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1. Dress Room Extension Update
Meet the simulation area and the ampoule production area.
Your personal space 'Dress Room' will be updated.
You can preview the dyes in your avatar and equipment,
or try on an avatar that you do not have.
Quick ampoules make ampoules more convenient and
special ampoules can be made.
In addition, you can see 4 new emotional expressions and you can
share your avatar with other characters in the ID with the special item 'Clone Avatar Production Box'.
2. Guild farm improvement
Feel the joy of cultivation on the guild farm.
Guild farms improve their way of cultivating crops.
Unlike the past, if you cultivate crops, you get crop compensation from your belongings.
When planting crops, you can get a certain amount of crops by mail if other guilds cultivate them.
You can also get rewards when you give water to crops.
You can feel the pleasure of farming with various rewards at the guild farm.
3. Redeemers Update
1% Now gives 500 ATK/M.ATK
50% Now gives 250 ATK/M.ATK
100% Now gives 250 ATK/M.ATK

This is gonna save me so much gold I wont know what to do with it anymore
Can someone explain on how we get these "Points"
Where we can use a KIT to duplicate an outfit we have on our character and transfer that outfit to another character within the same account. Is that what i heard right? I also heard that there might be outfit points involved in order to do this.
Apparently you must earn WARDROBE points by owning several things such as OUTFITS, EMOTES, or OBJECTS and they will add up (this applies to the entire account, not just one character) the points are also based on how rare they are, then when you have enough points you can unlock SKILLS (does not cost Wardrobe points). 750 for the CLONE OUTFIT BOX.
Apparently you must earn WARDROBE points by owning several things such as OUTFITS, EMOTES, or OBJECTS and they will add up (this applies to the entire account, not just one character) the ra, then when you have enough points you can unlock SKILLS (does not cost Wardrobe points). 750 for the CLONE OUTFIT BOX.