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Miri is stupid strong

Member Kara
Vindictus Rep: 2,515
Posts: 134
edited January 22, 2018 in General Discussion
Outdps by a miri that has less than 1k attk limit than me


  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    on what raid? att limit makes very little difference if its just 1k

    also miri cannot be outdpsed on short raids where shes basically spinning 24/7 once she gets her trans going
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    No sh*t, sherlock.
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    edited January 22, 2018
    If it bothers you then play miri maybe , dont really understand players who are not comforted with dps of other characters , just make one and play with it
  • Member Sir_Render
    Vindictus Rep: 1,720
    Posts: 191
    Madcobra wrote: »
    If it bothers you then play miri maybe , dont really understand players who are not comforted with dps of other characters , just make one and play with it
    Honestly Dps doesn't matter anymore because Rise borked up the whole thing
    you just gotta be lucky enough to have the highest + on your gear

  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    1) Add Damge
    2) Rest of your Gear
    3) Character DPS for particular Raid
    4) Player Skill

    Player Skill and Character DPS only matter if you have low Add Damage. So instead of complaining get +13 armor and +14/+15 Weapon then it won't matter what character you play or if you are total Newb, you WILL get top DPS
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    edited January 23, 2018
    still don't understand why the fk nexon introduce AD... just so to give purpose to enhancing armor? way to troll on the skilled ones who don't get hit and try to max their dps vs people spam pots and face tank

    Every run except neam and aes bore the fk out of me now (limited pots and too many pots for face tank)...Especially on the older contents, nifl, s3 raids, at full +12/1+14 armor bosses hit me for like 300-500/12000 HP per hit (except red attacks), no purpose to dodge, face tank and fall asleep...
  • Member CuraiHotaru
    Vindictus Rep: 1,240
    Posts: 50
    still don't understand why the fk nexon introduce AD... just so to give purpose to enhancing armor? way to troll on the skilled ones who don't get hit and try to max their dps vs people spam pots and face tank

    Every run except neam and aes bore the fk out of me now (limited pots and too many pots for face tank)...Especially on the older contents, nifl, s3 raids, at full +12/1+14 armor bosses hit me for like 300-500/12000 HP per hit (except red attacks), no purpose to dodge, face tank and fall asleep...

    Most skilled "veterans" already left, only the whales remain
  • Member FreakingAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,350
    Posts: 131
    Madcobra wrote: »
    If it bothers you then play miri maybe , dont really understand players who are not comforted with dps of other characters , just make one and play with it

    Ah, so instead of addressing the issue of an overpowered class in the game we should all stop playing all the other classes and use the overpowered ones only that have an unfair advantage.

    Then everyone ends up only playing that overpowered class and the others become obsolete - why play all the other weaker classes when we can play the overpowered one that's stronger than the others right?

    And this is why game balancing exists.
  • Member misakamisaka
    Vindictus Rep: 1,685
    Posts: 105
    Some of us play a class not because it's overpowered but because we like the character/playstyle. Not everything is about damage dealt at the end of the raid. I feel like a lot of people these days that play are just so blinded by that end of the screen percent.
  • Member FreakingAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,350
    Posts: 131
    Some of us play a class not because it's overpowered but because we like the character/playstyle. Not everything is about damage dealt at the end of the raid. I feel like a lot of people these days that play are just so blinded by that end of the screen percent.

    The point of this thread is about Miri being overpowered and her DPS. Your "DPS isnt everything" speech will fall on deaf ears here.

    Blame Devcat and Nexon for coming up with that idea to add the DPS leaderboard at the end of every battle to milk the whales of their money as they all desperately do everything they can and spend as much money as they can on the game to show all the other pixel people that "I'm number one!". It was a well thought out psychological tactic and it worked well, more money for Nexon. And now it's gone full circle, you have pay2win whales with DPS in their name, everyone talking about "carry", even GMs and I'm pretty sure there was a title in the game referencing the term. Props to Nexon for exploiting players once again.

    But the DPS counter also serves some other useful purposes as well, like doing what someone did in this thread which is comparing your gear and stats to someone else, in this case a player using this new class Miri and discovering how overpowered the class might be. If two skilled players with the same stats but different classes are doing a raid and one just completely destroys the other in DPS there may be a problem there which could be a possible class balance issue.
  • Member Ellease
    Vindictus Rep: 1,625
    Posts: 154
    "Rooks are overpowered, they can cross the whole map and attack faster than I can" -Knight
    OP in a nutshell
  • Member hornywatermelon
    Vindictus Rep: 3,985
    Posts: 467
    Explain why is it bad she's currently a powerhouse. Her being really strong brings only benefits such as:
    - faster raids
    - more bobs and vagene in your party (and who doesn't like that)
    - you can do more raids in shorter time frame because of the 1st reason

    Cons of her being strong:
    - it shortens your epeen
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    edited January 24, 2018
    Miri is not OP on dulla/aes sidhe. Why ? Because her trans lasts a short amount of time then shes back to her mediocre dps

    In pre-dulla raids she uses cat statue and a few smashes and BOOM,dragon form infinite spin2win for the rest of the raid ( 100% uptime sometimes).And before calling a class broken OP make sure you test it along with people who have similar stats with you
  • Member Arrow95
    Vindictus Rep: 2,515
    Posts: 491
    edited January 24, 2018
    even doe i have 5400 ad/1100 attlimit, 4k ad miris can(not always) out dps me in those pre dulla raids. :smile:
    btw using Bow
  • Member Crash_Bandicoot
    Vindictus Rep: 640
    Posts: 20
    This thread reminds me of times when Hurk release... Hurk was too powerful and has comfortable gameplay and after some time we get revamp all characters.
    Later, "rise" ruined all what we had... To hell with him!

    And today we have almost same sh*t. Again.... :|
    KR servers already have balance update wich broken Lann and Karok but boost other characters. Even Taide get boost. Can you imagine?! Ofc they should better delete him... but DOL thinks it best to remove Lann and Karok. :D

    If I were in your place I would have long been running a topic with the name "Lynn 2nd weapon is stupid strong" because after its release I'm 100% sure of the appearance of a couple of such. :p
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    Some of us play a class not because it's overpowered but because we like the character/playstyle. Not everything is about damage dealt at the end of the raid. I feel like a lot of people these days that play are just so blinded by that end of the screen percent.

    Pretty much this, but also because Miri looks basic af and there are far better characters to fashion with.
  • Member Tayla
    Vindictus Rep: 650
    Posts: 34
    Miri is not OP on dulla/aes sidhe. Why ? Because her trans lasts a short amount of time then shes back to her mediocre dps

    In pre-dulla raids she uses cat statue and a few smashes and BOOM,dragon form infinite spin2win for the rest of the raid ( 100% uptime sometimes).And before calling a class broken OP make sure you test it along with people who have similar stats with you

    Exactly! From what i've experienced with my Miri, the additional damage factor is what is making a player stronger than me. Nexon seems to have removed the need for skill now. It's very frustrating for most who can't afford or don't have the RNG to enhance their gear to be competitive with the whales. I only have 2990 addt'l damage and have been able to out dps others with higher AD. But once they hit the 4000 mark, there is simply no way. I come close but can't seem to out dps them and i play my Miri very well.

    I know from past experiences for 7 yrs now, every time Nexon releases a new class, other classes say they are too OP. Idk, maybe they have gotten lazy on their char and need to re-think how they play them in raids now. It creates more of a challenge but most have just gotten too comfortable with their play style. Miri is just as OP as other classes when players have put in the time and effort to get better gear & play the character well. The whales will out dps and be considered OP no matter what class they are playing. As Whiskers said, compare yourself against other players with similiar stats before you start throwing out the "the class is too OP".
  • Member Zuzuk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,690
    Posts: 155
    I find stupid how a girl with no fricking combat training, just pick ups a magical weapon, let herself get dragged throught the map by said weapon, spam 2 moves (spin2wind+parry), and outdps all the other fellas who really learned how to fight lol
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    Zuzuk wrote: »
    I find stupid how a girl with no fricking combat training, just pick ups a magical weapon, let herself get dragged throught the map by said weapon, spam 2 moves (spin2wind+parry), and outdps all the other fellas who really learned how to fight lol

    we have no idea how well trained in combat the dragon spirit is, for all we know Miri's just a vessel

  • Member ArcticAzreal
    Vindictus Rep: 955
    Posts: 86
    Puppyman wrote: »
    Zuzuk wrote: »
    I find stupid how a girl with no fricking combat training, just pick ups a magical weapon, let herself get dragged throught the map by said weapon, spam 2 moves (spin2wind+parry), and outdps all the other fellas who really learned how to fight lol

    we have no idea how well trained in combat the dragon spirit is, for all we know Miri's just a vessel


    This theory i like.