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bad advice about weapons?

Vindictus Rep: 850
Posts: 74
edited December 28, 2017 in General Discussion
I was told a +13 level 90 weapon would be better than a +11 level 95 weapon. So far I don't see how my level 90 is going to pass my level 95 in attack, I've infused it a great deal and it still is lower than my 95. Did I get bad advice?


  • ikeviikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    You need to look at additional damage. The dul weapon will have more base att, but you should be able to hit ~27-28k att without too much work using a +13 lv 90, so then you are basically at att cap. The only really nice thing (right now) about the dul weapons is the extra crit you get from them. Eventually they will make att cap closer to 30k, then the dul weapon will start being more equivalent.
    Vindictus Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 72
    My Vella has both a +13 lvl 90 and +12 lvl 95 (both fully-orange with basically all 'main' stats maxed out), and the +13 lvl 90 significantly outperforms on everything except Dullahan (even here I can reach between 28k~28.5k with my lvl 90 so it's mostly the matter of 500 extra AD vs 16-or-so extra crit).

    My +12 lvl 95 is mostly sitting ducks and collecting dust until Aes Hithe and Arcana raids come to our server, which will have 30.5k att cap, IIRC?
  • StormCrusherStormCrusher
    Vindictus Rep: 1,175
    Posts: 68
    Not only add dmg but more attspd and bal.
    Some classes require more attspd than crit (karok for ex), therefore the extra bal u get from lvl 90 wep and dulla gear allows you to add another fast es without hurting your balance

    So id say it's worth it in different levels, depends on class and how you play it.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Main issue is that it's so much easier to reach the tech requirements for Dulla with even a +10 or 11 95 than a +13 90. I've seen players in Dulla with full purple +10 95s, which are certainly a lot cheaper than a 13 90, but at least the 90 can be had with seals for players that have been saving them for a while.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Main issue is that it's so much easier to reach the tech requirements for Dulla with even a +10 or 11 95 than a +13 90. I've seen players in Dulla with full purple +10 95s, which are certainly a lot cheaper than a 13 90, but at least the 90 can be had with seals for players that have been saving them for a while.

    Not all classes benefit from having a dullahan, and it's a pain to make them atm. imagine if dulla fails going for +11, that would make you waste over 200M in the process if you went the buying route.

    Essentially, down the road the game is forcing you to change to either have +12 or above dullahan due to attack cap, but in some cases, this leads to lower dps for some characters that depend on throwing away the extra balance for a quad fast es build.

    That's why spear lann can do much more damage compared to sword due to a special skill that briefly increases their crit tech at the cost of hp.
  • MisterWhiskersMisterWhiskers
    Vindictus Rep: 2,615
    Posts: 348
    edited December 28, 2017
    copy pasted but its still somewhat relevant to this topic:

    right now +13 regina beats +12 dulla cause of additional dmg

    once we get arkana and aes sidhe who have over 30k attack cap I believe a +12 dulla will serve you better and allow you to hit the required atk cap

    additional dmg is affected by boss def so if you go with 3000 additional dmg in Arkana raid but with 28k attack (while her cap is 31k i think) , your effective additional dmg will be a lot lower than 3000.Nowadays stats for pre dullahan raids are overkill anyways;it's better to invest for future ( arkana+aes and whatever comes after)


    right now +13 is better than +12 dulla

    after next raids with insane boss DEF are added , +12 dulla > +13 lv90 ; tons of ADD DMG won't be as useful as you think if you can't surpass boss DEF
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Rep: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Ikarsu wrote: »
    Main issue is that it's so much easier to reach the tech requirements for Dulla with even a +10 or 11 95 than a +13 90. I've seen players in Dulla with full purple +10 95s, which are certainly a lot cheaper than a 13 90, but at least the 90 can be had with seals for players that have been saving them for a while.

    Not all classes benefit from having a dullahan, and it's a pain to make them atm. imagine if dulla fails going for +11, that would make you waste over 200M in the process if you went the buying route.

    Essentially, down the road the game is forcing you to change to either have +12 or above dullahan due to attack cap, but in some cases, this leads to lower dps for some characters that depend on throwing away the extra balance for a quad fast es build.

    That's why spear lann can do much more damage compared to sword due to a special skill that briefly increases their crit tech at the cost of hp.

    I didn't say a +11 or higher was necessary. Like I mentioned I've seen players in Dulla with a full purple +10. The massive crit bump outweighs the bal loss and allows players to do QB Dulla who couldn't with even a +13 90.