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The Fatigue System


  • Member Yukinoshi
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    This system is gonna backfire so bad
  • Member Taleeya
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    This system is just ridiculous. It was added back then and then removed, only to be added back again?

    The fatigue system makes me want to deinstall Vindictus and not spend any time on my character anymore.
  • Member WizertHarry
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    No one:
    Nexon: "Let's add a feature that will kill what's left of our players"

    Please stop this nonsense nexon.
  • Member kyl
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Post: 1
    This game already has small player base and not all that much to do, now you are restricting the time we can spend playing the game if we do not pay.. please remove this feature Nexon
  • Member Caithlynnc
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Please remove this ASAP the consequences will be massive for everyone.

    -consider the economy of scrolls and other high level items if you cannot grind anymore. prices will go through the roof.
    -all the newer players that want to play the story missions that need a hand will receive a lot less help because level 90+ battles are all affected by fatigue
    -your pretty much forced to buy high level items because the droprate is shitty already now farming things like scrolls and steels etc will be even harder

    economy will be hit so damn hard with this and those that play a lot your limiting too sure it prevents bots but at what cost?
    **** up the economy? rooting out the active players?
    Just the announcement makes people want to quit i have seen no positive post in discord about it for 3 hours straight at this point.

  • Member Lyndelin
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    Fatigue system will kill the game. All active player will leave
  • Member ToyotaAE85
    Vindictus Rep: 100
    Posts: 3
    I'd like the game to be active for as long as possible, and messing it up with a fatigue system will only shorten this game's life. Please reconsider this system nexon :(.
  • Member Maya22
    Vindictus Rep: 210
    Posts: 2
    as a new player this makes we wanna quit the game before even getting to season 3. i was thinking about investing in vvip if the game was super fun at endgame, but this update just shows me that nexon doesnt care about its player base at all.

    **** korean trash system, just because they need it by law doesnt mean ppl appreciate it.
  • Member Levistus
    Vindictus Rep: 210
    Post: 1
    I was an "old" player in Vindictus. I played it since it was released. Then i left. I left becouse i started BDO, that is a modern game under various aspects. I just appreciated some mechanincs in Vindictus, like the difficult of some dungeon in hero mode, and some mechaning hack & slash.
    Times ago i thought that Nexos was bad, but recently , reinstalling Vindictus, i realized that they could do even worse.
    I really don't understand how they think to be competitive with other developers in this way. I mean Vindictus was almost empty when i left, now is almost desertified. So they decided to kill it definetly with this great idea of Fatigue.
    What i have to say, well.... i reinstalled and disinstalled after a week, an hug to all Nexos stuff, see you later on BDO boys, well done XD
  • Member Pocketz
    Vindictus Rep: 700
    Post: 1
    I used to play this game as well back in the day, I ended up leaving because of the decision to remove fiona's spin to win mech for sword. It helped me personally feel like I was more useful in the party to keep up with faster boss's. I also wasnt happy about the removal of the jump, because it was a fun addition that didnt bother anyone since it could be simply unbound. This fatigue system though? I uninstalled your game right away and its sad because I really enjoyed the monk, it's a more fun version of mystic from bdo. Also if you guys want to remove bots from vindictus, simply add a pay to play option, 10 dollars to buy vindictus and make a account. Give people some good **** and then you will notice that bots have to pay 10dollars each time they make a account. You will always have bots or people advertising, but this strategy works and gives u moneys. This fatigue system just made me uninstall your game and I would like to play it more.
  • Member AbuseOfDiscretion
    Vindictus Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 30
    Oh, good, people have been posting how much they hate this stupid garbage all year, so I won't be necroing too hard.

    I left about a year and a half ago and came back to find, of all things, a fatigue system in a game that was already dying. Now I'm quitting for good until you either get rid of it or sell the game to a publisher that knows what they're doing. I'm not some Asian who's going to play a game until I forget to eat and drink and end up dead in a cybercafe. Even if I were, I'm not stupid enough to think this is about protecting me. This is just your last gasp attempt to wring what little money's left out of your whales before you finally dump this game. Get fucked, you've gotten all you're getting out of me.
  • Member Hegert
    Vindictus Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    is there any hope that it will be taken out soon ?
  • Member Renolas
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Boy oh boy, I come back to this game and what do i find? A **** fatigue system. The **** do I care about bots "ruining the economy" it's not like this game has enough playerbase to sustain itself. **** you nexon, I hope this company burns.