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Caution: Abnormal gameplay detected at Rupa
Distorted Truth (Rupacitus) battle provides special secondary weapon called Spear Bomb, used to break bubbles and interrupt boss' swim phase. After today's update, hitting boss with the spear causes Abnormal gameplay detected error, preventing entire party from finishing the battle and gaining loot. That said, it effectively slows down each run and punishes everyone in team when someone doesn't know, forgets or does it on purpose. This also applies to Royal Army version of the battle, which includes plenty of inexperienced players.
Of course this is not intended behaviour and should be fixed ASAP.

and 2 others.
You cannot spear Rupa at any time throuhgout the run (means waiting out the swimming stage)
Popping Bubbles and saving teammates is okay though
Posting for awareness and to show that it's NOT RELATED TO THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE
Just say you are looking into the problem or forward the problem to devs , instead of bs replies .
How long will it take to fix abnormal gameplay for Rupa?
I explained to them that everyone is having the issue when they spear rupa
Waiting for reply.
You may want to link this thread. Nexon's support is 3rd party so they aren't always aware of things if it's not directly fed to them by someone.
That download after the maint is for fixing guilds. Some guilds broke and couldn't access their guild panel.
It's been over 2 years and Fine Spears are still not fixed, so the fish will probably take a while too.