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New (and Old) Player Poll for Vindi Difficulty
I Think I've been clear in other posts, that I for one Wish this game still lived up to its reputation for Relative Difficulty.

Blues BX Said: "The design of the game isnt poor, yeah there are quite a bit of issues but all games have those. Vindi is just meant to be hard as hell lol XD. " And that folks is what IMHO people joining this game are seeking out; but I obviously cant speak for all new players so I thought I would post this here and see what other folks thought. I'll post my own reply as soon as the mods put this up. BB.
1. How long have you played this game.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
Ok Share your thoughts, BB.
2) Nope.
3) Would like to see them bring back how hero's were, unlocked at level 40 or 50 (I forget which)
4) Yes. The harder difficulties of some runs were how I used to train to dodge correctly. Normal mode up to around Succubus Queen or the newer raids give way too much of a tell when they're attacking.
5) Prefer it being tied to level, but a quest hub would work too
6) Yes and hero mode being accessed easier.
7) mostly because it was free and I was a poor college student xP. But I loved the difficulty and the friends I made. I'm sorry to see this game dying out due to poor choices on the company side.
I've played since September 2016.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough:
Not even close.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...:
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?:
Definitely. I actually really did enjoy being beaten the crap out of in S1~S2 contents before RISE. Even repeated failures on raids. My friends & I never complained. Fun times.
It might even motivate me to start up a new character if I could have that leveling struggle back (I've had made one after RISE but got bored to death).
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.:
Hm, I don't quite understand this question.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?:
Oh yes.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?:
A friend semi-forced me to download it to play it with her (we were both interns so we've had a lot of time), so I logged on from time to time.
I've started playing regularly after suffering serious injuries that prevented me from doing anything else (and still stuck with it after I've healed up months later).
She's lost interest to the game after RISE "update".
Bok said, "5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.:
Hm, I don't quite understand this question."
Ok lets use C9 as an example, there are 5 levels of difficulty for each quest from easy to Hell mode. At each quest hub you have access to easy mode to start with, when you complete an easy mode quest that unlocks normal for that quest, normal hard, hard Hero I think, and Hero hell. I wish this was for the whole hub, and not for each quest, but still day one you can be doing Hell mode quests if you have the skill and desire.
So my question was rather than make Hard mode game wide access ala GW1, make it available hub by hub, like the Prairie or the Ruins, as a player works through the content, more like C9.
Effectively for 1 year since the EU release from September 2011 to September 2012. And as a casual since around the release of Arisha on the EU server (January 2015).
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
Probably because of its physics and the ability to use a secondary weapon, but i hated its chained attack combat system at first. I don't have problem with combo attacks in other games but it's poorly implemented in Vindi in my opinion. But i enjoyed and still enjoy using secondary weapons for break-offs and for fun with friends.
I would add one more thing to the difficulty part. I would prefer if Vindi had more longer and creative skill-based dungeons - like Labyrinth was - that would get more difficult as you progress in them, or they would get more difficult after each run. Learning only boss attack patterns is boring for some players. There are million other games in which you have to learn boss attack patterns, predicting them, and reacting to them in time. Some players love that, but judging from the amount of players who left the game it doesn't seem so popular. It's necessary but it shouldn't be the only playable option in a game. I would also prefer if secondary weapons were needed more often in boss fights. The combination of in-game elements and making new strategies is what makes PvE fun for me.
Thank you for the clarification.
I think I still don't have a preference in this matter...as long as we don't have zero access to higher difficulty like we do currently.
Sounds kinda interesting that, mobs with vulnerabilities to specific weapns sets. Be interesting to see that implemented somehow.
Uh,since NA early beta till ~ Season 2 then moved to EU so thast like 7 years I think but I've slowly quited the game since Rise.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
From what I tried out,no.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
Yes,leveling was never that hard anyway.
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
Organization is always welcome so yes.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
I'm not sure,but it just looked really cool and the game I was playin was dying so I gave it a try when they were giving out beta keys.
+I liked it that this game wasn't an open world game.
Just a thought but I actually don't really like overly difficult games anymore but imo Vindi was just about right before.
I also don't count cheap boss attacks and things like that,they are not necessarily hard but simply annoying to deal with.
A bit more than 6 six years
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
I personally think that the current mode is easy, but I think we can all agree that the complexity of the dungeons as well as the difficulty greatly increases from s1 -> s2 -> s3
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
I think we need something inbetween normal and hero and preferably for all dungeons
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
Yup, as described above.
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
Of course, I think it should be possible to make the dungeons a lot harder and make it a challenge for those who want it to be as well as keeping this 'easy' mode for those who desire to run through the game more smoothly.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
Definitely. I think it was nice to alter between Hard and Normal mode back in the days. When I was bored and had nothing better to do or was farming for something specific it was nice with that +1 core but when I was in a hurry I would do normal mode for a quick run.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
I decided to play vindictus mainly because of the unique characters and their vastly different gameplay. (and obviously 'cause dat fashion
I like the concept, ty for the reply.
2 years, split between long hiatus.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
Yes. My friends saw me playing this game and joined me but it's all too easy.
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
When I checked up on it to see what changes it made.
since 2013
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
No. I just mainly use it for title farming until RISE came around and limited s1 + s2.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
No point since normal was just meant to title farm anyway.
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
Maybe make the regular battles have hero mode and i'll consider it.
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
Don't think that would be necessary...
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
Only because it gave a 20% gold reward after killing main boss(es), but more importantly, I want Hero mode restored to the regular non-story battles in S1 + S2 and bring in hero mode for S3 regular dungeons. Some of us like extra challenges and extra rewards. Prime example would be deep corruption's gold reward after you kick kill 7 enemies.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
Hero mode gold generation... enough said. Made like 3M just farming two moons each day. Now since hero mode is gone except for certain raid bosses, there's barely any way to make consistent gold. As long as there is a consistent market, I'll keep playing.
Since EAOB. I don't play much these days.
3. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
Nope, though I do appreciate the ease of leveling an alt; dialogue skippin and faster quests.
At the moment for any real challenge I either have to remove my armor or play on my old laptop.
(though with only 3 neimhain runs under my belt, she's still pretty tough for me, so there's that)
4. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
Not gonna lie I kinda miss hero mode, but not the horrible rewards.
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
6. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
Absolutely, it would add a whole new spin on game play, or just something to do.
8. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
yeah but the difficulty should match rewards this time around.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
I was playing 2 games sporadically, 9 dragons and rappelz. 9D had a GM/corporate team so greedy that they made old school nexon look like a charity organization, and Rappelz was just boring. I was HOOKED on the devil may cry series at the time so I wanted to find an mmo with action close to that, I stumbled a vid of an evie fighting a polar bear and thought ...uh...I don't remember, but I was pretty hyped.
2. No
3. Difficulty pre-90 could be raised a bit, or perhaps add a hero mode again.
4. Yes
5. I don't know if that would matter
6. Yes, it would be more fun for new players / new characters
7. Cousins brought it up to me and I got hooked instantly. To this day I haven't found a game that has a combat style I love more than Vindictus'. I don't even know how to describe it, but it is very unique and apparently hard to find elsewhere.
- 6 Years or so. Took a break for 2 years though.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
- I have yet to figure out how to properly play Miri and she's level 55 by now. Normal mode is way too easy and with the free gear you get from the storyline, you pretty much one-hit everything solo. So no, normal mode is way too easy. It should be called Baby Mode instead.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
- Absolutely yes. It feels like the XE Version of the game as it is right now, thus why I decided to stick to the Premiere Version back when I started instead of moving to the EU server after it opened (I'm from the EU).
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
- Hard Mode should be accessible right off from level 1 again!
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
- All difficulty modes should just be available through the quest board. No need for extra hassle or confusing stuff.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
- Hard Mode as well as Hero Mode just as it used to.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
- 2 friends of mine convinced me to give this game a try so I did and first thing I loved when I started this game was the level of challenge it gave me in any battle I did, especially in Raids. Having to redo Polar Bear 10-20 times before I could solo it (more or less) was annoying, but after managing to pull through it, it felt awesome. That's the feeling I miss now. My Miri is level 55 and I have yet to feel that level of challenge. Having it only in the higher levels gives lower level players nothing to work on if not just to grind through the levels asap. Average players reach max. level within a week if they play regularly and by the time they are 80+, they won't have the required skill to survive the hard, penetrating attacks from Season 2 and 3 Raid bosses because they can't react quick enough to counter the enemy moves.
Lastly, bring back lower level RAIDS!!
- 6 Years or so. Took a break for 2 years though.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
- I have yet to figure out how to properly play Miri and she's level 55 by now. Normal mode is way too easy and with the free gear you get from the storyline, you pretty much one-hit everything solo. So no, normal mode is way too easy. It should be called Baby Mode instead.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
- Absolutely yes. It feels like the XE Version of the game as it is right now, thus why I decided to stick to the Premiere Version back when I started instead of moving to the EU server after it opened (I'm from the EU).
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
- Hard Mode should be accessible right off from level 1 again!
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
- All difficulty modes should just be available through the quest board. No need for extra hassle or confusing stuff.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
- Hard Mode as well as Hero Mode just as it used to.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
- 2 friends of mine convinced me to give this game a try so I did and first thing I loved when I started this game was the level of challenge it gave me in any battle I did, especially in Raids. Having to redo Polar Bear 10-20 times before I could solo it (more or less) was annoying, but after managing to pull through it, it felt awesome. That's the feeling I miss now. My Miri is level 55 and I have yet to feel that level of challenge. Having it only in the higher levels gives lower level players nothing to work on if not just to grind through the levels asap. Average players reach max. level within a week if they play regularly and by the time they are 80+, they won't have the required skill to survive the hard, penetrating attacks from Season 2 and 3 Raid bosses because they can't react quick enough to counter the enemy moves.
Lastly, bring back lower level RAIDS!!
On and off since Closed Beta. I followed the game on release up through Episode 3, and came back around episode 6, then back again for episode 10.
I played Season 2 up until Kraken, and... Well, came back yesterday.
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough
How could anyone? It's kinda surreal walking through all this content that's entirely devoid of difficulty. I can't imagine that this adequately prepares new players for the top tier content that is as difficult, I assume, as the content of old.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
Maybe. I think the real solution isn't just making normal mode more difficult -- there's just so much content to get through now. Two entire outdated seasons' worth. I notice that a lot of old stuff was pruned, but I think an even greater pruning effort needs to happen. Make the difficulty like it was before, and also prune about half the existing battle quests. Without doing that, catching up will be... well, a slog, I think.
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
Absolutely. There needs to be some kind of opt-in challenge.
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
I don't really have a preference here. Maybe "no," to minimize development time on it.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
Honestly, I'm not sure. "Why not," I guess.
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
A friend with a closed beta invite sent me one, told me to try it out.
Gods, I'm not sure. IIRC I started 'round 2012-2013, played for maybe two years, went off and on, and left for 3-4 years. Came back for a nostalgia trip. Not goin' well..
2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough\
Hell no.
3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...
That, or bring back Hard Mode, since Hero Mode is apparently level 91+..
4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?
Yes. I'd like Hero Mode back to level 50 minimum.
5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.
At minimum, Hard mode should be accessible from the get-go, as it once was.
Hero Mode should be unlocked at level 50 (at least for Season 1). S2 and onward can figure themselves out.
6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?
7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?
The tldr of it is that during Dragon's Nest Beta invites or w/e, I had found all three of my characters deleted, as well as the Dragon Scales money thing gone.
I asked for the devs to restore my characters if at all possible. I guess they couldn't, as I was given 2k NX as compensation (after some 3 months of no replies).
Figured if I had to start all over, might as well do it where I didn't have any losses.