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NEXON, you may have noticed
that even though many players are most likely able to play more (due to virus concerns) they have chosen Not to. Many who stopped playing when the fatigue restrictions came up have Not returned. Where is the contribution of a 'bail-out' from NEXON? Suspend the fatigue and get Vindictus ALIVE again !!! The daily spins are Not enough of an incentive apparently! Maybe if it was like 10 spins for doing the daily temporal missions? Or just let the fatigue 'take a vacation' during these trying times. Pretty bad/dead game when there is a Long wait to come up with 4 players for a mission, Long wait for RARs, nearly impossible waits for Redeemers to fill! STEAM is hitting records but they are not in Vindictus! Other games are hitting all time highs but again not in Vindictus. This has to be at the all time low in people playing this game?
I am sure that there are many people who still love this game such as myself. Please think of us - there is not much to do if there aren't others to play with! Solo missions only go so far... (even if people want to title grind etc. the fatigue points are a hindrance!) It is painful to see this game with great story, combat, appearance, game play slowly but surely disappearing. It may not be too late! Please fill the boats!!!

Also I see plenty of activity in the server, I'm able to do my royal raids everyday with no issues. You just have to try to have constant activity. Lets say you want to do QBs, instead of waiting for boats which is boring af, you do solo content like dailies, muir, s2... and you keep checking QB after every map till you find parties.
They are apparently from chile which is considered part of the global region which includes the usa. The above link is contradicted by their earlier post:
Why bother putting different regions if you limit the service on a per country basis anyways?
They are also not allowed to change their country when they contacted support. So I guess even if you do decide to move to the USA your account is done for.
Things like this are why I don't think this game deserves to come back. Nexon gets it in their heads to make garbage, anti-player choices and standby them even to the detriment of their player base so we should just give up. Let this game just die off and move to other games by other companies that actually want to have us around.
An even greater gesture, fire everyone involved with putting the fatigue system back in the game.
This fatigue is a shame.
I came back playing with the fatigue system.
and i have over 800 fatigue pots.
Its bad for the people that multi-task with multiple account.
So they either give you too many fatigue pots, and the system doesn't really do what it was intended to do, or they give you too few fatigue pots and they active prevent you from playing their game.
Without VVIP, doing the basic guild missions for the day (One RAR, 9 other raids, 2 daily missions, and 2 Interdimensional Rifts/1 Cadet for 30 total bosses) I find myself needing a fatigue pot or a nap in the guild bed just to get drops from everything. That's a healthy play session but that's also implying that I don't want/need to play anything else. Ein Lacher? Raids with guildies? Extra Redeemer raids? Nope, you *need* fatigue pots then.
People who want to cheat the system with multiple accounts or bots are going to cheat the system regardless of whatever you put in place, so adding a finite consumable item that directly impacts my ability to play the game seems like Nexon cutting off their nose to spite their face...
Fatigue is fine.... at the moment. S4 is going to see fatigue costs skyrocket to nearly 25% per dungeon are people even gonna be able to run the newest content for long?
I don't understand why Fio, Lann, and Evie all got screwed out of their original voice packs.
We got the korean voices, and the new NA crap voice overs, the rest of the characters got their original combat voices back.
But us Fio/lan/Ev players? We got screwed over and no one cares.
I can't play this game for more than 5 minutes anymore without logging out because my character's voice being taken from her is unnerving.
I just can't do it. You can't just expect me to be ok with my 9+ year old character being changed like that.
Just pull a pro-gamer move make all the characters mute.
Problem solved.
It's that kind of ill will that made many players leave and tell their friends to never play Vindictus or trust Nexon again.