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What The Character Roster Should Have Been
Velan (M) - Vella+Lann (without chainblades), and dual chainblade whips
Sylvie (F) -OR- Elvis (M) - Sylas+Evie (geomancer staff, and phantom shurikens)
Arkana (F) - Karok+Fiona (self-explanatory: Arkana's two hammer fists, function as huge shields, pillars, fists, and grapples, all in one, plus she's a Giant), and Hurk+Delia 2H Sword
Kai (M) -OR- (F) - pretty much the same
Hurlia (F) - Hurk+Delia (ballet-style musketeer), and Lynn (umbrella-lance; that is, a hybrid between her two weapon styles)
Mirisha (F) -OR- Sharim (M) - Miri+Arisha (spellsword, and dragonspine, merged control schemes - ss style controls with ds style bar on both); unlocked when any character is level 100, due to difficulty

Yes, I'd like to twirl fabulously and smack Titan in the face with the butt of my rifle.
Also, I was thinking about these characters having their backstories merged.
Like, Mirisha/Sharim being targeted because they're a reincarnated dragon rather than a reincarnated evil god, and being raised by the old wizard guy in witchblade style before he died, then a journey back to their hometown to retrieve the dragonspine. And Velan being sold right before the town was destroyed, then becoming a treasure hunter after his freedom before he became a mercenary.
How well would that work?
I bet you'll love Whip on your Arisha. Let me know how fun that ultra-slow left-click spam is for you. Meanwhile my headcanon fuses chainblades and whip together to create a fast buff cycler that actually manages to do high damage in a large range.