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The voice line for new update looks pretty decent for most classes, but their combat voice change seems to be very disappointing. I play Delia and she used to have voice that fits her character now she sounds like totally different character. Also, it's very distracting that her voice cracks every Counter of Comets for the gameplay. It would be nice if your team can add option to pick old and new voices as my suggestion. Also, putting in a poll for others opinion.

and 44 others.
The combat sounds are pretty terrible with de-sync and other issues, people would definitely appreciate toggle-able voices.
just like all the othersbut you have my vote regardless. I want a toggle for the old voices because some of these NA ones make me cringe harder than writing a funny le random XD comparison in here would.Lol CN has combat voice selection? Hell, since it's already coded in the game, if it doesn't get added to ours, just another layer to the cake of bad decisions by western management again.
The only things is: will be amazing if we could have KR & CN voices pack (There are laws or policies for that, yep but would be a great idea)
--- Combat Coices System ---
It needs be controled (reasons):
1. The people (old players) are highly accustomed to the combat Korea voice, you not should do a drastic change to this. [In my case even I can't play with my Vella {804 titles + 932 wardrobe points}].
If you don't understand it, here there is a example: You have a wife or husband, you've lived with him/her during 5 years. Ok, then to the next day she/he has a so different voice and even different patterns voice in him/her expressions... "holy crap what the hell is going on" you think is another person wow. Then if you in a future can adapt, you can continue with your life, if not then the relationship will come to an end.
The same thing happen here in this video game, the advantage is: you can programmer it and decide if keep the new or old voice. If you force the player to adapt to a mmorpg you only will get lost the players and money.
Here a example when a old player hear by first time the new voice:
2. I know that Nexon America used the services from Marc Graue Studios, this means a profesional work and sure it is. These dialogues already have emotions, feelings, accents in their expressions. Even I was surprised when the characters talk to others when they enter a party (lol is a nice job, is a thing that also mobas game do to create immersion like LOL or Dota 2. Have a story with the characters and we can feel that they are alive is 10/10).
Example when Arisha talk to Evie: players reaction
Please allow the option to change to the old voices + new voices (combat system)
To be more precise, CN has voice-over selection feature, that allows people to shift between CN and original KR versions of combat, cutscenes, voiced dialogue sounds.
So... Hurk became a wimp now, while lann sounds like a barbarian on a yelling contest, and eira sounds... just like lann but with a female voice...
And why the heck are lann and eira yelling so freaking loud? Compared to other characters I heard today, those two are breaking the sound barrier, they burn the ears. This is the work of a professional company? At least equalize their volume to an acceptable level, geez. >.>
They honestly listened to these voices and told "okay, sounds cool, lets roll with them!"? I really can't fathom what were they thinking. Change is one thing, but to mismatch the voices this badly, it must take a special talent to do that. Even if I would have just started playing today, the combat voice of lann and eira are so atrocious that I wouldn't even think about using them, they are simply beyond irritating to hear over and over again.
I don't care about that dumb visual novel simulator, I just want my old combat voices back! +sad
Ohh, and option to disable voice emotes and those automatic blabbers, pretty please! Those are annoying too. >.>