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Can we do something about the RN-Garbage?
I am a bluntly honest person. I will tell you like it is without holding back. Can we do something about the RN-Garbage (RNG) in this game? Particularly, Power Infusion. The problem with randomness is that you can never be sure that it is random. There is no reason why Intermediate Element Stones should be rolling +/- STR, AGI, INT, and WIL on high end gear. There is no reason why I should waste 200M+ trying to roll + DEF infusion on Dullahan armor nor should there be any reason why I am not getting + Critical Infusion on Blue Kitty Brooch. I get it, Power Infusion is end-game, but can we please cut the BS? Why do we not have stat specific element stones? What works for Korea does NOT work for North America; not just for Power Infusion, but in many areas of the game.
If you want to draw more players to your game, how about more quality of life features?
Player of 7 yrs, $13,000-$14,000 spent over time.

Thing is, NexonNA can't do anything to Vindictus without Korean dev changes or official nod from Nexon HQ in JP. NexonNA, just pretty much host the game and control the cash shop prices. That's the way its always been the last 7 years. The NA forum threads definitely won't reach the thoughts and considerations of Korean Dev team or the HQ in JP since we don't even pull 1/3 the profits that the Eastern countries pull (China, Korea, Japan). We are just residual fodder in their business market. Nothing is gonna change sadly, and we get the bad end of it like you said, because our population is so much lower than eastern country counterparts, and the RNG is set to a much bigger population ... thus hard time for us to get lower prices on the RNG rare stuff.
brooch can be really tough, i feel ya. i spent 200M on my necklace for a +2 bal roll...
good for the majority of population,bad for super high-end users