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Not logging in for 30 days works.
My last login was Oct 19 (according to Steam). I just logged in today (Nov 21) and received the redeployment package.
The waiting will be worth it! (For your alts)

that works too.
FYI, we have had redeployment package since years ago.
It was never brought up because the stuff it gave was standard +10 equipment, but now it gives +12 full r7'd equipment instead.
I agree in their pursuit of the casual crowd they've completely ignored their most loyal players again. I guess we're just cows waiting to be milked after all.
The only worse things were the ridiculous notion that wrecking every small guild on the server would somehow increase attendance, and making season one almost mind numbingly boring.
I'm still a loyal player though and hope for things to get better. I have missed maybe 3 weeks over the entire last year, but I guess I'll just play a different game for the next month too. It seems pretty obvious to me that that's exactly what they want me to do. +sad
Anyone know when the event ENDS? I'm wondering if I could log off with my MAIN account TODAY and still have 31 days to log back in and get free gear for the few alts I have on my MAIN account.
I just logged into my "iced" accounts. According to guild member timer, it's been 32 days. And I too got my goods.
So, make sure logging in if you're sure that you're in your 31st day or so. Or wait for at least 31 server resets to pass. Because if you log in at 29d23h55m the support will not accept it and won't do anything for you.
So hopefully this event is still running in 31 days as I've decided to ice my main account now for free gear