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So I have been playing chain Vella for a long time and I really enjoy using chains, but I feel there are some tweaks that need to be made. First off I feel like it is very hard for her to fight bosses who are very mobile and quick. What I was thinking is maybe adding a skill so that way when she is in heart of ice mode she can stutter step back while she is swinging the chains. Kinda like what sylas does when he does that blink and throws his dagger. Idk something I wanted to suggest, let me know what you guys think.
oops, ty, forgot to change that.
Still wrong, try again
Vella CB is a true DPS class but Vindi has every class as DPS. Which in fact ruins the class selection feature.
CB Vella has almost no useful attack skills aside from Flurry and Red Blizzard which this 2 are only effective with mobs (using these with a boss takes time and sp that can be used with Hailstorm)
If you take the skills that a CB has and go to a battle as Ein Lacher, the number of skills available is reduced by 2 and other skills are there but won't do anything as for Black Ice, so in reality is 3 skills that are unavailable in solo battle I do not know if these conditions are true for other characters). No terminus and no Frostbite, which the latter fails incredibly so much anywhere anyways. Even on regular battles, almost every boss can shrug off Terminus and that is truly annoying, compared to other characters that they have auto-skill that locks the boss and have these cool cutscenes (beating the life out of them)
The Glint/Biting Cold is even worse, this feature I have tried so many different ways to use it successfully but it fails more than it works. There are days that works like a charm and OMG I am so happy but is more the time that is bugged out or not working at all.
When the Vella update was implemented we got this whatever skill "Glacial Strike" that I have no comments for this skill. I don't even use it because if I want to DPS well, I need my Heart of Ice and Blood Chill. Again, damage inflicted is pathetic for the actual cost/loss of the skill.
Black Ice - Black ice is a good skill for mid-bosses and team playing other than that is a total waste of spec since most S2, S3 and on bosses and most mid-bosses are immune to it. This was a great skill when the cap was level 60 but now is totally useless.
So to recap, Vella has 6 Active attack skills but, one is not good in almost all content Black Ice. Two of the remaining 5 Frost Bite and Glacier Terminus Fail too much and underpowered, even more, these 2 can't be used in solo battles (Black Ice has no use in solo). Three remain now, Glacial Strike is not recommended due to the amount of HoI consumed to be effective, with CB you want to Hailstorm, not Glacial Strike. We have 2 Active attack skills to use now, Red Blizzard and Blade Dance. So this proves that Vella CB is really hurting skill wise. Only 2 Active Attack skills that can be used when other characters have OMGERD a massive repertoire.
I could keep going into details for EVAR!!!!!
Anyways, if we are a true DPS class and we have to fight stationary, why we get so nerfed? Why don't we have Slashing High? Why can we not absorb damage? Why is the recovery time from a dodge so long? Vella CB needs so much attention compared to the rest of other classes. Even on this last update, we didn't get anything. I mean the darn Miri is flying around Dragon style haha!
I do love the suggestion of stepping back since the only thing Vella does while in Hailstorm is slide forward!
So I don't know for sure what they are talking about in it, but according to google translator they are adding and adjusting skills.
I hoped they would do something to chain Vella too, but it seems like she is one of the few classes that won't get touched. +cold (Along with greatsword Hurk and crossgun Kai. Rest get modifications of some sort)
Chain Vella / Sword Lann (finally getting a major rework soon) / Hammer Fiona are all "old mechanic" playstyles that need a major rework imo.
If there was a change to CB Vella the only one required would be to make HoI not timer based but stack based.
HoI into something like this:
-Every smash she does she generates two HoI stacks.
-After every smash she can hold down the smash button and Vella will immediately start doing Hailstorm spamming. This special Hailstorm spam will consume 1 stack per 4 Hailstorm attacks, minimum of 1 stack per 1 Hailstorm attack. This special Hailstorm smash does not generate any stacks.
Blood Chill:
-Active, 15 seconds duration, 1 minute cooldown. 500SP
-Whenever Blood Chill is activated Vella gains an infinite number of stacks, additionally, all of her smashes now become the special Hailstorm spamming right click hold down smash.
-Vella regenerates an extra amount of stamina every second regardless of what she is doing.
Blood Fountain:
-15 seconds, 1 minute cooldown, consumes 10 stacks of HoI.
-Vella gains %increased attack speed for the duration of Blood Fountain.
-Vella gains increased %SP generation.
Or something like that. This would give her much more fluid playstyle which would fit the new bosses better and hopefully not remove too much of her damage output from current bosses.
Other than that she's very effective at dealing damage and is one of the safest and easiest characters to play. She also scales very well with attack speed, crit, and balance. Meaning that she also scales very well with additional damage due to her Hailstorm spam being able to apply that damage and average that damage out very well over the course of HoI+BC.