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Top 5 Titles Per Class (NA & EU)


  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    Karenda wrote: »
    Checked at 02:16 A.M. CEST:
    Gojira 762
    Me (Karenda): 761
    Arenth: 752
    hey there

    can you please edit Agiel (EU) to Jasmin? used a namechange coupon. :)


    ty both of u <3
  • Member FoldedCorner
    Vindictus Rep: 400
    Post: 1
    I don't think I'll ever get that many titles. I was happy around 400 before they did the shared titled thing.
  • Member Plakster
    Vindictus Rep: 1,705
    Posts: 119
    edited May 24, 2018
    lucky numbas i mean what ?

  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    Congrats to Natsuki for being the first person on our servers to hit 800 titles!!!

    Also congrats to Elaea for being the first Miri to hit 700 titles!!
    (this update is killing me)
  • Member Ortix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,235
    Posts: 28
    I just noticed that thread, but I guess I will not get on 1st #5
    I’m almost regret that I’m not playing on NA..sigh


    Anyway there is an mistake, Postii is from EU not NA as well.
    You tried to take best bow Kai from our server… not nice.
  • Member KenshinX
    Vindictus Rep: 1,870
    Posts: 151
    Ortix wrote: »
    Anyway there is an mistake, Postii is from EU not NA as well.
    You tried to take best bow Kai from our server… not nice.

    Postii is best bow Kai in EU? Don't make me laugh +haha He's by no means bad, just not the best.
  • Member Ortix
    Vindictus Rep: 1,235
    Posts: 28
    I hope you realise that I didn’t meant statistic or this stat-based “ranking” are you?
  • Member Aibou
    Vindictus Rep: 835
    Posts: 34
    Just hit 700 titles on my Hagie, no idea if there's another yet on EU. :)
  • Member xCyclonus
    Vindictus Rep: 895
    Posts: 38
    boteasymode EU Kai @743 titles atm
  • Member Mokuton
    Vindictus Rep: 1,700
    Posts: 25
    Hey great work! Why haven't they pinned this? This kind of information should be displayed on the main website.
  • Member Goatanks
    Vindictus Rep: 1,060
    Posts: 30
    edited July 3, 2018
    Does anyone know of a guide about Title Farming? Possibly on Reddit or Forums?
  • Member Yakuzama
    Vindictus Rep: 930
    Posts: 37
    Hey ,I am from EU !

  • Member Hirudegaruda
    Vindictus Rep: 790
    Posts: 8
    back from a small hiatus and hit 800 on Jasmin some days ago :)
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    edited January 3, 2019
    Hey, I'm currently working on an "End of the Year" title board, like what I did last year for 2018, there are a few people who I need update counts from though to make this as accurate as possible, those people being

    For EU
    Jasmin - Fiona
    Nocatia - Vella
    Yakkuzama - Sylas
    Elaea - Miri

    For NA
    Rhri - Lynn
    ShadowMadara - Sylas

    If I don't find/receive an updated count for any of those people, I'll just go with the latest numbers that I have which range from mid/late November to mid December.

    Also submit Grims please, I've been struggling with filling that board +sweat

    Thanks! ~Saph
  • Member OCDenhanced
    Vindictus Rep: 855
    Posts: 14
    OCDenhanced (NA). I think I'm coming back took a few years off and I guess people caught up to my title count. I don't know what my final number will be for titles but with Vanguard I SHOULD be able to hit that HOT 800!

    My delia guildie has more than the #5 on this list as well but we haven't played in forever.

  • Member Cedric
    Vindictus Rep: 1,355
    Posts: 87
    Saphree wrote: »
    it's just something I wanted to do cause why not? Just something that I randomly decided to do is all

    You know there is smt called name and shame policy ? Also you should ask the persones if they agreed before you put their name on the forum not after, because ... you just randomly decided to do so, cause why not....
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    edited January 2, 2019
    Cedric wrote: »
    Saphree wrote: »
    it's just something I wanted to do cause why not? Just something that I randomly decided to do is all

    You know there is smt called name and shame policy ? Also you should ask the persones if they agreed before you put their name on the forum not after, because ... you just randomly decided to do so, cause why not....

    It literally says "If you don't want to be on this last, that's fine! Post in the thread or pm me if you want your name to be taken down for any reason." in the original post, if people don't wanna be in here I'll take them out, and it's not like this is exactly doing any harm to begin with, it's just title counts... and most people have submitted the counts to me themselves whether on here or on discord. There's maybe 5 people on here who I haven't spoken to? Not like 100% of the list is unaware of this things existence.
  • Member TheDazzling
    Vindictus Rep: 3,295
    Posts: 433
    ^ I remember similar threads like this, people say things like " I'd like for you to remove my name from the list blah blah " (they're usually really high in rank of whatever the thread is) then they get taken down the list and someone else take their spot... then the people that got taken down cause they asked to complain about the list being inaccurate and sh*t -_- I don't understand. +shy
  • Member Saphree
    Vindictus Rep: 2,280
    Posts: 273
    edited January 5, 2019
    Seeing as it's a new year I figured I'd come back and make this type of "end of the year" board like I did last year, this is just rough numbers, I'm not 100% on the exact counts because I stopped tracking titles as hard as I used to, so here it is:

    So the #1 for each class was
    Lann: Zubine - 840 (NA) {+99}
    Fiona: Jasmin - 825 (EU) {+78}
    Evie: Natsuki - 856 (EU) {+96}
    Karok: SAOPingu - 824 (EU) {+92}
    Kai: TheEvilEnderman - 820 (EU) {+80}
    Vella: Nocatia - 823 (EU) {+87}
    Hurk: Gojira - 831 (EU) {+91} [NEW]
    Lynn: Rhri - 830 (NA) {+116}
    Arisha: TakeitSlow - 807 (NA) {+97}
    Sylas: Yakkuzama - 740 (EU) {+63} [NEW]
    Delia: Korulie - 775 (EU) {+99}
    Miri: SaIamandinay - 764 (NA) {+158} [NEW]
    Grimden: Grimden - 632 (NA) {N/A} [NEW CLASS]

    Note: Elaea's count is off, I couldn't seem to find an updated count for them so I'm just going with the last one I had, so aside from her this is accurate to the best of my knowledge <3

    Edit: Changed R1 Miri from Elaea to SaIamandinay seeing as I couldn't find Elaea and SaIamandinay was higher by near 20 titles.
  • Member Yagamin
    Vindictus Rep: 3,580
    Posts: 266
    You didn't ask for mine in the post above so I assumed you were going to update it. I was definitely online while you were updating them based on the edit timestamps...


    Expect an increase when the prof event works, got all the materials already.