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Stop putting titles in the Onslaught rewards +rant
I get it. You want to milk what's left of your playerbase by forcing them to play a promising "PvP" mode for steel, for pointless gloating or whatever floats people's boat. I never liked PvP, and coincidentally I am one of those few people who pretty much just want to play the game and collect titles.
Already this game pressures you to do guild missions and still to a lesser extent, Redeemers, all the time and all of this stuff just takes WAY too much time. Now with Onslaught having titles in the rewards every season, anyone who wants titles has to do it constantly and quite frankly I am already sick of it. Apart from the toxicity that I sometimes see, 30% the time I still get matches where you can't even do anything to win lol. You just feel powerless due to superficial matchmaking and unbalanced characters/mechanics, and that is definitely a turn off for me for this stupid mode. There are plenty of people who play the mode for steel anyways and don't really care about the titles in it, so why not just remove them from the rewards altogether and add different incentives (like more seals or other stuff like the blue crystals).
I say this from a 8 year player's perspective, and I have never encountered such rage inducing content since Season 2 days. I really don't like the direction this game is going with all these daily or reoccurring things (like Redeemers) you have to do to even stay relevant in this game. We didn't even have this kind of content back then and who the heck would want to come back to this game when you have to do so much to even play the game these days.
I don't even post on the forums often because honestly I hate trolls and insensitive people who don't care about stuff like this but I have had enough and just had to put this out there out of sheer frustration.
Sometimes, just sometimes, I want to log in and just... play the game.
tl;dr Take out titles from onslaught because I really hate the mode and just want to play the game instead of endlessly grinding while going insane from rage.

Sounds like you're not playing with rage / strategizing properly with statue use tbh
You can get games with terrible teammates and still carry with statues / rage to a point where you get close to winning (with the exception of EXTREMELY unbalanced teams, at that point you just hope for a wipe during statue spam - and even then these games aren't very common).
In terms of the time it takes, it should only be taking 1 hr / day to go through 6 tickets, and it should only take you roughly maybe 50-60 tickets to get to 3K points for the title. Maybe less if you start the season late (from increased rank gain by placing against higher ranked players).
If you're getting angry, dodge queues by waiting for your previous queue to leave and joining the next one or take a break.
I'd say placing titles under NX paywalls are a bigger issue compared to putting it behind OS tbh.
The requirements to join is so low, if I am able to join with a Gnoll Chiefain weapon equipped, then clearly there is a problem.
Temporary solution:
If you are put on a good/decent team. Make the effort to win.
If you are put with 2 trash players, autorun into a corner and watch youtube / do something else, but keep an eye out to see that you are still moving with autorun. Don't waste your time, you won't need to rage. Try get a fast 0-200 for a quick 10-15 points.
You don't need a high win rate for the title thanks to the buff from 4 points to 10+ points for a loss
Uhhhhhh this is hella toxic lol.
You can choose to degear in order to be placed with better geared players - the weapon is the major factor at play.
And even then, good gear =/= good player. So the "if you're really op you get put with trash players" doesn't quite make sense.
Don't be toxic and just try your best to win the game lol. Most people I've seen generally know the basics of OS at this point and can follow instructions (ex: statue throws, standing on statues). And if someone's doing something wrong take the time to educate them after the game instead of just throwing and making the mode miserable for everyone (low seal count for both teams, etc.)
If you're losing EVERY game because of seemingly 'trash' teammates, it's definitely on you as well. Rage and statue spams lets you carry games a lot harder than you think.
Forgot to mention, not just if your team is bad, the other team needs to have multiple people who are known to be good. You can work with it if both teams are kinda bad, but if it get so bad that it's 1v3, nope.
Yeah, if they both don't know what to do, tell them where to find a guide, they can read it while you wait for 0-200.
Nah if both teams are good, I still carry with near 0 deaths and have a good win rate. Unless there's a good bow, in that case, they carry, those things are broken, remove rage already.