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Do you like to be TOP DPS?
Hi I wanted to know if you like to be the TOP DPS too
It's all life can give me
Sometimes people hurt my feelings but its okay because I have screenshots of my TOP DPS battle result and I feel better
oh boi...
Me: Gets ready to go in and give it my all.
*Fellow OP party member burns half the boss's HP in 2 minutes*
Me: Well, there goes the fun *rolls eyes*
In regards to the OP, do I like being top DPS? Hmmm, yeah I do. I enjoy it even more when I outdps more powerful people that spam GG's. Gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that I outdps'd them because my skill was enough to overcome the stat difference.
Do I want to be top DPS all the time? Nah, not really as I'm more focused on playing hard, enjoying the fight, and trying to push myself further. Getting top is just a nice surprise at the end if it happens.
why then just solo content? more bosses for you
yeah less core per hour (if you care) but more enjoyable fights
Also, it's super fun to see them tilted af when they see me getting valuable ES while they did all the work and got some trash items.
D :<
And I agree with @Cloakshire and @Sir_Render. There's a difference between enjoying a good fight with a boss vs watching someone just melt threw its HP, it kills any enjoyment you'd get out of playing, feels like bullying, and completely removes what little of an edge is left after RISE nerfs you'd feel when you're fighting a boss you once thought was tough and would be nervous to fight.
For me specifically
Vindictus was the most fun when bosses could tank an entire party of 8 people
The bosses didn't die instantly heck sometimes the party would get wiped
but I really enjoy the mutual struggle with a large group
As time has gone on I could solo bosses in decent time but it just doesn't have the same epic scale to me
I'd rather be a band of 8 weaklings taking the boss down in say 20ish mins after an epic struggle
Than either taking it down in 1min in a party of 4 or 8 mins by myself