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QuestionS about Extraction Rune and Cap Stat

Vindictus Rep: 1,005
Posts: 10
in General Discussion
Extraction Rune

I am a return player and want to upgrade my gears :) Tada, more money dumping

I did found out that the new rank 6 enchant scroll were just like 1 point of balance or critical more than my original rank 7 enchants, so I will stick with my own enchant scroll.

Found out there is something call extraction rune. It seems like I can get my scroll back, and it is 100%

My current equipment (All of them had both Pre and Suf-fix)

Weapon (Restored before, 90, orange)

Armor pieces X5 (Never been restored, all 3 unbind)

Rings X2

Belt X1

Questions for above information:

1. How do I boom my weapon to get the enchant scroll?
2. How do I boom my rings and belt?
3. If i boom my equipment and restore it then put on the extraction rune and boom it again, will I have my ES twice?
4. The ES I got from extraction rune, were they tradeable?

Also, what is the max critical needed for Dullahan and the Sexy black suit Neam Lady?



  • FreakingAngelFreakingAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,350
    Posts: 131
    edited December 11, 2017
    1. You'll have to destroy the weapon by attempting to enhance to +9 or higher. So the equipment will need to be at least +8 before you can use the Extraction Rune. The rune does say Dianann can extract the items without enhancing but I wasn't able to use it on a non-restored +0 scrolled item (box for Extraction Rune was red as well) and when I put the +0 item into the box to dismantle it all it did was show the fragments I would get which isn't what I was after and it wouldn't let me place the Extraction Rune into the box for it. Based off of the previous Extraction Rune thread about items needing to be +9 first I'm thinking the item needs to be at least +9 before you can use Dianann to do the extraction. So rather than take my chances with that I just took my item to +8, put the Extraction Rune in while attempting +9 and got the scrolls that way. And sadly I don't think you'll be able to use the Extraction Rune on your weapon since it was previously restored.

    2. As for your rings and belt I don't think you can use the Extraction Rune on those since they can't be enhanced and most likely needs to be +9 first to do the extraction with Dianann.

    3. No you won't be able to extract the enchants from an item twice. After you extract the scrolls and/or attack limit removal materials the first time the equipment is returned without the enchants or attack limit removal stats once you restore it. And you can't enhance your equipment any further after restoration now so there's no way to use an Extraction Rune on previously restored items since it needs to be enhanced first.

    4. Enchant Scrolls you receive after using the Extraction Rune are bound so no you won't be able to trade them.

    Not sure on Dullahan and Neamhain critical resistances, haven't really bothered to get into Neamhain yet.
  • MochiSweetMochiSweet
    Vindictus Rep: 3,050
    Posts: 406
    155 for dulla, 140 for neam
    Plus 15 on both if you’re sword lann
  • RodakokoRodakoko
    Vindictus Rep: 1,005
    Posts: 10
    Thank both of you so much!!

    I guess I might have no luck with Extra Runes
  • FreakingAngelFreakingAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,350
    Posts: 131
    Rodakoko wrote: »
    Thank both of you so much!!

    I guess I might have no luck with Extra Runes

    You're welcome.

    You can still use the Extraction Runes on your armor pieces since they haven't been restored, just you'd have to first get them to +8 then you can use the rune. I know, it really sucks. But at least enhancing to +8 is easier now so it usually isn't too hard to reach that +8. But those expenses will start adding up if you're trying to extract every single armor piece not to mention the 20,000 NX pricetag just for one rune.