minimum effort, just put it into the new
Pet Daycare feature and wait a long time (online for
9d 19h 20m, can be AFK, assuming no treat/petting).
It is most effective to use petting on the highest level pets in your guild, and save treats for your highest level pet.
To level up pets the
fastest (but get
no character exp/items/AP for most of the runs), do Level 1-40 in 115m at
Treasure Hunt mobs in room 1 only and leave, then Level 41-50 for 100m in
Kraken across alts (or across multiple days) for a total of
3h 35m.
To level up pets the
fastest (while always gaining character exp/items/AP, do Level 1-20 in 40m at Cromm, Level 21-28 in 30m at
A Friend Once Lost, 29-50 in 2h 53m at
Kraken (2h 53m) for a total of
4h 53m.
For most
efficient, if you have lots of pets, put the lowest levels in the Daycare and Level your higher ones just from raids (since you should be doing them anyway).
If you have multiple low level pets, go into any place with lots of mobs (e.g. Treasure Hunt/A Friend Once Lost), kill some mobs, swap pets, repeat. All pets will gain Exp per mob killed while it is out, if enough mobs are killed, multiple pets can each level up at the end of the battle.
This is the summary, for more in depth details, read on.
For Pet Vanguard abilities, refer to
Save Kraken for your high level pets.
If you do Kraken with a low level pet, it will gain the same Exp as it would have if that low level pet did something else. e.g. a level 15 pet will gain the same 2745 Exp in Kraken, Cromm, Shady Forest.
This is because each battle has an Exp cap. 5649 for Shady Forest, 3904 for Cromm, 35136 for Kraken. The level 15 pet has an Exp cap of 2745. The lower cap is used, so 2745 Exp is gained.
Apparently Kraken's Tentacles increase the Exp cap, so Cromm x9 (8 Tentacles + 1 Head) = Kraken Exp cap.
Bark, Lavasat still have a 3904 cap despite the extra things to kill, so prioritize the other S2 ex-raids and maybe even skip these.
Iset has a cap of 10061.
A Friend Once Lost has a cap of 7963-9595. (Depends on how many mobs you skipped/killed)
To expand on the pet switching method for low level pets, I'll use an example.
A Friend Once Lost can give up to 9595 Exp, but you have 2 level 16 pets which can only gain 3336 Exp and 1 level 5 pet which can only gain 306 Exp.
If you only have the one level 5 pet out the entire run, you will only gain 306 Exp.
If you only have one of the level 16 pets out the entire run, you will only gain 3336 Exp for one pet.
But if you summon the level 5 at the start and kill the cluster of spiders at the start. Then summon a level 16 pet and kill all remaining mobs up to the boss. Then summon the other level 16 pet just before the boss dies. After that one run, your level 5 pet will gain 306 Exp and your two level 16 pets will both gain 3336 Exp.
If you do not want to grind Kraken and only do raids, you can summon your pet at the end of the battle to gain Exp.
If you are forgetful, keep an invincible pet out the entire time and when you remember to, summon your non-invincible pet in the last few seconds. This way you don't miss out on Exp when your forget.
Blessings do not affect pet EXP.
x2 EXP event does affect pet EXP, but it will not gain a value higher than what Kraken gives.
In raids, the exp cap in a party of 4 are approximately 8845-9516.
Pet Exp cap is reduced to 85% each in a party of 2. 80% in a party of 3. 75% in a party of 4. (need to check values)
Pet Exp cap is reduced by about another 1% for each pet that isn't yours that is summoned. (need to check values)
So if you are grinding an easy area like Kraken and want to level a high level pet (>42), it is better to solo. (For A Friend Once Lost level >24). The Exp cap is reduced even if someone does not have a pet summoned.
Note that party members affect Exp cap only, not the Exp you can gain. So if your level 40 pet (which can only gain 26068 Exp at most) will still gain 26068 Exp in a party of 2 in Kraken. But your level 48 pet (which can only gain 35136 Exp at most in Kraken) will only gain 30117 Exp in a party of 2 instead of 35136 solo.
All players in the party will gain the same amount of Pet Exp regardless of damage to the boss and how many mobs they killed.
Exp gained is calculated during the kill, so if someone dc before the kill in a party that was 4, it counts as 3 people.
Pet Exp is given even if a player is AFK the entire battle.
Pets can only gain 1 Level per battle.
After leveling, excess Exp is carried over to the next level. At very low levels (<5), it is not carried over.
Exp is based on each kill. So you can summon your pet in the last second and kill a boss to gain all Exp from that boss.
Exp gained is scaled to your pet's level. The higher the level, the more Exp you will gain.
All pets of the same Level gain the same amount of Exp and require the same amount of Exp to level up regardless of Rank, Type, Species.
Your pet will only gain Exp from kills while it is alive. If your pet already has Exp from killing mobs and then dies afterwards and stays dead, he will still gain Exp from those mobs that were killed before your pet died.
You can use "-" three times to hide and show the interface during the screenshots at the end of the battle, then use "Forfeit and Return to town" to instantly collect items and gain Exp for a relatively significant time save for fast S2 runs.
For Kraken, after using the Ballista, you can click "Forfeit and Return to town" so that the confirmation message appears, then when the screenshots are being taken, hit Enter.
It is possible skip the Ballista after killing Kraken, to do this, you need to use a multihit move onto two parts of the Kraken to kill and there will be a small chance for the skip to happen.
Level 50 is the level cap for all pets.
You need approximately 85 Krakens to level up a pet from level 40 to 50
You need approximately 134 Krakens to level up a pet from level 30 to 50
You need approximately 172 Krakens to level up a pet from level 20 to 50
You need approximately 202 Krakens to level up a pet from level 10 to 50
You need approximately 226 Krakens to level up a pet from level 1 to 50
You need to run A Friend Once Lost 517 times to level up a pet from level 1 to 50. If you only run this, levels 1-30 takes 1h 33m, 31-40 takes 1h 49m, 41-50 takes 4h 31m, the total time is 7h 53m.
Total EXP required and EXP/m
Unlike EXP from battles, EXP capsules will pass the cap at low levels.
Excess EXP from capsules will also carry over to the next level.
1 10k EXP capsule on a Level 1 pet will make it go to Level 9 with 99% (1% to next level).
2 10k EXP capsule on a Level 1 pet will make it go to Level 12 with 47% (53% to next level).
3 10k EXP capsule on a Level 1 pet will make it go to Level 14 with 20% (80% to next level).
Since all places give tiny amounts of EXP at low levels, it is best to use a couple EXP capsules on your lowest level pet and then use other methods after that.
(Kraken/DC refers to how many times faster you gain EXP in Kraken than in Daycare.)
Vanguard Abilities
Pet Daycare
Treats give a set level percentage per treat, so save the treats for higher levels. (Regular = 3%, Superior = 6%, Exquisite = 10%)
Petting gives 2-4% per pet (approaches 2 at high levels). It is more beneficial to only pet higher level pets as it saves more time.
Daycare gives your pet exp while you are online. You can be active or AFK on any character on your account.
It is best to pick up a pet after it has just levelled up. If it is about to level up, wait a bit more for it to level up.
When you pick up a pet, any EXP it gained for that level in the Day Care will be deleted.
e.g. If you put a Level 30 pet at 0% EXP in the Day Care, wait for it to gain 20% then pick it up, it will still be Level 30 at 0%.
e.g. If you put a Level 30 pet at 0% EXP in the Day Care, wait for it to become level 31 and another 20% then pick it up, it will be Level 31 at 0%.
e.g. If you put a Level 30 pet at 50% EXP in the Day Care, wait for it to gain 20% then pick it up, it will still be Level 30 at 50%.
e.g. If you put a Level 30 pet at 50% EXP in the Day Care, wait for it to become level 31 and another 20% then pick it up, it will be Level 31 at 0%.
Treat limit
1-10 1 per level
11-20 2 per level
21-30 3 per level
31-40 5 per level
41-49 6 per level
Petting count limit:
1-10 5 per level
11-20 6 per level
21-30 7 per level
31-40 8 per level
41-49 10 per level
No one:
Literally no one:
Daycare teacher:

Our pets are in good hands
Exp per min added to the table.
1. Niflheim does not grant any pet XP.
2. Ceara storyline maps do not grant any pet XP.
I still get 12871 pet exp from Kraken with a level 30 pet.
But 7808 with a level 47 in Crom. 35830 with level 47, 38238 with level 49 in Kraken.
So if the value is underlined in the table above (boss' cap) it will be doubled. But the pet Exp will not pass the pet's cap.
EDIT: Thought I'd mention that Divine/EXP Blessing doesn't affect pets.
Leveled up mine 1-20 in 25 min, which is pretty fast optimal strategy would be:
Lv01 - Lv20: Giant first area then /leave
Lv21 - Lv28: A Friend Once Lost
Lv29 - Lv49: Kraken
Curious to see how effective the upcoming Pet University is.
The times are without pettting/treats. For high levels, it's easier to just get the time for a range (where pet/treats did not occur) then do maths.
Since from what I have so far with lower levels, the increase rates are quite predictable.
I just noticed that as well.
Yeah it is.
Also added "Total EXP required" section which includes details on the Pet EXP capsule.