This new "customer support" team is the worst I've ever seen in any game period. And I've played several. Are you guys just outsourcing now and just hiring cheap customer service people from India to cut costs or something? I'm not even joking or trying to throw insults, I was seriously wondering this in my head during my recent interaction with one of them on live chat a few days ago.
This "customer support GM" I was speaking to on the live chat asks me which enchants are on my item in question. I tell him Reinforced and Echoing. He replies to me with: "I see, please be advised that it is Declarative ES and Echoing ES that should be combined".
What??? Does this supposed "Game Master" really think you can enchant your gear with both Declarative and Echoing at the same time? Or is his english that bad that he can't get his point across properly?
They're both suffix scrolls and you can only have one prefix and one suffix enchant on an item. And what does a Declarative scroll even have to do with anything? Why is he telling me this? Did he even read what my issue was? Mind you this was after I had just spent a good 5 or 10 minutes typing up my issue in full detail. So it was very frustrating to see this "GM" just completely disregard everything I just explained about my problem and go off talking about something completely irrelevant.
And the funny thing is my issue didn't even have anything to do with enchanting in the first place. The boots are already fully enchanted so why is this "customer support Game Master" trying to teach me how to enchant and talking about Declarative enchant scrolls that don't even exist in the game anymore.
He even asked me if the Echoing enchant scroll on my item is rank 7 lol - GM Pitchan: "I'm really sorry for the delays. May I ask if the your Echoing enchant scroll is in rank 7?"
Lol is there even an Echoing enchant scroll in the game that isn't rank 7??? Is a "Game Master" really asking me questions like this? These are questions a newbie to the game would be asking.
After having to correct him and reminding him that I'm not even asking about enchanting he apologizes for his careless mistakes of course. GM Pitchan: "Sorry for the confusion. Let me check this for as while." And it really was a while...I spent 2 to 3 hours going back and forth with this guy and it led me nowhere - ended up having to create a ticket about it.
Don't waste your time on the live chat guys if you really need support for item issues because those live chat "GMs" are only there to answer basic questions and nothing more, doesn't look like they're able to just come in-game and solve the problem for you like what might happen when you create a ticket and get someone better prepared to assist you - this guy on live chat was appearing to do everything possible to not do that it seems.
What happened to having GMs in a game that actually know what they're talking about, they know the game in and out and actually take action to solve player's problems? These new "customer support GMs" just tell you "well yes there was a mistake in the game that caused you to waste money, tough luck, bye" instead of taking responsibility and doing something about it like with QueenofMana's issue in the "Caustion: Extraction Rune" thread here in the General section - the Extraction Runes item description doesn't even say ANYTHING about not being able to use it if the item's enhancement level is below +9, the equipment has already been destroyed previously and it can't be enhanced so now he/she just wasted $20 worth of NX on a NX item they can't use due to Nexon's carelessness. We're dealing with hard earned money from a real human being here, you don't know what some of us go through just to make 10 or 20 bucks.
@Saygo @Ehgess @LumoxNXA @Czar
This message is to you Nexon and no one else, please do something about this. No, giving them a pat on the wrist isn't going to fix this problem going on with customer support, it's a widespread issue. I was just reading through the "Caution: Extraction Rune" thread where he/she was sharing their experience with another "customer support GM" that showed little to no compassion for the very serious issue they ran into when it was you guys that caused him/her to waste that nearly $20 worth of NX, not his and all you did was say "oh, we forgot to tell you that you can only use this item if it's +9 and above" - tell me, how are we even supposed to know that??? Isn't that what an item description is for?
So this isn't just a live chat support issue, it's even going on with those handling tickets. Even in serious cases like this where important information is missing from item descriptions and it causes us to waste so much gold and NX, we come to you for help to make things better for us because it wasn't even our fault that we took the loss and these "support GMs" in live chat and replying to tickets seem to be doing everything possible to not return our wasted NX or give us back what we lost.
Yes I understand there are those out there that have tried to "game the system" in the past so you might be more hesitant to replace things for players now but we're talking items that YOU Nexon created but failed to make the item descriptions clear enough and left out very important information and as a result we're losing gold and NX because of it - and still you don't want to help fix the problem for us?
I remember back when the game first came out in 2010 and the mailbox was bugged somewhat. I lost some items through the mail, I made a ticket about the issue and the GM actually sent me some NX for my losses. That was excellent customer support. While it did take a very long time to get a response back then at least they tried their best and took steps to provide relief for my problems. Now it's 2017, it's almost condescending and insulting the way some of these "customer support GMs" speak to us, just linking us to basic articles like we're new to the game and trying their best not to fix the problem for us, you just get "tough luck, your loss even though it was our fault, bye".
You really need to change this Nexon and quick because it's a serious problem. You're only chasing players away to other places and games where customer support truly does care and takes action to fix problems like this. I love Vindictus and I've supported you guys in more ways than one, just check the NX logs - but when I'm being shown that the only people we can go to for help via tickets don't really care about our problems and are trying their best to NOT do anything to fix gold and NX we lose it reminds me why I stopped supporting the game like I used to. Why support someone that doesn't even care when you need them the most? Such a letdown when you've been supporting the game for nearly a decade then when you need help now you get "I'm sorry, you should've known XYZ (even though it isn't in the item description), we won't fix the problem for you".
Again, this is for Nexon employees and no one else (others can chip in about their customer support issues but I won't be discussing my ticket here as it's still pending), hence the pretty lengthy message because it's about your company, some of the staff being irresponsible specifically "customer support" and the future of Vindictus, I've provided as much information as possible about this issue so you have enough details to do something about it and investigate. Because no one likes angry customers right? Customers are being mistreated Nexon...please do something.
As for my issue I'm facing that's still in the process of (hopefully) being handled via ticket system but my experience so far has been very unpleasant. This thread isn't to discuss and complain all about my item issue with other players because only Nexon can fix it and like QueenofMana I've also taken losses due to information missing in NX items.
Any staff can PM me if you need more information.

nobody is going to read all that
GM doesn't understand the game.
Hmm, sounds just like the current director at DevCat.
And the playerbase is the reflection of their endeavour...
One would think, but not even my thread has been rekt yet. It's like all the mods have gone AWOL.
Players like this with short attention spans complaining things are too long and hard or complicated for them is why I have to make it clear that this message is for Nexon employees specifically.
Because smart people (like those of you who did read it, you know who you are) know to read things no matter how long if it's something meaningful and important and I would hope Nexon's administrators and managers fall into that smart category as well.
Thank you to those of you that did take the time out to read through it all and offer your own feedback and thoughts on this issue with some of the incompetent GMs. The more the better. Hopefully seeing all these complaints admins, managers and higher ups will start making drastic changes to remedy the problem.
come on now
we all know the game has ups and downs when it comes to customer service
but if you think the majority of players will bother reading a quarter of a book just to find out what flavor is today's rant thread,you're wrong
So my issue was that I purchased Reinforced Echoing regina gauntlets ( keep in mind regina gauntlets are wearable by all classes) that were previously fused into an item only for Hurks.
Since I'm a vella and can't use whatever the regina gauntlets were previously fused into I thought I could just use my premium armor fusion rune to fuse them again into something my class could wear or at the very least just another pair of regular level 90 gauntlets that all classes can wear.
I'm shown an error saying "This combination of items can't be fused" and it's only now I'm being told in my ticket from a GM that the item I want to alter the appearance of has to be wearable by my class.
Okay so if that's the case why isn't information this important included in the fusion rune's item description?! It's just like QueenofMana's issue in the "Caution: Extraction Rune" thread - important information is missing from these item descriptions and we have to suffer for it wasting gold that is already very hard to make and NX like Queen did.
GM in the ticket just directs me to an article where that important information is hidden away - I thought all the limitations of the fusion rune was already included in the fusion rune item description but it wasn't and I was just expected to have gone searching through the nexon website to find information that was left out.
So I'm just being told tough luck basically for not knowing some very important information that was left out of the fusion rune item description and now not being able to use the gauntlets as a result and there is nothing customer support is willing to do to help me.
Is it that hard to simply replace the fused regina gauntlets with the normal unfused gauntlets for all classes I can use or give me an extraction rune so I can remove the scrolls and put it on some other gauntlets?
I give so much to this game, my time, tens of thousands of hours and real life money that I put in your pockets Nexon and in return you aren't even willing to replace an enchanted item that I can't fuse because you forgot to include information in the fusion rune item description that caused this to happen in the first place?
The books you read are very small even for magazines
Agreed...brevity is a lost art, you often say more by saying less.
I know in the business world most of my clients only read the first few lines of any given communication. I suppose there's people who go into law...and then there are normal people.
I didn't read your original post but this follow up was short enough to go through. The issue with fusion is something that's been a part of the game forever and a day now. I agree with you that it could be better designed, but it is known, and it can't readily be fixed because it's I assume in a part of the code structure that NA doesn't have authorization to modify. It's happened before and will again I'm sure because new people continue to join the game and woe are they.
While I could see them being more liable for rectifying this somehow had a cash shop item you purchased being at fault you did buy an item from the MP or via another player that had you looked was dimmed to show it wasn't wearable by your character and that in red letters said "ONLY FOR HURK" in the description area. It wouldn't hurt their bottom line to help you correct the problem, especially since it would lead to you spending more, but they aren't to blame. If you bought wheels for your car with the wrong number of hubs should your car company give you a free hub adapter to make them work?
Again they certainly could do something, but they aren't in the wrong for not doing so. Nexon has a lot of issues, but you made the mistake here.
I've had nothing but bad experiences with the new support team/ GM's. Not only do they not know how the game works most of the time, but they're not even helpful. They also misunderstand the issue 90% of the time or resort to a copy and paste response that doesn't even address the issue. All of the previous GM's I've talked to on the previous support teams were good, but this current team is something else. Also, a lot of the live chat GM's are GM's for other games. I haven't encountered any Vindi GM's on live chat,
The issue isn't the Regina gauntlets being only for Hurk.
Regina gauntlets normally aren't class restricted but it's just that these Regina gauntlets were previously fused to some other item that only Hurks can use. And I figured I could just change whatever the gauntlets were previously fused with using a premium armor fusion rune into gauntlets for all classes then I found I couldn't.
How was I supposed to know that I couldn't just change the appearance of the gauntlets from a Hurk only vanity item into something for my own class like was done before on them when this information saying that you can't do that is left out of the fusion rune item description?
It's the fact that this important information about not being able to use the fusion runes on items your class can't wear isn't even included in the item description and had I known this I would've thought twice about buying these Hurk fused Regina gauntlets.
I would be satisfied with just having an extraction rune sent to me so I can just remove the scrolls and make use of the enchants like I wanted to or just remove and replace these gauntlets with some that I can use but it seems like they don't want to do that, that would be helping a loyal player and customer too much, can't have that right?
So if they do that for you they should send those runes to anyone who messes up and does the same? Yep, I get that it's a sucky situation, but apparently the code in this game doesn't allow the freedom that it should for specific things to be rolled back, or very few on staff know how to make it happen. You're asking for a free item that's almost 20K NX and that gives you two 100% scrolls to correct a mistake that you made.
The rune says "all wearable equipment", and something that says "Only for Hurk" isn't wearable by anyone but Hurk. The only corrective action they could take is to refund your gold and put the item back on the MP, but I don't even know if their database is setup for that, nor do I know that it's worthwhile. That's a lot of tracking down for something like that. Regardless, the rune explains how it works, and while most people don't read it carefully it is explained right on the item.
Rollback? There doesn't need to be any "rollback" to resolve this issue, you're starting to exaggerate now. And you aren't a Vindicuts developer so I don't know why you're trying to tell me about the code and programming of the game, stop guessing and making up things.
And there is no "free item" that I'm asking for or free scrolls that I'm asking for - I bought a fully dual enchanted pair of Reinforced/Echoing gauntlets that I had no idea I couldn't fuse to a different vanity item wearable for my class and had no idea the previous fuse had to be wearable first because it doesn't mention anything about that in the fusion rune item description. Quit trying to make this out to be something it's not like I'm asking for free items, you're twisting my words. What I asked for is to either have an extraction rune sent to me so I can make use of the enchants on the gauntlet that I already paid for or just to have them simply replaced with the same enchanted gauntlets that I can wear.
Looking now at a regular fusion rune I do see the wearable equipment part but I was using premium armor fusion runes at the time which doesn't mention that at all and how many other runes in the game or anything at all period are there that keeps you from altering it any manner just because you aren't the same class as what's on the item? Are we kept from enhancing items just because our class doesn't match what we're enhancing? No. How about enchanting? No. So to think I would be kept from altering the appearance of these Reinforced/Echoing gauntlets just because my class wasn't the same as what's on them was ridiculous to even fathom that on top of it not being mentioned in the Premium Armor Fusion description that I was using. That's what led to this happening.
And please stop trying to speak for staff trying to tell me what they can and can't do. But anyway like I said this thread is directed to Nexon employees, I didn't make it to have a back and forth with other players and you're starting to twist my words and put words in my mouth and on top of that you didn't even read the original post so you're wasting my time. This will be my last reply to you.
And you know this how? Don't pretend you know what their income is, budget is, or how much % of the profits they take for themselves to buy "mansions and limos" and use whatever rest is left on the staff or game.
one thing for sure, is that both sides have lost passion for this game already.
People are gonna pinpoint the reason to be the Rise update, but the game wasn't better off before Rise anyway.
Even so, every time the game prompts me to rate it, I select 0 and put the reason as Rise. While other things certainly hurt the game, Rise is what sealed its fate.