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Suggestion based off Ancient Coin concept
Let me start off by saying this ancient coin event is amazing, it's a great event and it gives something to work toward even if you aren't getting raid drops, it's a fantastic event, it's balanced, and it hasn't tanked the economy of the scrolls that hard at all.
I want to take the same concept, and introduce it into season 3 raids and future content, and heres how.
As of right now, everyone has tons of mercenary potion's and GG's, if they die, they just spam gg,s the logic right now is "attack until I die gg keep attacking get first in damage never stop attacking"
raid's currently just don't have the difficulty they had anymore, so heres my proposal.
Make ancient coin's a new currency, available only from completeing season 3 raids, reduce the cost of all scrolls by 50% of what they are now, and make the way to introduce them this:
Oath of honor: Dead party members may not revive. Completing the raid with this oath on grants 1 ancient coin to all party members.
This is such a simple way to obtain them but it adds back that element of danger, it brings back the disciplined raids, it becomes the new standard for high tier groups, while it has no effect on lower tier groups, because they will still be getting the same items.
This is a fantastic way to give us the difficulty we all crave, as well as introduce a reward for doing so.
Let me know what you guys think!

Another proposal to be more "fair" to the players that don't have ~2-3 hours a day to burn thru all 20 seals is to limit the coins to lets say to 10 a day. It will allow the playerbase to be more consistient as people will be logging in everyday to get their coins.
Also to make this game more "F2P" in a sense, we could also have an option of allowing coin trading for the unstable enchant runes. These disappear on use regardless of the outcome but will allow people to save their hard earned gear. Allow 1 unstable enchant rune per 15 days for idk 75 coins? This will allow you to attempt a high cost r7 prefix or suffix every 2 weeks "safely".
1: Keep the current pricing of coins to scrolls and make this feature permanent
2: Limit coins to 10 per day to keep players coming back (maybe)
3. Allow unstable enchant runes to be obtained through coins (75 every 15 days)
I'm expecting a bit of criticism along the lines of: "I play for 5 hours a day and raid everything so I should be able to get 20 coins a day". That may be true but you raiding everything already gives you a "higher" chance of getting a scroll. Give everyone an equal opportunity to be geared well with the time they have allotted to play this game.
This is like neiman/old nifleheim were it can possibly turn into a 1-3 man show is a majority of the party's faces hit the dirt
My only concern is low population giving players who aren't strong enough to be trusted by pug hosts for these runs a harder time when it comes to finding a party that will let them in. Maybe if we have a proper server merge or just more people active, it wouldn't be a problem, but the more I think about it the more it seems like coin raids would be the only ones worth doing to endgame players.
edt: Actually I like how GldPhoenix put it. Unstable runes exist, they should be obtainable for free after this event somehow, and that's a totally reasonable way to have it. I'd even consider buying them with nx if they priced down compared to the reusable on success ones.
My proposal is that the battles have to be hero mode if you can't obtain a seal of bravery for them (irukul, blood lord, polar bear) to get a lower tier ancient coin to trade in for their well balanced enchant scroll and such but increase the price drastically since they can just farm the shitake mushrooms outta those raids) ~50-60 coins for wb instead of the current 20
The one good thing about Bland & Soul was that until they screwed up their token system, you could earn everything that you needed to upgrade over time even if you didn't get lucky on certain drops or manage to win the bids on others. Knowing in this game that you could throw yourself at RNG for weeks to months and see no return for it sucks. Keeping the coins in use year round with scrolls as well as even unstable runes if nothing else would be a great addition.