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To Nexon:
My this year be a lesson to you. no one is playing the game, everyone is just logged in doing nothing. if we had something to do to gain prizes then people will be on doing it. it is lame that its almost new year and the xmas tree isnt finished. it goes to show you how crap this year stuff is. not only we didnt get anything decent to do, all the items are timed and the items are crap.
uhh nexon literally gave us +10 - +15 coupon and quality coupon. you sir are ungrateful
so we got something that gets given to us on every single event. we didnt need to earn it, we didnt need to farm it oh and we have limited time to use it so everything we can use it on doubles in price..... its not ungreatful, its logic thinking. the bloody xmas tree isnt even finished.
The Xmas tree event isn't finished because Nexon in their infinite wisdom decided to make S3 raids, and especially the new ones, the only thing worth doing. No one wants to go out of their way to smash things in old content for what is apparently a low chance at getting the new ornaments and ribbons. New? Yes, that's right, Nexon coded in new ornaments and ribbons so if you still had some sitting in your story item inventory from the last two times we had this event they don't count.
I did a few runs of Hoarfrost and the like on characters and was averaging less than one ornament a run. Same for Nightmare at the Ruins. So much less than one a run that I gave up after five runs on a character netting only a single ornament. The old Christmas events had much higher drop rates and had things like Clodagh/Outfit dye ampules, runes, etc. Things worth beating your head against RNG for. Vindi has done a much better job the longer it goes on under this new management of making the best ROI doing nothing.
Want +12 gear for all your characters? Do nothing for 30 days. Want rewards? Log in, go afk, and do nothing for 30 minutes a day. No wonder this game has tanked so hard. No wonder Nexon continues to be one of the worst regarded publishers of multiplayer titles.
The Xmas tree event isn't finished because Nexon in their infinite wisdom decided to make S3 raids, and especially the new ones, the only thing worth doing. No one wants to go out of their way to smash things in old content for what is apparently a low chance at getting the new ornaments and ribbons. New? Yes, that's right, Nexon coded in new ornaments and ribbons so if you still had some sitting in your story item inventory from the last two times we had this event they don't count.
I did a few runs of Hoarfrost and the like on characters and was averaging less than one ornament a run. Same for Nightmare at the Ruins. So much less than one a run that I gave up after five runs on a character netting only a single ornament. The old Christmas events had much higher drop rates and had things like Clodagh/Outfit dye ampules, runes, etc. Things worth beating your head against RNG for. Vindi has done a much better job the longer it goes on under this new management of making the best ROI doing nothing.
Want +12 gear for all your characters? Do nothing for 30 days. Want rewards? Log in, go afk, and do nothing for 30 minutes a day. No wonder this game has tanked so hard. No wonder Nexon continues to be one of the worst regarded publishers of multiplayer titles.
Doesn't the tree just finish when nexon wants it to . We already know they can tamper with the ultimate objective event when they choose. The tree could just be a flip of the switch.
its about that time of the year again where i bump this just before going to play a different game for xmas. im not hoping for much anymore, i know we wont get a good xmas event, it will just be afk crap or raid crap as that's all the imagination we have now since we move to NA . kinda sad really but im not going to be doing the same thing we do all year round when the holidays kick in.
so this is a bump and please vote who knows a miracle might happen.
Same old crap. Real events died a long, long time ago.
yep, looks like another year im logging into star wars the old republic and spending some real money on there again. they have some good events year in year out
so we got something that gets given to us on every single event. we didnt need to earn it, we didnt need to farm it oh and we have limited time to use it so everything we can use it on doubles in price..... its not ungreatful, its logic thinking. the bloody xmas tree isnt even finished.
I did a few runs of Hoarfrost and the like on characters and was averaging less than one ornament a run. Same for Nightmare at the Ruins. So much less than one a run that I gave up after five runs on a character netting only a single ornament. The old Christmas events had much higher drop rates and had things like Clodagh/Outfit dye ampules, runes, etc. Things worth beating your head against RNG for. Vindi has done a much better job the longer it goes on under this new management of making the best ROI doing nothing.
Want +12 gear for all your characters? Do nothing for 30 days. Want rewards? Log in, go afk, and do nothing for 30 minutes a day. No wonder this game has tanked so hard. No wonder Nexon continues to be one of the worst regarded publishers of multiplayer titles.
Doesn't the tree just finish when nexon wants it to
so this is a bump and please vote who knows a miracle might happen.
yep, looks like another year im logging into star wars the old republic and spending some real money on there again. they have some good events year in year out