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Can't create more characters??
Since Miri was created I would expect you would be able to create 12 characters in one account but guess not.

I have 11 lv.90+ characters and not prepared to delete any of them...
12? I had 7 characters and no more free slots left. Had to buy a premium slot for Miri.
i actually have a premium character slot and cant create a character its very weird I have 8 chars currently deleting 1 the 2 day waiting sucks but i am used to it ... changed server went to America the neutral slots work i begin to thing the issue is in the premium stuff , which is actually a problem since there is money involved any changes ill try to keep u guys updated best of luck
That's probably because we had normal cash slot and premium one options to buy with NX before the merge. But here there is no normal cash slot, only Premium one. So it's like, normal cash slots are not 'available' to use maybe? That's the only thing I can think of. But I'm not gonna spend NX for another slots and hope that they can fix it before the 10k AP distribution this saturday :c
But on the bad side, they only allow 7 "free" characters so anyone trying to delete enough to get a slot back will probably have to get down that low.
Yeah, GMs couldn't guarantee it either when I asked about it. Well I'm giving it a try anyway for now. Hope they fix it soon.
But I thought the Miri package was supposed to be sent to the highest level character on your account... Which is a level 84. So I went to log on my level 22 Sylas to clear out anything valuable in his inventory before I deleted him and the Miri package got sent there. I can't send it to any character except Miri but I can't make a Miri character until I delete the Sylas that the package got sent to ;-; Am I just screwed?
No good info.
The two days passed so I could delete two characters and once they're deleted you don't get your character slot from them back, you can't make anyone to replace them. They're just gone. Threw away about $40 and a lot of hard work and still can't play Miri on the server with my guild so I've just given up and gone back to playing Elsword instead.
I hate to sound pessimistic but at this point, I don't think anyone is even on these forums. No one is listening, no one cares. I've posted on these forums before begging for help with a glitch that was literally breaking the game for me and no one responded for literal months until I started posting about the glitch on all of Vindictus' facebook posts and another user finally helped me out . So i'm done. But best of luck everyone else.
How many chars you had in total before deleting tho?
I made my Miri on the Europe server because of that problem. would be nice to have 20 free character slot (like in Korea) so we can enjoy the game without spending on getting a new slot.
I have to say that Miri is a lot of fun to play. Would have been nice to be with my regular friends.
Time to make new friends I guess.
One thing is for Shure I will not delete my characters that I invested my time on.
Saygo said:
November 8
Characters cannot be created using Free Character Slots, excluding the first slot on a server. Premium Character Slots are still functional. This issue affects both Europe and North America. We are working on a fix for this issue and will deploy it in a hotfix update soon.
They fixed the depot bug within 24hours after the patch. And when I ask about char slot bug they're like "I can assure you that it'll be looking into."
Yeeeee, I'm sureeeeee.