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Why are we getting incomplete patches from KR?
Desert Crystal: Where is the golden wings?
Death Cube: where is this version of the moonshot outfit?
Where is succubus mate or even the chair gacha which was suppose to come out from the Desert Crystal?
Plz dev team, plz get these back...
They probably won't release it until Summer when school is out and more kids can swipe.
Besides, the succubus (full grown adult version) pet came out before Iset / Havan pet did in KR, and it still hasn't shown up here. Lel.
Granted...this is their own fault, with oh...I don't know, lousy management, harsh gear progression penalties, very expensive paid items and items obtainable from only random paid items, and gold ole' fashioned being jerks about a lot of things in general...but good luck trying to convince them of that...We really shouldn't question their monitization or engagement strategies, it is their strong-point after-all, their investor page told me so.
If you go back two years or so ago NA/EU gave them quite a bit of their Vindi revenue. It's their own fault they lost that cash cow.
<it's something>
Our Desert Crystal was combined of two gachapons, which may be the reason why some items are missing.
- Steel Cube
Instead we're being offered little to re-used avatar sets until you literally see everyone wearing them. And not only outfits or items, patches are a mess too.. big time mess!
Wake up dear management, new players wont play your buggy game for too long, while the veterans will have enough of your bullshit eventually.
Yeah, if nothing else at least we aren't in imminent threat of being 'phased out'...(looks around nervously). I spent an hour or so looking around for Nexon quarterly/yearly reports and found some interesting stuff (if you think business and financials are interesting). If there was enough interest I could put together a brief report on 'NA Over the Years' or something.