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restoration restrictions..?

Vindictus Rep: 400
Posts: 21
edited December 28, 2018 in General Discussion
HI!, i need a confirmation regarding restored +15..16.....20 wepons.
If i breack a wepon going for +16 or 17 , will i be able to restor it ??? , and if i can , will i be able to do so with the coming restore es ( gift ) ?


  • CloakshireCloakshire
    Vindictus Rep: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    Restore, yes.

    You just won't be able reforge it after.
  • blenderblender
    Vindictus Rep: 400
    Posts: 21
    edited December 28, 2018
    Cloakshire wrote: »
    Restore, yes.

    You just won't be able reforge it after.

    so if i fail for 16..17...etc il just not be able to reforge only restore,,. Thx mate !