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What exactly is the point in banning people who are not in North America anyway? It's not like they're gonna take your jobs, lols.
Seriously, we've been very proud of the fact our guild is multi-cultural and international. We have friends here in Vindictus from Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada, and all over the world. You just banned at least 2 of my most honest and loyal guild mates. And one of them you'd just unjustly banned only a few months ago already, then apologized and re-intsated his account. I even made a forum post to thank you for doing the right thing. He is the most loyal and honest person I've ever met online too, and the other guildie is his irl friend he grew up with, and is also just an all around great guy. These are my very good friends, and very good friends of many others here too.
But even beyond all that, this is still just absurd. These people help keep this game alive and
you just banned them for no better reason than they have brown skin. Please stop killing the game (and your own profits). You're ruining it for everyone, including yourselves.

This is the only statement that I take issue with. I personally do not subscribe to the notion that these people got "banned," because of the color of their skin. This is just blatant race baiting. These players did not suffer because of their skin color. They suffered because they're outside of Vindictus's indented support region which does not equate to race. Suffering from geographical location =/= suffering from skin color.
Do I personally agree with Nexon's decision to block people based on where they are globally? No, I do not agree with it b/c I believe that having a diverse playerbase enriches the social experience offered by your typical MMO. A guildy of mine who played from Ukraine just got nailed by this earlier today.
He was a good player & friend and I'm disheartened to see this happen to him. However, just b/c I disagree with Nexon's decision doesn't mean I'm going to instantly jump on making accusations involving race. I can see from a technological standpoint why Nexon did this.
Since the game uses a peer2peer system, any person playing outside of the supported region runs the risk of having a poor experience due to latency issues. This issue also works both ways wherein an NA player will have a poor experience when connecting to a foreign host. Since NA is the intended region & target audience for the NA server, I can see the reasoning. By enforcing region restrictions, they help reduce the likelihood of their target audience having a poor experience by connecting to foreign hosts. It's that simple.
Not trying to flame you or anything, I just didn't appreciate your utilization of one's skin color in your argument. I also would like to reiterate that I do not agree with Nexon's decision; I'm just able to see an actual reason instead of baseless race-baiting.
After I made this thread and logged off, I had a feeling someone would get bent about that. But I didn't change it because that would be their issue, not mine. It sure would've been nice if you really don't agree with nexon, if you had lended your support instead of nitpicking this one thing you failed to understand. That certainly would've done more to help the community.
But fine, lets explore your issue. Firstly, it's been years since they merged our servers, and Australia is much much farther away than South America and the latency issue is far worse. Secondly, your friend is the first and only non Latino that I've even heard of so far that got banned, and yesterday I didn't even know about that one. Not only that, but he got a very different message than my friends from Argentina. Their message simply said playing from outside of NA, and had nothing whatsoever to do with government restrictions. My friends from everywhere else in the world were not getting banned. So factually, whether it does have anything to do with racism or not, it wouldn't be a baseless accusation (even *if* it was an accusation (more on that later), since that is *based* on what facts I actually knew.
Not only that, no one that I've ever heard about ever complained about latency caused by players from South America (or anywhere else) being a big problem. People are always putting "Asia host" etc in the mega, and everyone was doing fine with that. I'm in NA, more than 140 miles from nexon (I used to live right down the street) and when I host people sometimes have latency issues too. It's the same for many of us here in NA. I have a few friends here who host no better than my friends from Argentina that they just banned. Besides, from what I've seen the much larger problem with lag comes from the weak servers that have been an issue here for at least 8 years that I know of personally, and that's easily more of a problem for everyone than players from outside of NA hosting.
Regardless (and here is where your issue comes into play), the fact is I made no such accusation. What I typed was: "you just banned them for no better reason than they have brown skin." I never said that was the reason they banned them. I just said the reason was "no better than" because I didn't see any other valid reason, and I still do not. Did I suspect that racism was involved? I did actually, and still do (change my mind). But did I assume that is the reason for sure? No, that would be illogical, and that is why I worded it the way I did. So that no one who understood basic English would take it wrongly. I chose those words carefully, and that is why when I suspected someone might take issue, I felt no need to edit them.
Also, they are doing the opposite of making the game more enjoyable for people from NA. Instead they are creating a smaller player base and for a game that's always so close to dying, that's so obviously only making things worse for everyone, with the only possible exception I can think of being those who hate brown people. Are you starting to see my point yet? They've known a huge portion of their players are not from NA for at least 3 years now and have done nothing to change that. Do you really think they just woke up and decided they would start caring about latency all of a sudden after all the server issues they've ignored for so many years?
On top of all of that, it is very well known that nexon has hired at least one extremely blatant racist before. So why would you completely ignore that? Not to mention the climate of extreme racism here in America at this time is far too obvious to ignore as well. No, I think I have many valid reasons that have bases as firm as anything could be in this situation. Certainly firm enough to pose the question, but I did not even go that far. The most I can factually be accused of here is implication.
So you said you "do not subscribe to the notion that these people got "banned," because of the color of their skin". But unless you are an employee of nexon, there is no way you would know that, so that's simply a blatant assumption you made based on nothing but perhaps a desire to think that nexon are incapable of bad behavior.
Lastly I have to ask: do you agree or not? You say you don't agree, but then turn around and say you can see a reason for it, witch is at least partially agreeing. That's a bit of a contradiction. I mean, sure I see what they say their reason is, but all things considered it's hardly a valid reason and so I have different suspicions. Despite all of this though, I wonder why you personally take such great exception to someone thinking it might be driven by racism. Not intending to flame anyone either, but in my experience the term "race-baiting" has only ever been used by racists. No one else would even have a reason to use that term. So are you a racist? Partly asking because the only ban you seem to care about is your friend from the Ukraine. Witch btw I am sorry to hear about.
They can force their laws to us but once another law conflict with their money flow they rather blocked them.
Just because your thread was long, I didn't feel like including it in a quote nor splitting it up into multiple quotes to which I'd reply. However, since you ordered your points into eight nice and neat paragraphs, allow me to bullet point my eight replies to yours.
I'm a pretty liberal guy and half Mexican myself so it's not like I don't empathize with brown people here. But I took objection to that accusation (it's pretty serious) as well.
Of course the white guy has to nitpick this lmao.
WKUK +best
Also saw your "CHONK Chart." Oh lord he coming XD
Ppl do that since ages. Also ban and IP restriction are 2 different things.
Cloak just likes to whiteknight this game for some inexplicable reason. Maybe calling them racist was going too far, but saying 'it's for connection purposes' is BS. Isn't that up to the players to decide? They can literally just leave any boat that's a one bar for one reason or another and not play with them, if they don't like it.
Taking a game that averages 300 players a day according to Steam Charts (I and many others use the Nexon Launcher so what, maybe 600 players a day?) and adding barriers to entry like this and the ridiculous boat token 2.0 fatigue system turns away what few players it *does* have.
Nah, I'll call Nexon's BS when I think it's necessary. Otherwise, I'm just calling what I perceive to be other people's BS because that's how I get my kicks. There's nothing wrong with voicing complaints when they're needed, but if I think the reasoning for one's complaints are invalid, that's when I tend to chime in b/c I'm that guy. I'm also very argumentative as you probably already know
Also, that white guy line was just Kirra poking fun at the chonkster XD