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I just spend like 15m convincing friends that Vindictus as a group party, is so fun and that you can increase the difficulty -- so we can all die, laugh and struggle together. I get them to download the game -- create their characters, just for us to be lvl 50 in like two days? Our fights last like 15 seconds ... this is not fun. They literally just uninstalled because it "feels pretty robotic" and "isn't fun, its too easy". What happened to Hero Mode? This is not fun anymore!! At least the option to play hero mode should still be here! Even if there is less rewards. Just harder bosses. As crazy as it sounds, we want to die. There should be some element of danger?

Also, I'm a little sad to see the forums so inactive.
The game has been streamlined to get you to end game content ASAP. The forums have been abandoned in favor of Discord.
The game atm feels like it has a 10 hour long tutorial. If you really like the combat style and visuals, endure it, at lv95+ it starts getting interesting. You will not regret.
This thread is also more proof (we don't really need it tbh) that the game scares new players. Very hard to get new player base like this....
This is sad. </3
Those days are long gone sad to say.
Maybe in Vindictus 2.
I've only ever played my main, so I'm not revisiting the nerfed content on new characters, so this change doesn't effect me as a player, but it does effect the game's ability to have community growth. The game is currently set up so older players can breeze through older content on new characters they make. I agree with you that they really need to set "easy" and "hard" mode options, because this game is not new-player friendly at all anymore. Let old players making new characters toggle on an easy mode that activates the nerf, and have the un-nerfed version be the default.
Struggling to stay alive in Hoarfrost Hollow while killing my friends with the spike trap in there is part of the fun of playing at a lower level. Enjoying the battles while reading season 1 (which is the best written season period) is important for new players. No one wants to zoom through the majority of the game just to skip to the end if they're a new player.
Rather than Vindictus 2, what we need is a new game by a new developer that can match Vindictus' combat system for fast-paced action combat. And for the love of god no more hotbar games. I don't know what it is about MMOs and hotbars. Vindictus proved that you could have high-paced, complex combat using literally nothing but WASD, spacebar, and the mouse.
Good point and I certainly agree. My preference is the combat style this game offers or even other fast-paced single player games such as Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Ninja Gaiden.
Based on my experience with recent new characters, I can solo level up to lvl 85~95 for about 8 hours.
It's still fun and people die in the new raids.
But the problem is we need to go through a long and tedious easy mode dungeons to unlock the story and raids.
The dev doesn't give us any "skip to level xxx" event.
I guess dev wants people to get familiar with the character, but this warm-up period is just way longer than it should be.
Well, for all these being said, my Tessa is level 61 after 4 and half hours.
It's a fun char to play, and I am on my way to lvl 105.