(For those that don't have an attention span) Tl:dr Since the closing of the JP servers was announced, there's speculation as to whether we're next. As the title states, we are one of the deciding factors in this game's survival. Let's focus on doing our part as a community to prolong this game's life.
Who am I?
I'm a long time player from the closed beta days. I've been playing on and off since 2010, and over the yeas I've seen the good and the bad of this game. However, despite the game's flaws, I still find it fun and enjoyable. I can't think of another mmo out there that matches Vin's combat in terms of feel and execution which is precisely what I love about it. It's what keeps me coming back. The bosses, the environments, the music, the atmosphere, and the combat all meld together perfectly and I just can't help but praise Nexon for creating this unique experience.
Real Talk
Still... we all have to accept that mmo's will inevitably die as it is the nature of the beast. Newer games come out, players leave, and eventually a game shuts down due to the lack of revenue/community. However, when a game dies is partially up to its players.
Ask yourself right now... Why do you play Vindictus? If it's because you truly enjoy the game's for what it is, then you and I are of a like mind. If you don't, then perhaps it's because of friends or the community surrounding the game. Whatever your reason may be, you're here because there's something about this game you like.
Let me ask you another question.... Do you want Vindictus to shut down? I know I don't. Not because of the time/money I've invested nor the people I play with. I don't want it to shut down because I believe that this game is a one of a kind experience and I don't want that experience to end. I want to see what's next. Yeah sure, the game doesn't get new content as often as I'd like and doing the current content over and over again can feel repetitive at times, but I still enjoy the game for what it is at its core.
"Game is dying" mentality
I'm gonna go ahead and say that the "Game is dying," threads were funny at first, but now they've gotten out of hand and created a stigma that the game is actually dying. You know what I say to those people? If the game dies, you're partially to blame. In any mmo, there's at least one person quitting every day. If that's the case, then how do games manage to stay alive? It's because they bring in enough new players to offset the number of people quitting. If the publishers and developers don't advertise their product, then it's up to the community to do so. However, a good chunk of our forum community is doing the exact opposite by posting all these dead game threads. You're one of the reasons new players leave and by extension, you're accelerating the inevitable death of this game.
What can we do?
There is hope. The power and influence of a community is stronger than you may think. I know it sounds cheesy, but let me give you an example. When ESO launched, it didn't live up to the initial hype and had so many issue that it nearly shut down. However, the game bounced back because of its community. This just goes to show what a good community can do for a game, so to those spamming dead game posts, knock it off.
Let me ask another question. Do you talk about Vindictus to your friends or recommend it to others? I personally do. Most people I talk to have never heard of Vindictus, but they always find what I show them interesting and some have even joined the game. I know everyone I show won't be interested enough to try it, but I'm still doing my part to keep this community going. If I can do it, so can you. The next time you're talking about games with a friend, co-worker, or whoever... ask them if they've heard of Vindictus and show them the game. Not only does this help the playerbase, but they'll be joining the game knowing that there will be people they already know. It also gives us veterans the opportunity to mentor newer players so we can create an open and friendly feel for our community. Both of these aspects will boost Vin's retention of newer players.
Some numbers
Two big factors that can influence an mmo's life is revenue and the community. The great thing about these two factors is that they're connected. The bigger the community, the more revenue made by the developers which equates a better experience for us. With more revenue, we not only get to keep enjoying the game, but it allows the developers more resources to improve the game through content updates or bug fixes.
I'm not saying that everyone has to spend hundreds of dollars to keep the game going, but if the community gets small enough, that may become the case. The bigger the community, the less each individual has to spend. One-hundred people spending $10 is better than ten people spending $100. They both equal out to $1000, but in one scenario, a person quitting means a 1% revenue loss while the other equals a 10% loss. This shows how important a community's size means. The only way we can bring the community size up is if we all work together and save the game we enjoy.
I can already see that some of our forum regulars are going to pick this post apart and spew the same old dead game bs. Go ahead and make those posts. All that does is show us that you really don't care about the game. I'm betting that I'll be able to quote this paragraph as a reply to someone that didn't even fully read this thread before posting dead game crap.
We have the power to make a change and keep Vindictus going. Let's keep the game we love alive for as long as we can! I will do my part, but what about you?
A passionate player

The fact that you tell people to spend money monthly to keep the game running, show's how brainwashed you are. They don't deserve any money, when they treated this game like some vending machine.
there are barely 500 players in both NA/EU combined, I am sure you noticed the ghosttowns by now, people move on, find newer games.
If you love the solo bossing all day everyday, you might as well pick up way better games for that, vindi was meant to be a social dungeon crawler, but hey, they are slowly making it into a single player game.
Wouldn't surprise me if some patch they make it so you can only do bosses/runs as duo, and say, it's for you guys, not everyone can host, so we decided further minimize the party. So you won't wait 1h and use 20megas to fill up a 8man party.
I admire your optimistic views of the game, but it's time to see it in a clear view, and not from a nostalgic view,
To be honest if it was any other game, or any other publisher you might've had a point there. Sure you can blame the community for complaining about things like 10 DAILY MISSIONS ARE TOO MUCH +cry +cry, but the game IS dying, there is nothing wrong with addressing those concerns. The population is dropping drastically. The updates are getting more stale. You see more P2W aspects with every update. You can't blame the players if the publisher/devs are mistreating us the way they are.
I want you to understand something. EU and NA can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I admire suggestions like these, but we hold no power. We're just a side audience. The game was made in KR for KR, they just decided to spread it to other regions, but their targeted audience is KR.
No, I wouldn't. And even if I did they'd just quit after 1-2 months. The gearing system is bullshit, you don't feel rewarded after you finish the raid and the only thing that matters is gear. PvE becomes boring after you realize that you're reacting to bosses pre-animation. I get that it can be intriguing at first but don't tell me it doesn't become boring after that. They gave the middle finger to PvP when it had so much potential. I've taught PvP to so many people (had over 50 students) and they all liked it but what pushed them away? It was all the time, the same reason - It's outdated, gear having too much influence, not rewarding enough. I tried making the same threads so many times but related to PvP on old EU forums. Nothing worked. And from that experience I'm telling you, nothing we say or do matters or ever will matter.
Don't tell people to spend the money on the game that has a publisher which is facing lawsuits for scamming.
Forum thread: http://forums.vindictus.nexon.net/discussion/14120/nexon-kr-fined-by-korean-ftc-over-gacha-scheme/p1
Source1: https://mmoculture.com/2018/04/nexon-gaming-giant-fined-for-using-gacha-function-to-cheat-consumers/
Source2: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20180402000884
I'd rather show these things to people that want to start the game to know what they're getting into and then let them make the decision if they want to play Vindictus or not.
To sum it all up. I wish I could share the same viewpoint as you, but the way I see it - there just isn't any hope for EU/NA. I suspect a merge announced between the two in the next year and a half. Our suggestions/opinions don't matter it's all in KR's hands.
Instead, what I often hear from new comers or long-term returners is: lack of guides and other data sources.
Wiki is outdated for years and was pretty much unusable even before Rise. Apparently someone bothered to add Miri subpage, which is literally empty, and it's been half an year since her release in our platform. Equipment pages apparently stopped at Regina release - still armor types, not even Braha. You get the point...
Other fan sites got discontinued for various reasons, and unfortunately one of the reasons is Nexon's inappropriate actions.
That said, there is basically nowhere to find all the basic / important information on a silver plate* (in one place, nicely presented, etc.). You can find portions of it, knowing where to look with a bit of struggle. That said, the odds a random newcomer won't find what they seek are high, therefore additionally discouraging.
I've tried my best with huge threads like Enhancement, Enchant, Quality and Redeemers: Sea of Reflection. Developing these takes a lot of time, and I have a job since November and simply can no longer put as much time into such projects. Lack of interest, appreciation and contribution from the community doesn't provide me extra motivation to do more. As a matter of fact, I am little disappointed so least people contributed in writing their own "how to react as X class" for Neamhain. Most of the work is already done, including template waiting to fill out with 1-3 sentences per move. Frankly, I was considering paying like 10M gold in EU per unique class guide that fills my requirements.
So, as summary - I think it's our job as veterans to provide some useful, well-presented information that newcomers may potentially use.
Unfortunately, currently most community is currently active on the community discord. As long one finds and joins it - it's okay, but other than that - information inserted there is not visible from search engines etc.
Back when I wrote the mentioned informative threads, I requested them to be sticked - at least 2 or 3 times. They are not even now, which doesn't help visibility. In speak of which - I volunteer to be the forum's moderator. Not to punish people for writing in wrong section or something (unless really necessary), but to clean up the place and encourage people to use it more.
You probably saw a thread posted few days ago that we wanted to make Vindictus great again.
It’s obvious that servers closing would be really waste of game potential also our progress and time.
I don’t regret a single moment, any single minute I spent in this game as solo player or later with my Guild.
I always recommended Vindictus highly on all community forums, blogs and even in free dialogue with friends.
I could easily find tens or hundreds of arguments why this game is so cool.
To be honest I would like to recommend it still but only Vindictus before RISE patch.
Or rather Vindictus before few handicapped updates that makes this game too easy.
As I stated in my previous post Vindictus is not the same game anymore.
You can’t control your character skills because ADD Damage makes everything now.
You can’t Raiding with your Guild because Vindictus is only co-op for 4 players right now.
- Two most “pain in the ass” issues that most of my allies and players that I used to know just left the game.
You can disagree but all the time I spent on asking other players about today Vindictus in last year was mostly about those issues.
(and upgrade fails, but its aint matter when RNGesus rules in this world).
There is no reason to be surprised that players going to leave from Vindictus.
I’m still playing in a force of habit and sentiment as well, its not as pleasurable game as It was.
However I will do everything in my power to help Vindictus and it’s players as well.
This game sucked my soul and I can’t get it back so what can I do.
Completly right, the game isn't what it was, it's vastly different, bosses nowadays are chores, back in the days they were interesting when you actually had to open your eyes and play, I can literally login and spam potions/attacks and finish the game faster than I did with my eyes open.
Day1: yep I did all the bosses, now I go afk in ch1.
Day2: I did all bosses + neamhain, daily chores are done, time to afk ch1.
Day3: time for farm dungeons for 6h so I can do my chores faster in day 1 and 2.
The gameplay vindi was famous for doesn't exist anymore, oh wait it does exist, in one single raid in the entire game. Totally forgot that, we can use vindictus' awesome combat for a raid 4 times a week. which by now 1 run takes 20minutes?
The reason most still play is for, either vindictus has become part of their life(chore) where they meet friends and chat etc, and farm the same bosses everyday like cleaning your room, or they can't leave because they know they spent so much money on the game, that leaving would be such a waste, so they rather play the game, when they don't even enjoy it anymore. where's the fun in joining a S3 raid where you kill all the content in less than 30min. And before someone says "just remove your gear" then why do you farm mindlessly to obtain better gear, and do the S3 train now in 25minutes instead of 30, saving time on the tedious chores of course.
Or right! the DOL was very clever indeed, introduce a ranking system, where you make players spend more money and time on the game to become rank1 and show your big internet d1ck to anyone who cares. And now this time solo the S3 raid in 20minutes instead of the 25 you did with the party! feelsgoodman, I can finally finish the S3 raids so fast, that I can spend more time afking in ch1, GOOALLLS!
once a millenium they introduce a new season where they increased the difficulity on the bosses, but s3, lets make all of s3 just as easy, s2, yep same stats on every single boss, at least in s1 they knew how to make a game, not copy paste the power of bosses, but instead tweak them accordingly.
The only content in the game is, climbing the rankings and stay in ch1 and showoff for the 2people and that one rolling bush in the distance.
What they need to is upgrade to from the freaking source engine 1 they are using from valve, there is a freaking source engine 2 they could port it into, but they rather milk the remaining money of all of the 50people playing religiously.
Or shut this **** down, and make a vindictus 2, and become a great MMO. Everyone has noticed that there is a massive audience for MMOS, I mean freaking bless, even worse and more outdated than vindictus reached 200k viewers on twitch on release, that shows that everyone is desperate for a new mmo
For me, I continue to play this game because nothing else offers what it does. Irrespective of Nexon's awful management and the general money grubbing nature of the game, the gameplay is still second to none. Even considering that gear scaling has somewhat trivialized a chunk of the current content, the gameplay is still second to none.
I left BDO (which, if you think about it, has even less content than Vindi once you softcap) and went back to Vindi. Dauntless sucks. MHW is fine but has a distinctly different combat feel and is much slower, which I don't like. Nothing else is even in the same ballpark as far as multiplayer games go. I'll stop playing Vindi when something else comes around which properly fills its niche - or when the service shuts down, if it shuts down.
Anyways, I'm not gonna pretend that community outreach is something that's bound to work with Nexon. However, the least we can do is try to foster a better community for ourselves and for players who come in and want to try the game while it's still around, rather than try to hasten its destruction.
Vindi needs to shutdown, they're molesting it while it's beaten on the ground, it's a corpse by now, washed up. I left the game with good memories 1,5 years ago, instead of playing through this abomination of game they made it to be.
I agree, there is no game with combat like vindictus, but it's just a matter of time. But you can't really utilize that combat anymore, unless you dumb-down your hard earnt gear to do so, back in the day there was insentive to get better gear, to complete harder raids, but all raids are dumbed down to become the same, some geared up to carry others and get their name out there, this game is pretty much a singleplayer by now.
and about BDO, that game is a sandbox MMO, meaning you make your own endgame, be it becoming a villian after reaching softcap, becoming a sailing pirate, becoming a famous PvPer, have the best empire etc etc. In vindi you got one thing to aspire to, the rankings on who got most gear, there is no other ranking in the game.
Just the pure fact that there is a working guildsystem in bdo, makes it better than vindis additional chat to find parties for 4man called guild.
If JP shutsdown, you can bet your arse that we are next, specially when they made more revenue, most likely the JP servers didn't want to renew their contract with server providers. which is why they shut down, and you can bet your arse, that when vindi server contract needs to be renewed, this game will be tossed into the garbage bin, I mean even if they wanted to renew, there is no staff to handle vindi, the fact I am able to talk this much sh1t about this game proves it, there is no staff, some poor guy from another nexon game is tasked to import patches from kr to us, and he doesn't get paid enough to post patch notes. and occasionally checks if there is some naughty boys on forums. The nexon staff that takes care of the patch is probably called, "d1ckpussislayerxxx69fkmeinthearse"
I laughed a little. Why are you still here again? Are you really so petty that you're petitioning for a game that you haven't played in 1.5 years to be shut down? To what end? What do you get out of it? Are you incapable of respecting that the people who still play and enjoy this game would like to continue to do so?
re: BDO - I'm not sure how much experience you actually have with the game. Sounds like very little. The game turns into a literal afk simulator. Occasionally you guild drop to farm undergeared players in T1/T2 nodes during NW windows. Occasionally you siege if the game decides to not crash or lag so bad that you helplessly sit and watch your fort get axed down. If you're geared enough, you can sometimes have some fun in arena. Outside of that, you're afk chopping wood for income or farming waves of trash mobs with a wasted combat system. Everything else you mentioned turns into window dressing.
For somebody coming from Vindi and expecting a PvE experience similar to Vindi, BDO has absolutely nothing to offer.
Haven't petitioned at all LUL, those who enjoy the game doesn't sit on forums asking for it to get better. It's always been an afk simulator, to minmax your time one keeps the pc open for months in a row, the fact that you have to drop down to t1/t2 nodes show's how bad you are, sieges are becoming better, with new servers, maybe tryout for a siege guild to enjoy the pvp instead of sitting and getting rekt, BDO never adverstised itself as PVE, always advertised itself as a PVP game, if you can't handle it, stay on vindi and PWN some AI YO. Seems to me you needed friends and a proper guild to enjoy bdo
and the shutdown is inevitable, just wanna be here to see it, and hopefully get some NX deals as compensation for the shutdown :^)
You're such a d1ckh3ad... Not only you don't have any valid argument to show but you also go around in every thread spreading your useless negativity. If you have nothing useful and constructive to say just avoid the forum pls where ppl are discussing a serious matter with all the best intentions. People like you are only a waste of time.
I'll just reply to one of your nosense: Yes the community (talking in general tho) has enough power to change things.
Companies goes where are money. You don't need a high school grade to understand that.
A community spending / not spending can have 2 different reactions/endings on the game itself.
The game meant to be for koreans means absolutely nothing. If tomorrow for absurd the earnings in NA/EU become double of what they have in KR, you would see korea become their 2nd choice.
Back to the topic.
I appreciate the topic and is nice to see so many ppl trying to propose any kind of way to save our game.
About the JP panic I'd like highlight that some info are wrong or just rumors.
First of all there're ppl who actually played there for a while and they stated their playerbase is around the same as EU and NOT the triple.
Also the reason of the shut down isn't still clear. Everybody speculated about the financial problems but that's not written anywhere. For now is just speculation.
There're also other reasons behind which doesn't have to be necessarely a money issue, like investing in new projects or the mass flooding of games in japan or like someonelse
mentioned stuff about some kind of japan strict rules about games which i didn't even understand well.
I don't want to state how things really are but i suggest to wait for some enlighments before speculating and spreading misinformation and useless panic of the 'why has been closed & we're next'.
That said, If you want to concern about something that is for sure, you should mention that korea established that Season 3 will be last one.
So however the game goes after S3 we won't see any new content and what will happen after that only they knows..
I agree with the OP about the advertising. That might actually help cause the game never been really well advertised in both NA and EU.
I also agree with the OP comparition about the concept of 10ppl spending 10$ each instead of 1 person spending 100.
I alwasy think about that and how nx items prices should be lowered to a decent term in order to turn more free players into paying customers..
the microtransactions imo gives way more earns than big milking stuff for just a few ppl.
<<Ehi this thing i need cost just 1 2 dollars/euro let me buy it.>> and without noticing after a while u're reiterating that spending way more than a casher because psycologically u're spending nothing.
Stuff that cost 20 30 40 or 50 Dollars all at once are quite a repellant to many players that could be potential customers.
And about the game itself, yes this game have a lot of potential.
Despite being old compared to other titles it has its own fashion and on some points is still unbeaten. I saw and talked personally with many ppl which can go anywhere playing lot of different titles BUT they always come back to vindictus.
The addiction this game have on ppl can't be compared to any other game i know.
If one day they terminate for good this game they either don't really understand how much this game can give, like some ppl don't understand art, or they might think to rebuild it from scratch keeping the same good recipe.
That would be outstanding.
I wish the best outcomings to you and all the other ppl who are spending their time and efforts trying to find a solution that will keep our beloved game alive and kicking.
Man you really made vindictus into a part of your life, you should get out more. The community has 0 power, if you've played this game the most feedback we ever had during all the years we had in this game was: "we forwarded your suggestions" end of that, never ever have we changed anything with our suggestions, you're just another dumbass who's getting used, and you can't see it. Literally the same type of people that keep going to the casino hoping to win, when they are indebt.
They give no info, because they won't say, "our contract with the servers has gone by, and we won't bother spending money to renew them, because you guys don't pay enough money for us to make it worth and pay our salary"
This is where you are flat out wrong. The community does have power in terms of what I stated in the initial post. You're twisting it around into an argument of whether or not our suggestions/feedback are taken into consideration.
This is not the point I made and I would appreciate it if you didn't try to put words in my mouth.
I have quite a few things that I would like to reply to you with, but doing so on a phone would be tedious. Check back here in about 6 hours and I'll most likely have a lengthy reply with some clarified points for you.
uh what? Nobody "has" to drop down to t1/t2 nodes - people drop because nobody does t3's, they're usually a ghost town. The vast majority of the game sits on t1's and t2's so that's inevitably where t3 guilds end up trending, even if they don't particularly want to. There are multiple reasons for that.
What I meant regarding sieges is that the lag tends to get so bad, especially in Calph since it's most contested, that you're physically incapable of doing anything. You watch as your base gets axed down, meanwhile you can't see any actual players to attack and can't defend anything - all you see is your base hp bar dropping while you futilely spam aoe to try and kill invisible players. And while that's happening, other people are stuck in respawn and login loops. Whether you're on the giving or receiving end, that's basically BDO's siege in a nutshell since nobody bothers contesting Valencia or most other territories.
As for BDO never advertising itself as a PvE game - yeah, now you're getting it.
anyways, sorry for feeding trolls. back on topic I guess.
We all expected it at some point, it was bound to happen. The game has been declining for years, the whole "ded gaem" meme has always kinda been true. It's not a recent thing, there's been these kind of posts since 2016 and easily earlier and imo 2015-2016 was Vindi's peak. The game runs badly because the source engine is so old that it's about to hit puberty. There's better games in development and being released.
Just give the game the respect and dignity it deserves and let it die. It's like beating a dead horse. It won't get up.
I give you all respect for trying at least. It's nice to see people still do care.
This statement is a contradiction in itself. You state that the community holds zero power but then go on to say that we're simply a money tree. We may not have power in terms of what goes into the game through suggestions, but we have the power to keep NA/EU alive. I don't necessarily like the way you called the community a money tree, but that is basically what we are. If there's no community, there's no money, and no money means no game. If we pull ourselves together and actually try and make an effort in reviving our population, we can keep the game going. After all, a bigger community means more money, and more money equals a longer life for Vindictus.
I never stated anything in my post that tells people to spend money. All I'm doing is illustrating the relationship between a community's size vs the revenue made from it. Say for example, we have 500 people playing and 25% of those players are spending money. If the total population increases, then the total of people in that 25% portion increases as well. One quarter of a 500 population is 125, but if the population doubled to 1,000 people, the amount of paying players would increase to 250. I'm not saying that you should pay, but rather saying that a higher population means more people willing to pay. We can make a difference by doing what we can to increase the population and help the retention of newer players.
I would argue that despite the game's shortcomings, they still deserve the business. They're providing a free game for you to play and give you the option to play all the content without spending a dime, which isn't that hard to do. I'd rather show some gratitude to Nexon by buying an outfitter here and there to help support a game that I enjoy playing. If I'm willing to show some support by spending a little bit of money, imagine if we had a bigger community with more people willing to support the game. We wouldn't be having this issue now would we?
I'm not viewing things from a nostalgic view like you say. I'm not trying to bring things back to how they were in the past, despite the fact that I do miss some of the older stuff that's no longer available. All I'm trying to do is show that if we want this game to continue surviving for as long as it can, we have the power to do so.
We had a GM online two days ago in channel 2 around 8:45 PM central time.
I agree that there is nothing wrong with addressing the concerns of a game dying. My problem lies in the fact that sometime last month I clicked the general discussions link only to be greeted by six dead game threads on the first page. Nearly all of them were doing nothing but spewing the same dead game crap without offering any kind of solution. Look, we can have a dead game thread, but notice how I said thread and not threads. We only need one, and it needs to be a proper thread where concerns/potential solutions are actually discussed, not a circle jerk where people repeat the same thing over and over without offering anything productive. And by solutions, I mean something we can do. It's obvious our suggestions aren't taken seriously, so with that in mind the game is in our hands. The question is what are we going to do with it?
I also disagree about this game being P2W. Go play Runes of Magic from GameForge for a while, then come back and tell me Vin is still P2W. I bet you'll come to appreciate how much of a fp2 friendly game Vindictus actually is.
We can do something and we do hold power. The game may have been made by KR and their target audience is KR, but if NA/EU is making enough bank, then our servers should be kept alive. Doing what we can do preserve our existing players plus bringing in and retaining new players can make a difference. It will take effort and I'm willing to make that effort unlike some.
I'm going to bullet point my replies here to keep this part organized.
I'm probably gonna strike a nerve with some people by saying this, but I think that if you buy a gacha, you're an idiot that fell for the scam. From what I read earlier this year when the topic was more relevant, nexon was lying about % chances of gachas and blah blah. You know what tho? I genuinely don't care because I've never bought a gacha in this game over the 8 years I've played. I don't spend my money on chances, but rather only spend on a guaranteed return. In a casino, the odds are always in favor of the house, and the same goes for gachas. I didn't need this whole lawsuit thing happening to know that gachas are a scam.
Just like in my reply to Curai, Nexon is still providing a free game for you to play and gives you the option to play all the content without spending a dime. That's more than enough of a reason to show support by buying some stuff here and there. Just don't buy gachas and you're fine.
I would show people that Nexon got called out for the gacha scheme, but follow up by mentioning that despite this, they still have a fun product that's worth supporting. (Supporting doesn't necessarily have to mean paying money).
People will play then leave the game no matter how much you tell them how good it is. You can't live in a house without a roof for long.
Reading those posted articles it seemed that the players of that fps game had higher expectations than what they got because of a miscommunication by nexon advertising staff not saying specifically what the odds of each item were and nexon are paying for it. I do not believe this was done maliciously like the poster is implying but it is worthy of a lawsuit because the actual rates were more akin to a standard nexon gacha. Idk if they started doing this for other nexon games but they clearly state the rate for the ultra rares at 2% for vindi in gacha boxes. While this affirms my stance to never buy their gacha it is nice to see they are disclosing some of the rng bs in their gachas compared to earlier years of this game.
Obviously, there were some things with the RISE update that does not work with our version of the game. They should have left the 8 man option, but also offered the 4 man party option as well. The ability to no longer enhance destroyed items is absolutely stupid. What they could've done was the ability to restore items as many times possible as long as you have the AP, but only the first boom gives materials back and these materials end up being bound to you.
Also, with RNG boxes, they could've done something along the lines of if you open x30 or x40 boxes, you're guaranteed one of the many rare cosmetics in that box.