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We can change Vin's fate!


  • TheStatsHeroTheStatsHero
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 7
    Kurs wrote: »
    And the doomsdayers like you do nothing but instill fear and potentially speed up the process for nothing. We're not white knights we're just for doing things constructively if we criticize Nexon instead of trying to help kill a game people like for no reason. That's the reality, not what you thinking we're pro Nexon and will do anything they say

    Seriously, it’s getting boring reading your comments, where you are basically repeating almost the same thing over and over again… Do you actually believe a new player is going to get “scared” by some words from random people? Personally, I think a new player with brain-cells would never care what you, me or whoever says about the game. They would simply try out the fcking game and judge for themselves whether they like it or not, whether they want to stay and make the fcking DOL rich or not… And to be even more realistic, If I were in their shoes, I would’ve seen some youtube videos first (to see the gameplay) and then go ahead, download and play it. That’s it. I would never even bother looking at the forums in the first place…

    As for the “bad” doomsdayers… Has it ever occurred to you that some of these “destructive” players may actually care about the game? Yes there might be some trolls among them as you guys claim, but trust me, deep down those doomsdayers wish that the game could be brought back to it’s former “glory”. We don’t wish for the game to end, we only point out it’s current flaws (which are currently massive compared to the past…) and we demand a better gaming experience in order for us to support Vindictus, by our own free will. We don’t like how the game is being humiliated by it’s developers and, as a result, how we are being treated.

    What do the “white knights” do? You accuse us of being unable to see the game’s “bright” side, you somehow claim we should shut up and pretend that everything is probably fine, or even If it’s not it’s fine to stay silent and let it be like this until it’s end… And you even dare to ask people to recommend it to others so that those “ignorant” new players will spend money to keep it alive, temporarily, for what? one more month maybe? In order to spend money on a game, first it needs to offer me sth in return. It’s not a charity… That’s how a product works in detail:
    1)The game is appealing and offers a good experience to it’s players -> A big, happy community -> Big earnings for the company -> the game is alive
    2)The game offers almost nothing and the devs are disrespectful to their players -> Small daydreaming community -> Insufficient profit -> the game closes

    And here is your biggest mistake. Those doomsdayers mention their reasons, which show exactly why the game is in a bad state of no return (due to it’s devs). Everyone in his/her own unique way more or less agrees that the “Rise” update was a disaster and we want it to be reverted, at least, partially. As for you… You say “The game is fine, because I enjoy it” THE END. Why don’t you state exactly what is so appealing about it right now? Give us some examples. Tell us for instance: “I like the feeling of accomplishment from completing Neam without dying”. I think it’s more productive to make a big list of what makes the game FUN right now instead of personally attacking the “bad” doomsdayers who bring chaos and completely disapproving of their opinion. That would have been more convincing to make people return. At least that’s what I was expecting from this thread.

    Personally, I approve of OrtRisa’s thread (even though he seems to have given up) and “Getting To Know Nexon's CEO” thread. It would have been ideal If we could somehow have a conversation with the Korean devs ( and DOL…) where we could express our concerns. But since this won’t happen, as I said before it’s best to move on, there are other games with combat systems similar to Vindictus and I have even stated some of them in my previous post.
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    edited June 8, 2018
    Well, They say something, I defend myself, if it seems like it's an issue of communication and how it's said then I'll say the same thing in a different way to try to get what i think across. And yes I do believe people will get scared by some random peoples comments because it happened to me, and I got scared by some random peoples comments before. People don't always do rational things, it doesn't mean they're stupid, however I know how strong emotions can be after seeing it in others and experiencing it myself.

    Of course it's occurred to me that they may care for the game, I'm not dumb, like I said I try to take all details into consideration. There's also trolls, either way, my issue here is what they're doing doesn't do anything constructive and instead only is destructive, and what point is there to that. They're just hurting those who still haven't given up on the game and want to enjoy it.

    I'm not claiming that people should shut up, however instead do things that take into consideration what people who haven't given up on the game want as well. What I'm claiming is that instead of doing something that's only destructive, they should do something that's more constructive and less forcing only their perspective in other peoples heads. And isn't it good practice to try to see all the details in something, and consider the other sides point of view, and consider that you might be right but you might be wrong, when searching for the truth or going in a debate or else what do you think will happen if you don't? I think you'll think the other person is stupid and not even listen to their details. I think you're making a lot of assumptions on what I mean and say, and are adding a few things in too. I'm also not asking people to recommend it to others, but rather I'm asking them to not force their views on others and scaring them away. They're doing this by just telling them the bad things that are happening and what do you think will happen? If they're told just the bad they'll only know the bad and think that it's bad, and may not even bother to give it a chance. Also who knows how long it'll be alive for, my first MMO I played is still alive and is getting updates and events, and it has a much less population, worse game play, graphics etc.

    And as for my biggest mistake, not everyone agrees RISE was a mistake, I'm meh about it, but the fact is different people have different tastes, there will usually always be someone on the other side of the debate. Unfortunately it seems like Nexon picked the smaller side of the remaining population. Hence why in difficulty threads, some people hate the difficulty change like me, others like it, some people think it's too easy like me, and apparently there were people who were fine with it or as far as season 2 went it was too hard. Again I'm not againt other peoples opinions, I always try to take it into consideration, however tell me exactly what good just saying "dead game is dead here are all the bad reasons and none of the good things so I can influence you into knowing just the bad" does for anyone, doesn't it just force your negative opinion onto people who probably don't care enough to do research on their own and will just take the "everything is bad" mentality. Isn't there better, more constructive and fair things they can do that actually gives people a fair chance to decide
    things on their own and doesn't just force their own negative opinion on them? And as for me what do I like about it? I like the story, I like the characters, the game play, the people everyone has their likes and dislikes. But I guess if I don't like something I always find the things that I like about a game, and make my own fun. To me it's like a tool in a way where it offers me different ways to have fun and it's just a matter of how I use it. The doomsayers are just taking away that tool, if they claim to just be mad and do like the game then actions speak louder than words and they should do something a little more constructive.

    I don't think you'll completely understand what I'm trying to communicate, whether it's my fault or yours but hey this is my attempt at telling you that what you're saying I'm doing isn't exactly what I'm doing and that what I'm actually thinking is better than that and more considering of everyone perspectives.
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    edited June 8, 2018
    When I came to these forums I knew I'd be cast off as a troll by whales and white knighting, but idk tbh idc.

    I enjoy seeing people who can't expect vindictus is starting to close down and dying. Your idiocy is what also drove people away. By defending nexon shady pratices

    Let's give more money to a company cheating us and pretend everything is fine. Idiots

    Spelling errors are created intentionally to hide my identity FYI.

    Well if you think I'm one of those people, then your narrow mindedness and lack of actually trying to understand and read other peoples perspectives is what makes us seem like an idiot and is what's making you act like an idiot. We're not defending Nexons shady practices, at least I'm not
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    Kurs wrote: »
    And as for me what do I like about it? I like the story, I like the characters, the game play, the people everyone has their likes and dislikes. But I guess if I don't like something I always find the things that I like about a game, and make my own fun. To me it's like a tool in a way where it offers me different ways to have fun and it's just a matter of how I use it. The doomsayers are just taking away that tool, if they claim to just be mad and do like the game then actions speak louder than words and they should do something a little more constructive.

    Sounds to me that you enjoy singleplayer game, hence why you treat Vindictus as a singleplayer game, and just want it to keep running so you can enjoy your solitude. Makes sense why you try to defend Vindictus so hard now. You should definitely try out some other games if you only play for characters/story and gameplay. A few to mention, Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3, God of War, Assassins' creed, Dark souls. These are just few of many that has vindictus in shame regarding story/characters and combat to a degree. You're welcome, enjoy these games.
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200

    I like all types of games. single player and multiplayer, for story and for the people. I defend Vindi because I like it and I believe that people shouldn't be unnecessarily doing things that may speed up the destruction of something people like just because they've given up or don't like it.
  • CuraiHotaruCuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    Kurs wrote: »

    I like all types of games. single player and multiplayer, for story and for the people. I defend Vindi because I like it and I believe that people shouldn't be unnecessarily doing things that may speed up the destruction of something people like just because they've given up or don't like it.

    Thing is it won't speed up the destruction, it's already set, as soon as the server contract is expired, it will shut down, without notice just like JP. Most likely till the end of 2018.
  • TheStatsHeroTheStatsHero
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 7
    edited June 9, 2018
    First of all, I need to make it clear that my post does not “target” you in particular. It refers to everyone who somehow defends the game. Thus, there are some additional statements which may sound like assumptions on what you mean, as you said, but they are not.

    You believe we care about the game, but immediately after, you go ahead and say that whatever we do is destructive. That’s a little bit contradictory, isn’t it? It’s partially true and probably only applies to those who simply say “The game is dead” without further supporting their theory. Spaming this statement only, is indeed annoying, as it is saying the game has no issues (which is what this thread, probably, claims, not you). However, from my point of view, a generally considered, “bad” criticism alongside with some facts which prove it, is actually constructive. We bring up the game’s faults because we want them to change, we somehow try to fight the “root of evil”. You claim that a bad criticism seems to lessen the game’s lifespan and this may be true up to a certain extent, but why shouldn’t it, also, be an incentive for Vindictus to improve? The chances of the game being prolonged would have been higher, If the devs wanted to listen to our “bad” criticism, admitted their mistakes and actually DID something to prevent it’s death. Much higher than asking people to join the game as it is right now and indirectly hoping they spend money to keep it alive only for a small period of time. Unfortunately, we failed to do this 2-3 years ago when the game was better, what makes you think we can do it now? (again this point is not referring to you in particular) Note: I should probably end it here, since I also keep repeating myself. Hopefully you understand what I’m trying to communicate. We don’t try to force our “bad” criticism upon you (only force it upon DOL) and make you fear, it’s not destructive and there is a need for it to exist.

    Nevertheless, I acknowledge the fact that all these “bad” criticisms, which may have been brought here unintentionally even If the OP created this thread with good intentions, create a NEGATIVE atmosphere. Players who like the game and are “sensitive” to negativity, mainly have two options. You either respect their opinion, ignore them and go back and enjoy your in-game time or you do what I’ve suggested. You said “If they're told just the bad they'll only know the bad and think that it's bad” My answer: You, the OP and everyone else who wants to defend the game should probably mention, in detail, what you like about the game. Gather some positive feedback, that can even overshadow all this negativity. Is it a bad idea? If “trash” people like me can make an entire article consisting of negativity (in “false” hope of the game’s revival) then it shouldn’t be too hard to do the opposite, an entire article of true in-game examples consisting of positivity! Just like how Cherished shared his/her real in-game experience with us in page 4. You can’t expect us to do this, because for us everything is black. This is your duty to fulfill so that not only your thread will get more credibility but you can also prove us wrong.

    Overall, I hope I managed to approach your ideology. Perhaps it’s my fault If I can’t make myself clear. I’m not a native english speaker, though I believe an oral speech would help better get what we think across and correct any misconceptions. I’m not trying to offend you or anyone else. From what I have deducted, you do want to respect everyone’s opinion whether they are good or bad, white or black. I’m somewhat trying to do the same. Up to this point, I think we are starting to beat around the bush, so I won’t comment any further. All the “white knights” just take my suggestion of a positive feedback and build upon it, If you can.

    Take care my friend
  • FeeFee
    Vindictus Rep: 1,370
    Posts: 9
    I like this game. I really do.. But the fact of the matter is that the game isn't dying because of the player base singing doomsday at the hills. It's because the company doesn't care about its players- only about what's in their wallet. The content release is slow and not that impressive. Events have been severely lackluster for years. The last decent event to me was Asuna's event.

    They refuse to evolve, or add additional content that's not about spending money or doing tedious grinding. For example improving fishing, cooking, smithing, crafting etc is vital to give players something else to do other than the same missions over and over. When I originally played this game I didn't mind repeating some missions because they were a challenge, but after the rise update more than 90% of fun missions were removed from the raid list, and can now be complete in 1-2 minutes at most.

    Battles like Kraken, Keagan, and the Dragons used to pose such an epic and challenging fight, and now they're all just a joke. You can only do season 3 missions to get a sense of ANYTHING out of the game. Whether that be fun, money, or experience. What you people who don't want the game to die (rightfully so) need to understand is that the talk of shutdown isn't because the players necessarily want it to happen but it's simply the byproduct of what happens when you go so long without listening to your community, doing poor business practices, and mismanaging resources.

    It's insane how a gacha is $200 for you to get only 50 gachas and a mere CHANCE for you to get what you want. A loyal customer of your game is spending TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. And you can't even guarantee that he'll get an item that he wants? On top of that the items are just cosmetics... The game chooses to **** you over each and every way possible, and the CEO and directors of the game are prioritizing maxing profits and going home with more money in their bank than actually trying to increase the longevity and replayability of this game.

    Runescape is a prime example of a game where the company has always been trying to improve the game and make it fun for their players. Even when they make huge mistakes that hurt the game a lot they always try to fix it and listen to the community.

    Vindictus does none of that. Vindictus doesn't care about the community or what they think. They'll continue to push out outfits, and sell sex appeal until people either run out of money, die, or finally move on to a better game that deserves it. I've played many games where I pay about 20 bucks and get constant updates and content for free, virtually free, or at a very reasonable price.

    Vindictus does well to make their game free, but turns around and robs their loyal player base with impossible gachas and weapon/armor goals.
    It's nearly impossible to get a +15 without runes and the update to the game made +15s even more difficult so that subsequentially means you'll be spending more and more on runes. This also means that in order to progress in the game you must spend an undefined amount of money... only for it to become obsolete when they decide to up the cap.

    Everything about this game is just stupid, and the fixes to it are quite simplistic, but they'll NEVER be implemented because there's an uncertainty that it MIGHT take a few thousand dollars off their bottom line. And Lord we can't have that. We can't DARE see Nexon lose a bit of money.. Even tho they'd make tons more money by keeping a healthy player base.

    Also they don't advertise their game. The only people who know about the game at this point are people who are adamantly following its progress. New players are intrigued if they find it, old players are fed up, and current players have invested too much to quit.

    I've spent thousands of dollars on cosmetics/gachas and Vindictus is the biggest waste of money I've ever sunk into a game. But I enjoyed the game and wanted to support it so I never thought much of it. However even tho I want to support the game doesn't mean that Nexon wants to support us.

    In short, Nexon is the reason Vindictus is failing .. not because of people making forums. The game dying is an observation, not a determined wish. With that being said I'd love for one day the people in the helm of the game to realize that it still has potential to be played a lot and actually improve upon the enjoyment of the game and actually listen to the community. But I won't hold my breath.
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    Kurs wrote: »

    I like all types of games. single player and multiplayer, for story and for the people. I defend Vindi because I like it and I believe that people shouldn't be unnecessarily doing things that may speed up the destruction of something people like just because they've given up or don't like it.

    Thing is it won't speed up the destruction, it's already set, as soon as the server contract is expired, it will shut down, without notice just like JP. Most likely till the end of 2018.

    That's something I don't agree with. This is one of those things where if you're right then there's no bad consequences and you were right, however if you're wrong and I'm right then you actually are causing things to be worse than it needs to be. So is there really a good reason to be so negative and solely just focus on the bad without taking in all the details?
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    edited June 9, 2018

    You're a little closer, to be clear though, I was never against criticism. I'm fine with it and for it. However I am against "ded game" rhetoric with no purpose but to hate and only show the negative aspects. That can be dangerous for reasons that I thought were obvious to me be apparently might not be obvious.

    A problem I think I see is that when people see someone going against their view, they always assume they're this certain type of worst people that can't be intelligent and assumes they think certain things. Like assuming these "white knight" aspects on me and others.
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited June 10, 2018
    The only way I see Vindictus being great again (would take a long time to recover) is if DevCAT severs their ties with Nexon and becomes an independent company. As long as Nexon has their claws into/onto DevCAT, any game they produce is going to be owned by Nexon and they'll milk those games to death. That is reality.
  • LynndictusLynndictus
    Vindictus Rep: 310
    Posts: 6
    Entire thread
    Kurs wrote: »
    A problem I think I see is that when people see someone going against their view, they always assume they're this certain type of worst people that can't be intelligent and assumes they think certain things. Like assuming these "white knight" aspects on me and others.

    Ironic because you assume anyone attacking Nexon or saying the game is dying is the worst type of person when in reality they are simply stating the truth.
    It's been years and Nexon has proven time and time again they don't care about us. People are fed up and simply voicing their discontent. To dismiss it all as, "nonconstructive criticism" and go on begging us to trick new players into spending money is silly.
  • CloakshireCloakshire
    Vindictus Rep: 4,580
    Posts: 646
    edited June 12, 2018
    Lynndictus wrote: »
    People are fed up and simply voicing their discontent. To dismiss it all as, "nonconstructive criticism" and go on begging us to trick new players into spending money is silly.

    I wouldn't say Kurs was dismissing all negative critique as nonconstructive. There's nothing wrong with saying "The game is dying because of X, Y, & Z." That type of critique can be constructive and opens up an opportunity for dialogue and discussion.

    I think Kurs is only referring to the few people using any post they can to springboard the generic "hur dur ded game," reply without offering anything constructive to the topic. These types of replies aren't helpful.
  • KursKurs
    Vindictus Rep: 2,320
    Posts: 200
    edited June 12, 2018
    Lynndictus wrote: »
    Entire thread
    Kurs wrote: »
    A problem I think I see is that when people see someone going against their view, they always assume they're this certain type of worst people that can't be intelligent and assumes they think certain things. Like assuming these "white knight" aspects on me and others.

    Ironic because you assume anyone attacking Nexon or saying the game is dying is the worst type of person when in reality they are simply stating the truth.
    It's been years and Nexon has proven time and time again they don't care about us. People are fed up and simply voicing their discontent. To dismiss it all as, "nonconstructive criticism" and go on begging us to trick new players into spending money is silly.

    Yep, like Cloakshire said. I don't know why people are assuming I mean what I don't mean and am pretty sure I never said and making that same mistake again and again and doing exactly what I just said they do... which I think is a bad thing to do.
  • noctrednoctred
    Vindictus Rep: 2,875
    Posts: 148
    Lynndictus wrote: »
    People are fed up and simply voicing their discontent. To dismiss it all as, "nonconstructive criticism" and go on begging us to trick new players into spending money is silly.

    There are three distinct types of negative criticism on display in all of these doomsday threads -

    1. There's legitimately constructive criticism left by active players who are not content with the state of the game, rightly addressing the game's various points of failure and rightly reaming Nexon for being a money grubbing company that's infamous for letting its games wither. I'm all for this.

    2. There's attempted constructive criticism left by inactive players who haven't touched the game in potentially years, yet continue to creep the forums for one reason or another. These posts mean well but are generally fueled by nostalgia rather than fact (and tend to contain factual inaccuracies), which makes them a little less than useful for painting a proper picture of what the game feels and plays like today - but still good for sparking discussion.

    3. Finally, there's criticism which serves no purpose other than to inflame and mislead players via hyperbole and speculation intentionally presented as fact. Pure rhetoric designed to instill fear and doubt rather than to empower players to make their own decisions. This is healthy for no one. It's beneficial to no one. At best, this type of "feedback" goes ignored by people who know better - at worst, new/returning players read this kind of thing, accept it as fact and steer clear of the game without even giving it a try, which again is beneficial to no one aside from the shitposters who feel vindicated by their "success".


    Of the three, I only dismiss one kind. Take your pick.
  • LoadsamoneyLoadsamoney
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 101
    At this point I'm just waiting for a private server locked to content before whatever update made the game run so much worse than it once did, preferably Season 1. I was happy when the cap was Lv60, there was plenty of content to do.