less time. I'm going to parrot what I did before, given these new numbers.
Just for fun, lets say there are 7 other players like this Scythe Evie. That would be 7,616 dps times 8 players times 330 seconds, equaling 20,106,240 total damage in 330 seconds. 4+ man Regina hp is 5,100,000, full 8 man dps is 60,928. The boss will be dead in 83 seconds(1 minute and 23 seconds).
For further fun, most hosts know by now that waiting for 7 players can be long at times. Sometimes longer than the raid itself. So using the same example, lets say 3 players show up relatively quickly. That's 4 players altogether, boss dies in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. Lets say 2 players show up, that's 3 total players, boss hp is now 3,900,000. Boss dies in 2 minutes 50 seconds. Duo run is 3 minutes 16 seconds.
Nice.I would like to see a non damage pot run as well.Someone will probably do at some point.Iwould also like going further in the comparison between both runs.
So this is probably going to sound odd:
If i want to determinate the differance between 500 and 2500 over the limit.I'd strickly want to do it without attack boost on both runs. The longer a run is,the more you will beneficiate from an attack limit release.For example:
1-you have 15 seconds to pull the most damage possible with a 500 attack release 2-same thing but 30 seconds
You take better advantage of the special ability on the second run
That's why even thoe doubling the time gives a decent idea,other factors would have to be taken in consideration.
Another one would be that,the Arcane Gate was used 3 times in the longer video.Even thoe the damage from Arcane was ridiculously high in the shorter run it was still used twice only,so than the comparison becomes less precise by a little. ----------------------------------------------------------- Arcane Gate damage in the 2:28 video: 0:09 and 2:01 ----------------------------------------------------------- Arcane Gate damages in the 5:36 video: 0:10 and 2:06 and 4:00 -------------------------------------------------------------- I cannot see the 1st enhanced damage in the longer video b ut the 2 next ones where over 50k wile in the shorter run,they where both respecabely under 100k easy.Also the balance is not set in stone.
I wouldn't go and compare all of the numbers thoe so yes the initial comparison gives a rough idea,but i'd still like to see a non damage pot run with the new limit so we can take the clear time with no modification.
40% is just a hypothetical number that most characters will not reach even under ideal conditions short of using damage pot, with a stat capped +15. If you are not reaching 40% before the release, it'll make an even smaller difference. If you are over 40% before the release, it'll make a bigger difference.
My +15 is only crit capped for s2, where I am unable to reach 40% on arisha if the raid does last 5 mins.
Regarding solo drop rates... I never noticed it. Hundreds of solo'd raids, and not a single scroll or orange.
Oh the drop rate is still going to be the same.The same very small chance of the drop appearing per run,but than the drop(s) is(are) randomly given to one(2-3) of the party members.You still can get loots in full parties regardless but the chances of you getting a rare drop while someone else gets it is definitely smaller than getting them when your alone.Same goes for example Shipyard or even Ben Chenner when you try to get ores.You definitely get more godly iron ores by youreslf even thoe you won't necessarely get a lot every run.
Also about the rare drops,you will probably wait a very long time if you dont have cadet badge+vip for extra cores.Even there you still need to get a lot of runs in.
40% is just a hypothetical number that most characters will not reach even under ideal conditions short of using damage pot, with a stat capped +15. If you are not reaching 40% before the release, it'll make an even smaller difference. If you are over 40% before the release, it'll make a bigger difference.
My +15 is only crit capped for s2, where I am unable to reach 40% on arisha if the raid does last 5 mins.
Regarding solo drop rates... I never noticed it. Hundreds of solo'd raids, and not a single scroll or orange.
Oh the drop rate is still going to be the same.The same very small chance of the drop appearing per run,but than the drop(s) is(are) randomly given to one(2-3) of the party members.You still can get loots in full parties regardless but the chances of you getting a rare drop while someone else gets it is definitely smaller than getting them when your alone.Same goes for example Shipyard or even Ben Chenner when you try to get ores.You definitely get more godly iron ores by youreslf even thoe you won't necessarely get a lot every run.
Also about the rare drops,you will probably wait a very long time if you dont have cadet badge+vip for extra cores.Even there you still need to get a lot of runs in.
Vip + badge + blessing, zero orange/scrolls in over 500 solos. I really don't believe you get more orange when soloing.. considering my own solos has been decidedly worse than party play, drop wise.
40% is just a hypothetical number that most characters will not reach even under ideal conditions short of using damage pot, with a stat capped +15. If you are not reaching 40% before the release, it'll make an even smaller difference. If you are over 40% before the release, it'll make a bigger difference.
My +15 is only crit capped for s2, where I am unable to reach 40% on arisha if the raid does last 5 mins.
Regarding solo drop rates... I never noticed it. Hundreds of solo'd raids, and not a single scroll or orange.
Oh the drop rate is still going to be the same.The same very small chance of the drop appearing per run,but than the drop(s) is(are) randomly given to one(2-3) of the party members.You still can get loots in full parties regardless but the chances of you getting a rare drop while someone else gets it is definitely smaller than getting them when your alone.Same goes for example Shipyard or even Ben Chenner when you try to get ores.You definitely get more godly iron ores by youreslf even thoe you won't necessarely get a lot every run.
Also about the rare drops,you will probably wait a very long time if you dont have cadet badge+vip for extra cores.Even there you still need to get a lot of runs in.
Vip + badge + blessing, zero orange/scrolls in over 500 solos. I really don't believe you get more orange when soloing.. considering my own solos has been decidedly worse than party play, drop wise.
It's totally ok.You had your observations/experiances i had mineYour very unlucky thoe..
Both with Full SP at start,focus stim and stamina pots used^^
With trans,irrelevant but just for the record
Yes from those videos the damage increase of 2000 atk limit removal should be around 30% increased damage isnt it?
I think a better estimate would be to have had a scythe evie with +15 no attk limit do a couple of basic smash attacks over and over and average the damage number and then hve that same scythe evie with +15 and some attk limit release and do the same smashes and compare the averages. I kno this player who has done lots of scythe evie solos and altho i hve no idea how evie plays, it does seem that they were being biased and "cheating" in that they probably kept running regina until they got a nice run that had lots of lucky crits on arcane gate and her other moves. Crit, bal roll, general rng of the boss' attk pattern and such all play a role in dps and are extraneous from attk limit. Unfortunately it may be impossible to do what I suggested to get an accurate comparison of dps before and after attk limit (unless someone in NA would be willing to do it). Regardless I would still like to bear your mushroom fungi children (inside joke only pandaria will get).
Both with Full SP at start,focus stim and stamina pots used^^
With trans,irrelevant but just for the record
Yes from those videos the damage increase of 2000 atk limit removal should be around 30% increased damage isnt it?
Well i find it difficult to get a value without having the weapons myself and comparing off my own performances or at least i would need to see many more videos with differant classes that i know because i don't know enough of Evie so than i miss out on some details.
The individual attacks damage itself is still rolled with the balance on every hit so that makes it difficult to make comparisons especially when you cannot exactly tell if the player pulled a very great performance versus just a good one.
I'd have to compare my own clear times or view more videos really.Whenever id compare my performances before would be off duo-ing with someone that i would team up with on a constant basis.So it was fairly easy to make a comparisons.
All i can say is that i highly doubt that getting the full upgrade would not worth it,will see.
From my experience with solo clear time and Exquisite weapon damage pots, the general rule is when you use one of those it's basically reducing your clear time by a factor of 1.5. With this in mind, The solo with 2.5k atk limit removal and 50% pot took 148 seconds in theory a run without 50% damage pot would be 148 * 1.5 = 222 seconds the run with 500 atk limit removal with no damage pot took 336 seconds, comparing 222 seconds to 336 seconds this is approximately 34% increase in clear time.
I will probably upload two separate solos of regina with pot and potless.
Well here it is: Unbuffed regina solo (only ate a cookie =3) 6min 9sec
With 50% damage potion and a cookie too 4min 13sec
current stats:
I think with my current stats, it'd be pretty hard for me to reach below 6min for a unbuffed solo or below 4min with a damage pot. As you can see the clear time matches what i stated earlier around 1.5 times longer clear time for a unbuffed run. 369 (unbuffed clear time) / 1.5 = 246 (253 seconds was the actual clear time of my buffed run)
You can also take the 6min to be a upper limit and see that with 500 att limit remove the KR evie (who almost have identical gear/stats as me) reached 5min 30sec clear time. So for every 500 attack limit remove you gain about 30 seconds and with 2000 you'd arrive at around 4min clear time with 2000 attack limit, this is very close to what I predicted in previous post where the KR evie had a 148 seconds clear time with 2500 attack limit remove and a 50% damage pot. The 148 seconds clear time with a damage potion would translate into 222 seconds clear time without potion (3min 42 seconds).
These prices seem accurate after the initial price settles in in. But i'd predicate it would take atleast 8+ months. If anyone is willing to sell at 10-20m. +call
Vip + badge + blessing, zero orange/scrolls in over 500 solos. I really don't believe you get more orange when soloing.. considering my own solos has been decidedly worse than party play, drop wise.
That's pretty much what i was talking about and it's far from the 1st time happening:
2 Lakoria runs back to back,next one was an iset run and got a masterpeice box.Also got an Orange lightweight from Dedicuous Forest before these 3 runs
If i can reformulate what i said.The drop rate is not increased no matter what,wether your alone or in party because if not you'd see runs with 6-7-8 party members all getting a rare drop.Being in a bigger party doesn't alter the drop rate so the odds of getting the rare is smaller,yet still very possible.
Well here it is: Unbuffed regina solo (only ate a cookie =3) 6min 9sec
With 50% damage potion and a cookie too 4min 13sec
current stats:
I think with my current stats, it'd be pretty hard for me to reach below 6min for a unbuffed solo or below 4min with a damage pot. As you can see the clear time matches what i stated earlier around 1.5 times longer clear time for a unbuffed run. 369 (unbuffed clear time) / 1.5 = 246 (253 seconds was the actual clear time of my buffed run)
You can also take the 6min to be a upper limit and see that with 500 att limit remove the KR evie (who almost have identical gear/stats as me) reached 5min 30sec clear time. So for every 500 attack limit remove you gain about 30 seconds and with 2000 you'd arrive at around 4min clear time with 2000 attack limit, this is very close to what I predicted in previous post where the KR evie had a 148 seconds clear time with 2500 attack limit remove and a 50% damage pot. The 148 seconds clear time with a damage potion would translate into 222 seconds clear time without potion (3min 42 seconds).
ATT Release based on shard Weapon: 600 Keen: 350 Lightweight: 350 Perfect: 350 Stable: 350 Total: 2000 Attack Release
I'm going to reword this, given your impressive response in a previous thread.
You quoted me on half a sentence. The second sentence stated, "It's 1/4 of 15.6%, which is 3.9%, so 11.7% left to increase.". 1/4 of 2,000 is 500. The video stated they had 500 Att limit release unlocked in the weapon. If 11.7% is left to be increased, then 1,500 Att limit release is left to be unlocked for said weapon.
So this is probably going to sound odd:
If i want to determinate the differance between 500 and 2500 over the limit.I'd strickly want to do it without attack boost on both runs.
The longer a run is,the more you will beneficiate from an attack limit release.For example:
1-you have 15 seconds to pull the most damage possible with a 500 attack release
2-same thing but 30 seconds
You take better advantage of the special ability on the second run
That's why even thoe doubling the time gives a decent idea,other factors would have to be taken in consideration.
Another one would be that,the Arcane Gate was used 3 times in the longer video.Even thoe the damage from Arcane was ridiculously high in the shorter run it was still used twice only,so than the comparison becomes less precise by a little.
Arcane Gate damage in the 2:28 video:
0:09 and 2:01
Arcane Gate damages in the 5:36 video:
0:10 and 2:06 and 4:00
I cannot see the 1st enhanced damage in the longer video b ut the 2 next ones where over 50k wile in the shorter run,they where both respecabely under 100k easy.Also the balance is not set in stone.
I wouldn't go and compare all of the numbers thoe so yes the initial comparison gives a rough idea,but i'd still like to see a non damage pot run with the new limit so we can take the clear time with no modification.
Oh the drop rate is still going to be the same.The same very small chance of the drop appearing per run,but than the drop(s) is(are) randomly given to one(2-3) of the party members.You still can get loots in full parties regardless but the chances of you getting a rare drop while someone else gets it is definitely smaller than getting them when your alone.Same goes for example Shipyard or even Ben Chenner when you try to get ores.You definitely get more godly iron ores by youreslf even thoe you won't necessarely get a lot every run.
Also about the rare drops,you will probably wait a very long time if you dont have cadet badge+vip for extra cores.Even there you still need to get a lot of runs in.
The individual attacks damage itself is still rolled with the balance on every hit so that makes it difficult to make comparisons especially when you cannot exactly tell if the player pulled a very great performance versus just a good one.
I'd have to compare my own clear times or view more videos really.Whenever id compare my performances before would be off duo-ing with someone that i would team up with on a constant basis.So it was fairly easy to make a comparisons.
All i can say is that i highly doubt that getting the full upgrade would not worth it,will see.
The solo with 2.5k atk limit removal and 50% pot took 148 seconds
in theory a run without 50% damage pot would be 148 * 1.5 = 222 seconds
the run with 500 atk limit removal with no damage pot took 336 seconds,
comparing 222 seconds to 336 seconds this is approximately 34% increase in clear time.
I will probably upload two separate solos of regina with pot and potless.
Unbuffed regina solo (only ate a cookie =3)
6min 9sec
With 50% damage potion and a cookie too
4min 13sec
current stats:
I think with my current stats, it'd be pretty hard for me to reach below 6min for a unbuffed solo or below 4min with a damage pot.
As you can see the clear time matches what i stated earlier around 1.5 times longer clear time for a unbuffed run.
369 (unbuffed clear time) / 1.5 = 246 (253 seconds was the actual clear time of my buffed run)
You can also take the 6min to be a upper limit and see that with 500 att limit remove the KR evie (who almost have identical gear/stats as me) reached 5min 30sec clear time. So for every 500 attack limit remove you gain about 30 seconds and with 2000 you'd arrive at around 4min clear time with 2000 attack limit, this is very close to what I predicted in previous post where the KR evie had a 148 seconds clear time with 2500 attack limit remove and a 50% damage pot.
The 148 seconds clear time with a damage potion would translate into 222 seconds clear time without potion (3min 42 seconds).
However, it seems the max limit is not 500. ATT Release based on shard
Weapon: 600
Keen: 350
Lightweight: 350
Perfect: 350
Stable: 350
Total: 2000 Attack Release
If anyone is willing to sell at 10-20m. +call
2 Lakoria runs back to back,next one was an iset run and got a masterpeice box.Also got an Orange lightweight from Dedicuous Forest before these 3 runs
If i can reformulate what i said.The drop rate is not increased no matter what,wether your alone or in party because if not you'd see runs with 6-7-8 party members all getting a rare drop.Being in a bigger party doesn't alter the drop rate so the odds of getting the rare is smaller,yet still very possible.
I'm going to reword this, given your impressive response in a previous thread.
You quoted me on half a sentence. The second sentence stated, "It's 1/4 of 15.6%, which is 3.9%, so 11.7% left to increase.". 1/4 of 2,000 is 500. The video stated they had 500 Att limit release unlocked in the weapon. If 11.7% is left to be increased, then 1,500 Att limit release is left to be unlocked for said weapon.