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Really Nexon?! Fix the broken autoban system!
@ColonelPanic @Ehgess
So my ISP just got done doing some work on the network in my area and after that I had to restart my internet and computer. Once my internet and computer was back up I went to log into the game and I was greeted with this message.
Really Nexon?! You just had to make me deal with this buggy broken autoban system THE DAY BEFORE golden time events begin! I've seen other players complaining about being wrongfully banned by this "cheatban" system, waiting days and days to get help and get unbanned, never thought it would happen to me but...it happened. If you know your autoban system is broken and riddled with bugs that you can't fix why do you continue to use it and put players at risk of being wrongfully banned like this? For your amusement?
Now I'm going to have to create a ticket, wait for help which isn't going to be until next week if I'm lucky and miss out on all my Golden time rewards over the weekend because of your negligence! If you know the autoban system isn't working properly remove it!
Here is a screenshot of my task manager to show what processes I had running when this happened, I haven't closed out of any programs or applications period.
Remember I had just restarted my computer before this happened so I had very few other programs running.
So tell me Nexon, which program is it that you're trying to say is worth a "cheatban"? Paint? Malwarebytes? Avast? Notepad? Because I've always had all of those running while playing the game for years now.
And the funny part is it says "EU".
I don't even play on the EU server!
Just unban me or give me my golden time rewards when you finally do get to it. And remove this broken autoban system you have in place! It's the weekend, I wanted to spend it playing Vindictus but now that won't be happening because you decided to do nothing about a system that has been constantly banning players for no reason.
What's wrong with you Nexon?!
P.S: I'm not trying to put you guys down or insult you, this is only meant to be some pretty stern constructive criticism but as you can see I'm very frustrated and angry having to deal with this as anyone in my position might be.

So basically my account was banned based off of nothing but SUSPICION that I was involved in "illegal RMT activity" and I was forced to wait for this ridiculous (you'll see why) investigation to be over all the while missing out on my Golden Miri event rewards for 12/9 and 12/10 (AP 10000 Capsule and Special Enhancement Rune).
Now here's the funny part (again).
They said they wanted more information about me sending a whopping 306,000 gold to another player LOL
Just going off of the rate of what the chinese gold botters in channel 1 in-game sell their gold for 306,000 gold is worth less than 50 cents! Lmao.
I couldn't help but to laugh after I read that. I can't believe a supposed "admin" (this is pathetic and despicable behavior for any truly respectable and responsible admin) really banned me and made me wait a whole week for that. This is what I lost my chance to get my Special Enhancement Rune for?! 306,000 gold? And you aren't even sure if I was supposed to be banned or not (they say it was POSSIBLE that I was involved in this "illegal RMT activity" lol...)???
So I was banned for a week to wait for this "investigation" (this is a mockery and a joke of an "investigation" as you call it) because Nexon thinks I was out trying to sell 306,000 gold to make a whole 50 CENTS! Because they thought I was so desperate to make 50 cents worth of gold that I would go online on Vindictus, risk my account being banned to get it lol
50 cents really? After the thousands of dollars in NX I've spent on this game over the years, I'm now having to put up with missing out on valuable event rewards because these imbeciles think I'm so despereate for cash that I would sell 306,000 gold because I needed 50 cents that badly.
You didn't even bother to step back, do the math (Nexon you do know how to do elementary school math right? Because these actions say otherwise, or are you just that lazy, careless and irresponsible?) and think about how ridiculous that is to accuse someone of selling a measly 306,000 gold for real life money. Why the hell would I even bother selling such a small amount of gold (not even worth 50 cents) to another player?
And the player they said I sent the gold to I've never even seen ingame or spoken to much less traded or sold anything to them.
Of course they unbanned me claiming they're giving me "benefit-of-the-doubt" (right...no, you just realized how stupid this was in the first place and you had zero evidence to support your baseless accusations so you wanted to save face and pretend there was a good reason for banning me) and now I missed out on the Special Enhancement Rune I was planning to receive on 12/9 for the Golden Miri event because of their mistakes banning the wrong person or I don't know what they're doing or what they're thinking.
So basically I was wrongfully banned, removed from the game for a week and missed out on one of the best Golden Miri event rewards because of it and I didn't even get so much as a "sorry" from this "admin team" that did this. What I did get were threats, saying that I will be punished and it can be severe if I do get banned in the future. So now I have to live in fear of being banned any time I send any amount of gold to any other player because Nexon thinks people actually sell gold to other players for 50 cents. What if a friend just wants to borrow some gold from me? Now I have to worry about getting banned for that too? What if I'm just giving gold to a newbie that needs help to buy a new weapon or doesn't have enough gold left to pay these ludicrous repair fees? What if I sent some gold to another player to cover their ridiculous mail "taxes" you decided to implement in the game?
You didn't even take any of these and several other scenarios into consideration before running off banning people did you? This is what happens when you have people running a game that don't even play the game in the first place.
This is why you get so much hate and negative feedback from players. You do it yourselves, you ask for it Nexon. You ban players based off of nothing but suspicion, you aren't even 100% sure if the player should be banned or not ("oh we think it's possible you did something wrong so we banned you"), you're actually banning players with little to no evidence of them doing anything wrong, you ban players first THEN you investigate? Lol isn't it supposed to be the other way around? But not with Nexon, they ban first then make you wait for their "investigation" to be over and figure out if the ban was just or not. Because who cares about our valuable time you're wasting right? How many other innocent players have you wrongfully banned I wonder, how many other players have you banned just for sending gold? And what's even worse is they banned me thinking I sent 306,000 gold to another player and I've never even heard of that other player. I wonder how many other innocent players you did this to, banning them just for sending gold or your broken, buggy systems telling you the player sent gold to someone when they didn't but you ban them anyway. Imagine all the newer players that might not even know how to use the ticket system to address the issue of being wrongfully banned like this, all those players that barely even use the forums if at all then all of a sudden they're banned...for nothing.
Do you just have some monthly quota of how many players you need to ban so you go banning innocent players as well to get that ban count up or something?
Is this what you really think it means to run a successful game? By relentlessly mistreating your players like this? By ruthlessly banning innocent players then only getting the full story after the fact? Then you find out you made a mistake and zero remorse or compassion is shown. No, this is how you systematically destroy a game.
It's all about Nexon and their money, that's how its always been, it's just a lot more obvious now and I'm done being in denial, I know a lot of other (especially veteran) players can relate. We try to look over the fact that the game is dying and how terrible management of it is and how players are treated because we know Vindictus is (or used to be) a great game and it has so much potential.
Let this be a lesson for all players new and old reading this, that these are the kinds of people that are (unfortunately) running this game. Their "investigations" involve banning the wrong people, not even having any evidence of what they're accusing the player of in the first place, their autoban systems are HIGHLY inaccurate (take here how I was banned for no good reason then had to go get unbanned), banning innocent players like myself causing us to miss out on events and play time then they don't even have the decency to apologize for their mistakes and accept responsibility for their wrongdoings, these are the people you're giving your hard earned money to (for those who purchase NX). Learn from my experience, this is how the most loyal players to the game are treated (been playing since beta 10-12+ hours a day most of the time, 7 years and counting, when barely anyone even knew about this game)
As always, great job Nexon, you seem to be dead set on burning this game to the ground and you're well on your way to reaching that goal. It sucks but sadly sometimes we get cases like this where the game is great but management of it is mediocre.
So look out guys, there is a very real chance that you may get randomly banned with Nexon telling you you were selling 300,000 gold (lol) to players you've never even heard of. You risk being banned just for sending gold to a friend or a guildie that might need help or for whatever reason it might be because Nexon thinks sending gold to others means you're selling it for real money, even if it's just 300,000 gold.
I hope we see this corrected and the OP get their Golden Time rewards. Be assured this will be updated on the Vindi Reddit, so whatever happens here is going to be a permanent record of how you treat your players. I'm this case so far the answer is very, very poorly.
Yeah I missed out on my golden time event rewards because of them banning me for no reason, zero evidence to warrant a ban, just them thinking that I POSSIBLY sent someone 306,000 gold (which I didn't)...yes 306,000 not million as stupid as that is of a reason to ban someone. I asked if they would send me the event tems they said no and went on saying they don't give "compensation" for everything. Compensation? All I'm asking is to give me my event rewards you made me miss out on after banning me for no reason and waiting for the unban, nothing more nothing less.
They have no problem giving all these free event items to the entire server to keep them playing but when they make a mistake like this, ban an innocent player and cause them to not receive their event items they refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and it's the hardest thing in the world to give that player their items they should've gotten. All of a sudden I'm asking for "compensation", like I'm begging for crumbs or begging for random free items for any little thing that goes wrong. No, you removed me from the game yourselves and due to your incompetency you banned the wrong person so you owe the player the event items that everyone else received in the server. Had it not been for you going around banning innocent players I would've received my golden time event items but I didn't even have a chance because of your mistakes Nexon.
So they wrongfully banned my account and don't care, I couldn't get my golden time event rewards while waiting for their "investigation" to be over and they don't care about that either.
It's the secondary ban that becomes permanent from what I've seen. Sanitee and a few others were recipients of that lovely gift back over the summer, and in the ticket the GM said that you get one "get out of jail free" card--which is consumed even if Nexon was at fault for a wrongful ban--and then you're done no matter what the issue is that comes up after. Just restating what Nexon's own team told Sanitee and that she posted in the thread discussing it.
Im not too worried about getting banned because everything has a 5 Run limit now, and I don't run Season 3 because my Gear sucks.
Pretty sad my Friend never picked up the game again.
I was actually thinking of Sanitee in this thread. The whole "second time is ban even if we're wrong" is bull**** and it's probably why my guild leader finally up and left. Even though she solved the problem, it was still a mark on her account.
This is absolutely ridiculous, and it just goes to show how incompetent not just Nexon is, but Nexon NA is. Seriously, NA needs its swamp cleaned - its HR is ****, its customer service is ****, and the forum mods only do their job rarely while I'm pretty sure there's only one person as a site admin, not to mention the fact that even NA's cash model is worse than KR's. You can't honestly tell me that they have their **** together; it's obvious that they don't.
All this because I wanted to get a stupid title.