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BLack_DiamoN's Marketplace
+14 Dullahan Helmet: have 2 unbind 310kk
+13 Dullahan Mail: have 2 unbind 200kk
+13 Dullahan Greaves: have 2 unbind 200kk
+14 Dullahan boots: have 2 unbind 310kk
+13 Dullahan Gloves: have 2 unbind 210kk
The book of legacy: 80kk
Innocent Cry: have 3 unbind 35kk
Woeful belt : have 3 unbind 50kk
Frozen Dagger : have 3 unbind 100kk
Frozen Thorn: have 3 unbind 90kk
MSB: have 2 unbind 100kk Noble Scrolled
Innocent Tear: 30kk
Woeful Belt: have 3 unbind 50kk
call me whisp or mailbox @BLack_DiamoN or BrokenArrowTR