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Hooking in Abomination

Member Jinyie
Vindictus Rep: 1,830
Posts: 219
edited January 10, 2018 in General Discussion
Nothing more infuriating than a team that doesn't want to hook. Personally I do it all the time, but when a low dps team can't break through the shield it's just annoying. At this point I'm convinced people are just going for the 40% damage core which imo is just ruining any sense of teamwork in the game. If you don't hook what is your reason?
  1. Do you hook in Abomination?43 votes
    1. Yes
       56% (24 votes)
    2. No
       28% (12 votes)
    3. Idc
       16% (7 votes)


  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    edited January 10, 2018
    I never hook . With me 4700add and my partner over 4 k add even if rest team is low damage and they dont want hook abomination doesnt last long . Just raid like others
  • Member HeartCard
    Vindictus Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 35
    1360AD here. I don't hook...Because I've never needed to aside of my first run of abom, which was solo...Which the game is not built for anymore.

    There's just too much damage and too many revives for strategy to matter. Nobody even gets upset with people who permadie in naem...Because it just generally doesn't matter.

    ATM the only raid that honestly requires the TEAM be somewhat decent is Refuge of the Dead, and that's purely based on him heal spamming and landing it everytime. But even that would be offset by someone with enough AD I'm sure.
  • Member Azeluna
    Vindictus Rep: 535
    Posts: 7
    It's bugged af (+ I've shitty internet) so I don't even try doing it with my Sylas. 99% of the time he just drops from it. So even if my party have like 0 dmg I don't give a damn ****.
    But when I'm playing Miri/Evie and noone does it I'm doing it myself.

    But tbh idc, I've enough free time to do it for 10 mins or even longer.
  • Member MisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    Madcobra wrote: »
    I never hook . With me 4700add and my partner over 4 k add even if rest team is low damage and they dont want hook abomination doesnt last long . Just raid like others

    And then nobody hooks full-armor abomination and the raid takes 15 minutes.That pride served you real well
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    edited January 10, 2018
    Madcobra wrote: »
    I never hook . With me 4700add and my partner over 4 k add even if rest team is low damage and they dont want hook abomination doesnt last long . Just raid like others

    And then nobody hooks full-armor abomination and the raid takes 15 minutes.That pride served you real well
    No it takes max 5 minuts even withouth hooks . Not worth to jump and waste time if atleast two players got more then 4 k add , but when i solo then yes i use hooks and then it takes almost 15 min what is pain on ass
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    Azeluna wrote: »
    It's bugged af (+ I've shitty internet) so I don't even try doing it with my Sylas. 99% of the time he just drops from it. So even if my party have like 0 dmg I don't give a damn ****.
    But when I'm playing Miri/Evie and noone does it I'm doing it myself.

    But tbh idc, I've enough free time to do it for 10 mins or even longer.
    Indeed usually when ppl do hooks they die need revive etc and it takes more time +pain . But if party dont have one or two strong players they should hook i guess because it will be faster
  • Member Puppyman
    Vindictus Rep: 3,055
    Posts: 467
    edited January 10, 2018
    I usually always do first hook at beginning then attack, then I do the same after second shield, but if by then I notice others don't bother to hook, then I just go full attack mode given I do enough damage.

    I also don't bother hooking if host is a bit laggy/my internet is being poopy
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605
    I need my titles so I hook.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Dps 2 win am I right? Hah, please. Can't really do anything when the shield cuts your damage to 1/4 and then 1/2 when it gets weakened.
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited January 10, 2018
    I always hook the first time. Then if there was another person hooking, I wont the next time. (There isn't much of a reason to do the second one.)

    That said even if I do hook every time... I usually can manage >40% ;-)

    Solo I always hook once each time, assuming abom will let me...
  • Member Technically
    Vindictus Rep: 450
    Posts: 13
    To be honest, I have always died when trying to reach the bell, and thus avoided it entirely. Since it is not critical or essential for a clear, ive felt that my time was always better spent dancing with the boss, rather than using up feathers and time of my party.

    For those of us that enjoy a long fight, the shield can be thought of as a longer test of your own discipline. That being said, with parties being 4 man now, it seems that the knowledge should be passed along in case you do find yourself in a low DPS party, without a solid carry.

    A youtube search helped me to understand what is required, and i figured anyone else that has been ignorant to the help this can provide the party could use the information as well.

    Enjoy your time.

    Credit to the owner.
  • Member Jinyie
    Vindictus Rep: 1,830
    Posts: 219
    Yeah I'm 4.1k additional damage myself and I find if there's at least one other player with similar stats there's no need to hook.
    ikevi wrote: »
    I always hook the first time. Then if there was another person hooking, I wont the next time. (There isn't much of a reason to do the second one.)

    That said even if I do hook every time... I usually can manage >40% ;-)

    Solo I always hook once each time, assuming abom will let me...

    I might actually start doing that, thank you.
  • Member _Kale
    Vindictus Rep: 1,310
    Posts: 34
    Assuming no lag and everyone knows how to ring the bell without dying:
    - A low dps party should always ring the bell.
    - A party with 2 players with 4-5k AD will actually be a bit faster if you ring the bell, as long as you skip the trap(s) after the 1st platform. Ringing the bell will make the run take longer if you're waiting for each trap before swinging. The bell should not be rung at 3 bars though. The 3-bar shield is faster to just cheese through.
    - Neither of these are likely to happen with pugs, so you should probably just lower your expectations or don't run with pugs.
  • Member SlothPrincess
    Vindictus Rep: 1,420
    Posts: 75
    I try to hook once for each shield if no on else is doing so, unless I'm rubberbanding too much and it's impossible
  • Member AriaGodspell
    Vindictus Rep: 1,440
    Posts: 48
    My chain goes limp at random so its a risk. I tend to go for the first hook and sometimes the legs but it really depends if I feel like my chain had Viagra or not.