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My thoughts on leveling my Grimden to lvl96

Member PlayerOOOl
Vindictus Rep: 1,270
Posts: 45
edited December 25, 2018 in General Discussion
Last time I played VIndi was when Miri release. I leveled up my Miri up to level 95 and wrote a small note down.

I just returned the game and finished Season 2, and my Grimden just reached level 96.
Sweet exp gained with VIP capsule + Clover bonus + EXP Boost
And too bad, I think the terrible Keaghan voice acting will stay forever.

I always level up my char to the level cap then stop, and it's usually around the beginning of S3.
This is the first time I didn't check the DPS charts for a new char because S1&S2 dungeons are too easy now.
To me, Vindictus is a single-player game with marketplace most of the time.

Regina is the first challenging map to me, even with the free +12 gears.

There are some new contents after a year of my hiatus.
I will definitely check it out.


  • Member AngelYukki
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 184
    Regina is a raid and is not meant to be solo btw
  • Member Nokaubure
    Vindictus Rep: 2,185
    Posts: 176
    edited December 26, 2018
    I managed to invite a friend that never played the game and make him level to 100 (it was so hard to convice him that only early levels suck, thankfully he started to like the game at around lvl 60). He died for the first time against beokros, then elchulus and then he didn't died again until ikrum. In s3 is where he started to find the game challenging, he died against the bosses that lowers your att and inflicts dot (he didn't knew we can lift the curse) and in bosses like regina he had to make a party. Then died a lot of times at the traps in berbhe.

    So yeah even for a completely new player, only s3 starts being somewhat challenging. He's a very good player in all games he plays so maybe its not the best example, but I think its kinda accurate.
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    edited December 26, 2018
    Season 3 is current content, which is also split onto parts with noticable difficulty, mechanism and stats difference. Anything prior to that has been made easy, so it can be progressed solo by inexperienced players without issues. Imagine S2 still has raids - you wouldn't be able to do anything on your own (with a leveling char), nobody would join either because it's outdated content, effectively blocking your progress.

    However, I can agree that most of the stuff is simply too easy. Players checking out the game may think it's too easy by the time they reach current content, which is also significantly influenced by the free enhanced gear all along the way.
  • Member NoSleep
    Vindictus Rep: 1,195
    Posts: 45
    I'm thankful for the free gear since gearing up is often the most challenging part of the game so I don't mind if maps are easier now. I would have to say S1/2 are major slogs due to fact that we need to solo all the quests so there's even lesser of a chance of meeting anyone else along the way. The best way to advertise Vin would be a 1P game with some raids at the endgame. I actually like 4-man raids over 8 since it saves me time from waiting for my boats to fill up.
  • Member PlayerOOOl
    Vindictus Rep: 1,270
    Posts: 45
    AngelYukki wrote: »
    Regina is a raid and is not meant to be solo btw

    There used to be many S1 and S2 dungeons also called "raid" and was not meant to be solo, like Lionotus, Colru, ancient Elchulus, etc.
    I cannot tell which are still real raids and which are not these days.
  • Member PlayerOOOl
    Vindictus Rep: 1,270
    Posts: 45
    Thanks for the replies. I reached level 100 last night. And you guys are right. The real current contents are S3 raids. But then, I guess it's newbie friendly to make S1 and S2 easy. But, where are the new players???
  • Member NoSleep
    Vindictus Rep: 1,195
    Posts: 45
    PlayerOOOl wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies. I reached level 100 last night. And you guys are right. The real current contents are S3 raids. But then, I guess it's newbie friendly to make S1 and S2 easy. But, where are the new players???

    They're waiting for Miul.

    TBH everyone is stuck in S3 so it's normal to see zero new players in S1/2.
  • Member Grunty
    Vindictus Rep: 240
    Posts: 6
    I want Miul more than Grimden. We need a fast-paced ranged dps. Xgun Kai is probably the closest thing. Sylas is probably second closest but his smashes counter his playstyle since they are so slow and you can't really do effective dps unless melee range anyways. Grimden is some compromised hybrid mess between Vella and Lann--I'd rather play either of them than continue on my Grimden.
  • Member Daimus
    Vindictus Rep: 890
    Posts: 44
    Grunty wrote: »
    I want Miul more than Grimden. We need a fast-paced ranged dps. Xgun Kai is probably the closest thing. Sylas is probably second closest but his smashes counter his playstyle since they are so slow and you can't really do effective dps unless melee range anyways. Grimden is some compromised hybrid mess between Vella and Lann--I'd rather play either of them than continue on my Grimden.

    Miul is just slow close ranged damager, even her longest attacks are on range of Sylas' shuriken or a little bit further. So Kai was, is and will be the only one available true long range char here.