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Questions about Title and ID Titles

Member Nomae
Vindictus Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in General Discussion
Does the stats from the ID titles transfer over to the characters without the titles? I heard there is a stat reduction, but I am not sure.


  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    The stats (and title count) transfer over with no stat reductions. You only need to grind the title on the other character if you wish you display the title over your head, or want the 5 points for ranking score per title.
  • Member Jinyie
    Vindictus Rep: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    I think Ein Lacher is an exception lul
  • Member SirRFI
    Vindictus Rep: 7,360
    Posts: 988
    ID titles are shared across all characters on the account. More precisely, title count and benefits are shared, not the titles themselves - therefore you can't use a title the character hasn't achieved, although another did. Stats used to be reduced, but now I think they are not - having low level may be an exception.
    Most titles are shared. While I can't provide details on this, I think main story, most character/class exclusive and Ein Lacher are excluded.
  • Member Argaziel
    Vindictus Rep: 720
    Posts: 60
    Titles abyssal arent shared. I have seen that you can get all bonus stat of titles shared. I havent seen stat reduction when I have gotten them
  • Member chicane
    Vindictus Rep: 1,450
    Posts: 89
    "First Player" title is not shared...
  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    Some of the titles do not give stats.
  • Member Aeleding
    Vindictus Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 77
    edited February 9, 2018
    Here is a list of ID titles, it's not complete but it's still something. So basically, what you can take from this is that the way a title is counted as ID title or not is extremely inconsistent, for instance :
    -Most event titles aren't counted, but Cream-Filled (2013 Valentines event) is.
    -Most interaction titles (Brain Freezer, Eochaid BO x50) aren't counted but Coward Knocker(kill Black Scar with objects x50) is.
    -The most hilarious one, Call for Revenge (kill Langro 100 times) is counted but It's Up To You Now (quest related to Langro) isn't, while most other secondary quest titles are counted.

    One could argue that it's a matter of the titles having stats or not, but it's not even the case as some ID titles do not give any stats at all, basically they were like : 'Oh, this title gives 2 str and is annoying to get, let's make it ID, but every other title that requires a lot of time to get but doesn't give stats will not be ID. Oh and let's make the secondary quest titles randomly be ID because it's so much more fun to have the playerbase go through all titles to figure out which ones they have to get and which ones they do not.'
    Some areas titles are not ID titles like Ein Lacher (you can't even 'fake' being Golden God as you have to grind the title on a char to display it, so you have to do every battle all over again just for the title count and the stats) Abyssal Arena and Cat box titles, but currently unobtainable titles (Season of Macha titles, Gauntlets, Labyrinth...) are ID.

    So if someone can find some sense in any of this, tell me, because i'm at a loss myself...
  • Member DragonRider
    Vindictus Rep: 2,600
    Posts: 443
    Aeleding wrote: »
    Here is a list of ID titles, it's not complete but it's still something. So basically, what you can take from this is that the way a title is counted as ID title or not is extremely inconsistent, for instance :
    -Most event titles aren't counted, but Cream-Filled (2013 Valentines event) is.
    -Most interaction titles (Brain Freezer, Eochaid BO x50) aren't counted but Coward Knocker(kill Black Scar with objects x50) is.
    -The most hilarious one, Call for Revenge (kill Langro 100 times) is counted but It's Up To You Now (quest related to Langro) isn't, while most other secondary quest titles are counted.

    One could argue that it's a matter of the titles having stats or not, but it's not even the case as some ID titles do not give any stats at all, basically they were like : 'Oh, this title gives 2 str and is annoying to get, let's make it ID, but every other title that requires a lot of time to get but doesn't give stats will not be ID. Oh and let's make the secondary quest titles randomly be ID because it's so much more fun to have the playerbase go through all titles to figure out which ones they have to get and which ones they do not.'
    Some areas titles are not ID titles like Ein Lacher (you can't even 'fake' being Golden God as you have to grind the title on a char to display it, so you have to do every battle all over again just for the title count and the stats) Abyssal Arena and Cat box titles, but currently unobtainable titles (Season of Macha titles, Gauntlets, Labyrinth...) are ID.

    So if someone can find some sense in any of this, tell me, because i'm at a loss myself...

    this helps ty