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Question about everyone's memories
Did your character forget Tieve & Kheagan and what transpired? Or everyone but the player?
I remember a few years ago when you went to the Inn it said something about an ache and missing something so I assumed the player forgot
Currently Brynn remembered Tieve and Muir knows the actions of the Gods hence they both are with you and helping you. As well Milo remembers that his sister sacrificed herself and was forgotten (Season 2) and I think Kean remembers Seanna's past and what happened as well while she does not. I believe Iset has some memories that are unaltered but since she spent most of her time in the desert I wonder how much she knows but for a fact she remembers Milo and the player.
In Season 2 transition we actually go back in time to the moment when S1 Episode 1 is completed. In the end however, things end up with similar effect. Why and what exactly happens is explained during Season 3.