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Due to the forums going into read-only mode, I have moved this guide to a new site, and will be updating there. Please see that guide for the latest information.
How to Do Mood Missions
In town, your character will randomly display an emoticon above their head, indicating that a mood mission is available. Press F1 to bring up the mood mission menu. Here you have 3-4 (not terribly descriptive) mission options. Press and hold the corresponding number (1-4) to select a mission, and details on what to do will be provided. You have 2 hours to complete the mission. Bring up the main menu and select "Moods" to claim the rewards.
On the gamepad, hold L2 or R2 to bring up the mood mission menu, and use the D-pad to select the mission.
Mood seals - 30 seals can be exchanged for Mood Emotes in the Seal Shop. Mood emotes will display above the character's head when an emoticon is entered in the chat. See the available mood emotes in the
third post.
The mood seal shop also contains a "Lucky Streak Buff Scroll", which will give you a buff to luck, critical, balance, and other stats for 24 hours:
You can also get an airtight (account-shareable only) mood seal for 2 regular mood seals, making it worth it to do mood missions on alts and share them to your main.
Buff - lasts 2 hours with effects depending on the resulting mood
- Calm: CRIT RST +3
- Joy: Luck +3
- Mad: DEF +200
- Off: BAL +2
- Pumped: (M)ATT +200
- Weepy: ATT SPD +2
Mood display - While a mood mission is available or a mood buff is applied, you can use the "/mood" command to display your current mood.
5-Star Mood Missions
Occasionally (about 1% of the time) a fourth mood mission selection will be available, with 5 stars decorating the name. Completing this mission will give 2 mood seals instead of the usual 1.
Mission Descriptions
Tracking mood mission descriptions and resulting moods is an ongoing process. This post and spreadsheet should be updated semi-regularly.
Patch notes introducing mood missions

There is a guaranteed mapping from initial emote and mission selection to the resulting mood (and therefore the resulting buff). The mapping from initial emote to resulting mood is consistent for all missions within a certain "category" the action falls under (e.g. repair equipment or talk to an NPC). These are nearly fully-mapped.
The number to select the mission always seems to offer missions in the same category: 1 - "Mission", 2 - "Talk", 3 - "Town", 4 - "5-Star" (when available). Since the mapping from initial emote to final mood is unique between the first through third categories, you are always guaranteed your choice between at least three buffs.
Tabular format:
For illustration purposes, the four most common mission options are shown here:
Thanks to Asdryu on Discord, who brought up the resulting mood depending on both the initial emote and the selected mission, and Ruller, who determined the final 5-star mission mapping.
These Mood Emotes are available for purchase with Mood Seals. This includes the additional emotes added in the 2.75 patch.
The Mood Emote name in the seal shop often differs from the command used to display it. Both are shown here, and can also be found in spreadsheet. Emote images were provided by Anthonytonyboy.
These were the original initial mood displays before they were updated to their new look.
There are apparently a lot of references in the mood mission names. Gotta give the localization team credit on this, at least.